So this is goodbye. FFXIV-veteran finishing Endwalker MSQ – and some thoughts about it.

So this is it… What a ride! And Merry Christmas!

Long-term FFXIV & WoW – veteran Gilganos continues his playthrough of the last chapter of Hydaelyn and Zodiark’s story, dramatic and hillarious reactions included. Will it meet expectations? Or disappoint on every occasion?

If you like what you’re watching in game, please consider buying and playing it yourself (if you haven’t done so already)! It’s even free-to-play until level 60, including the phenomenal, critically acclaimed expansion Heavensward in it’s entirety!

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#FFXIV #FF14 #endwalker

0:00 Your Brain on Dopamine
16:26 The Edge of Existence
25:30 Riding Hooooooooooooome
31:38 Unscripted Review
33:04 Comments on Zones
34:33 Comparing to other Expacs
39:12 Endwalker, Gilganos’ Cut
49:48 Final Verdict
50:58 After Credits Scene
1:02:33 Thanks for Watching!
1:04:33 The Beast Awaits…


9 thoughts on “So this is goodbye. FFXIV-veteran finishing Endwalker MSQ – and some thoughts about it.”

  1. There's a theory that the appearance of the teleporter device is due to Zenos' dying wish, in a place shaped by emotion/dynamis. What that wish might be exactly can't be known, but its possible it was something like wishing for you to live and find fulfillment where he could not.

  2. I am fairly certain the aether cannon was needed to weaken the seal enough that Zenos and Fandanial could actually go there to destroy the last one. From ARR, Ascians not 'of the Source' like the 3 were blocked and barred from places due to Hydaelyn, like how Nabriales could finally infiltrate the Waking Sands after Ultima. Hydaelyn as Krile shows up to help with the teleporter too.

    And the 'new party' of the Final Days was not introduced at lvl 87. It was introduced in Shadowbringers around level 75 during the Rak'tika section of the story? Emet had a presentation about how the shards were split mentioning it too before the Trolley section. Zodiark was summoned to stop a mysterious calamity. The final boss of the Amaurot dungeon Therion, the Chthonic Riddle was explicitly a placeholder for the cause. 87 is when the last hole was filled.

    It's the same thing with Dynamis. It had a name in Endwalker, but unexplained emotional phenomenon like the Dark Knight and Dancer and Bard quests, not to mention Limit Breaks were part of the world the entire time.

  3. 23:20 Who cut onions!? People have such a timing to cut onions at that very moment.
    40:58 As far as I understood, teleporting was not the original plan because breaking the barrier would be hard to do: 6 seals, break one, go for the other and the one you broke, has been restored, so it would take way more time to break the 6 seals. They went to the moon to finish off the last seal. As you saw the watcher needed time to restore all the 5 broken seals and the spirits of the sacrified were interferring.
    44:07 By the time I met the loporits, I had the hunch that the forum was making some sort of ark. Once they revealed the loporis, it was plain that they were collaborating.
    45:47 For what I understood when we get a vision of the past, fandaniel was sundered just like Azem. Just that Amon was "himself" until Emet gave him the "seat of fandaniel" which revealed him things. Makes sense to say that this fandaniel is not the same Hermes that we knew (I mean, Amon went nuts).
    49:09 For some people that made an impact of: you have this but you should not because we are agoing to be doomed.
    1:02:00 YES! That face! Thank you!


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