So, Is Your Job FUN in FFXIV Dawntrail?

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Apologies for my voice in this video, I’m getting sick, but I really wanted to yap for upwards of 35 minutes about my feelings on the Dawntrail job additions. So here we are!


0:00 Intro
1:04 Healers
14:34 Tanks
18:57 Casters
25:46 Physical Ranged
29:16 Melee

#ffxiv #endwalker #dawntrail


27 thoughts on “So, Is Your Job FUN in FFXIV Dawntrail?”

  1. I see lot more dumbing things down and a lot of skill ceilings being lowered. I don't understand why Square hates the idea that some Jobs should actually require some mastery to play properly. Everything needs to be easier to play and more accessible to casual players, there are no jobs safe from being streamlined and simplified so that no practice is required and your skill does not matter. This is such a friggin boring way to design classes an MMO.

  2. Guess if you're always running with a static, or going into PF with agreed upon strats, that there isn't much healing to throw out. Know when I do alliance/normal roulette though, or hop into blind prog PFs, that I'm constantly utilizing my entire heal kit to keep everyone alive.

  3. After watching your vids on the jobs and this one, I think I'm most excited for Picto out of the new stuff. It looks like a ton of fun to play. Also really looking forward to MCH:) Thanks for sharing your thoughts

  4. despite asking, multiple expansions in a row, for summoner to get leviathan, ramuh and shiva as summons, still nothing on that front <.<
    Don't care if their summons aren't mechanically interesting just I want a complete set of ARR summons XD

  5. I think it's still really weird that sage got an ogcd damage button that's just on a minute cool down. If you factor in phlegma, it is the most involved healer from a pure DPS standpoint, even before getting a second dot. Is it enough? That remains to be seen, but it's a lot better than. Nothing, or just a raid buff follow up. Glare four as a movement tool is also very nice, so I know what my pure and shield healers are going to be in dt.

  6. I normally agree with what you say but the thing you said about black mage punishing not getting out a fire 4 to be “not approachable to newcomers” like it isn’t literally the level 100 skill. I think if you’ve made it to that point as black mage then it’s not surprising it isn’t approachable to newcomers :skull: you know what fight isn’t approachable to newcomers? Dragonsong ultimate, but that’s like level 90 so peeps don’t complain abt it LOL

  7. Personally regarding Tsubame, I wasn't a fan of locking it to Meikyo because imo it really pigeon holds you into using Meikyo during pulls or the choice if you wanna double Higanbana on a fight with multiple bosses (Though more Niche, I can accept). I'd rather have the choice to time Tsubame during pulls with Gokken rather than worry about Meikyo. I guess its "Not that different" but its a smaller change that I'd rather not have in the first place.

  8. So, I have a genuine question for AST mains. I have played it until level 90 and by no means consider myself an expert at it. But in terms of the rework, I keep hearing about "high knowledge of card play" and removing randomness. But when you boil it down, there truly are only two types of cards (one for melee and one for ranged) and realistically, they still are the same thing. Sure, there are signs too. But my point is, if you can only get two flavors of the same effect, is it really RNG?

    The new cards, while no longer RNG appear like there will actually be more planning on what to do with them since they aren't the same.

    Again, I'm not a main so maybe I'm missing something.

  9. one idea i have for aggro to be used in a mechanic is have a shared tank buster mechanic that cleanses all aggro going into a summoning of one big mob per tank 1 dungeon 2 trial/raid 3 alliance raid with cleaving auto attacks and aoe effects

    and a bunch of smaller mobs that have impact gap closers targeting healers specifically.
    so you have to decide do i use party mitigation or am i close enough to regain aggro.

  10. I think with astro, people are all the time searching how to be unhappy with the cards, when they are all dps, not happy, when they are not all dps, not happy, i mean, what do you want at the end ?

  11. Honestly I think Solar Bahamut would be more interesting if there was at least an interesting mechanic behind it, like if it had requirement before it replaced bahamut instead of just being crammed in there as a third demi. Like, something to do with shifting it from astral to umbral. Also we really need carbuncle to do more stuff again, it doesn't even cast searing light anymore, couldn't it at least cast the new OGCD or something ? Or, something that could be cool is if using the elemental summons infused it with this element, changing its color (since the variations already exist) and giving it access to a new action that would have a different effect depending on the element (like in FFIX where you could have different stones).

  12. The more interesting tank mitigations you talked about reminded me a lot of P10S; that fight has you being constantly hammered the entire time with back-to-back tankbusters and the crazy mit check of Harrowing Hell at the end to top it off. It was a super engaging and difficult fight that actually forced you to be smart about your mitigations for once and I hope we get more of that in Dawntrail.

  13. “Drastically underwhelming inner chaos”
    Am I the only one who actually fucking loved that uppercut and the fwoomp sound that came with it? I’m genuinely sad it’s gone 😢

    Epic vid rinon!

  14. I thought Endwalker SMN was cool as a foundation to build upon, and that it would have great potential for future expansions with added mechanics. As of now its a bit boring. I'm surprised they pretty much didn't change anything, the job doesn't feel complete at all

  15. My two cents:

    AST: I think the new system is miles better than the old one. I'd rather have a variety of buffs that I may not need to press all the time than having an underwhelming system where I just save stacks to repeat the same buff three times every 2 minutes, getting carpal tunnel in the process. We can discuss new card effects for sure and I have a few ideas myself – for example, a card could do what stagger does for Brew Master Monk in WoW, where it compiles a % of burst damage into a DoT making it easier to heal big incoming hits as it delays uncontrollable burst damage and makes it manageable. However, even in its current state, buff variety is better than the current system. It is a travesty that should never have existed and I'm happy that it's gone.

    SMN: I love current SMN, but I hate the addition of a new Bahamut that plays exactly the same as current Bahamut and Phoenix. Demi summons need to have different execution mechanics just like the Gemstone summons are all different from one another.

    BLM: it's the one job that will go into the expansion in the red. It effectively has less things than it had before for absolutely no gain at all. Flare Star is underwhelming mechanically and it's a fire finisher no one asked for and that the job simply did not need at all.

    MCH: I hate the heat mechanic and they didn't do anything to address its issues. I think the heat spam is just boring compared to the tool juggling you do outside of it. It's similar to SMN where the burst window is just spamming one button over and over while the non burst is much more interesting. The robot being something you just press and forget makes me think that MCH is just three systems in a trenchcoat that don't really interact meaningfully, and I dislike it. Once more I'll prolly level it and never touch it again.

    Other than that, I'm happy with every single other job. I'm really happy that FF XIV reached a state where the devs can add minor QoL things because almost all the jobs are complete and fun, so they can do the "if it ain't broke" thing.

  16. Decission making would actually make you think about job optimization.
    We cant have those, cant we? We need jobs with flashy buttons that tell you what to press next…..

  17. locking an AOE dot behind a 2-minute boss-specific skill makes it very confused in general/dungeon content–do you waste chain strategem before the boss (potentially RIGHT before the boss) to take out a large/annoying pack, or do you slog through the pack to use chain strategem on the boss, but the AOE aspect of the DoT is completely wasted (despite that being it's entire point–one dps thing every healer has begged to have returned to them after the ShB en-dumbening in dungeon/group pulls)

  18. Dark Knight is once again a big dissapointment.
    But when you only get shit for 3 expansions straight, at a point you dont want to complain anymore.

    Rest is allright


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