Hope you enjoy this one. Thw G-Warrior was kind of fun to use in the instance, and the story is getting more sad. Hahahah. ( ╥ω╥ )
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#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Shadowbringers #TheSorrowofWerlyt
Okay just started to watch. The question is: Will she remember who Regula van Hydrus is? Only way to find out is to watch!
Best Instance Ever! And they did say the G-Warrior would come back in the future so I’m super looking forward to that. 😀
The Sorrow of Werlyt is aptly named. Even though so much time passed in between the release of each part, you will feel sorrow. Also, the G-Warrior was referencing Gundam actually. Sort of like Sage and their nouliths are most likely a reference to Gundam and their funnels. I'm not surprised that you didn't immediately think of Gundam, for some reason it isn't as popular or hasn't had enough of the content released here in the US. I think there is a reason but I can't remember why.
Notice that the weapons you have fought so far, the oversouls are combat data from Garlean generals nael van darnus from 1.0 and now regula van hydrus from hw
The Ruby weapon malfunctioned and died, you didn't kill it. You just kind of scratched it up a bit and put a few dents. 😆
Okay but the thumbnail though? Well done!
Werhurt continues
Valens is such a wonderfully despicable villain, and he one scene (so far) !
Terncliff is a nice little town. Someone put a lot of effort into making it for little usage. Hopefully they'll use this map again for EndWalker
There's a very easy to miss Easter egg in Ternncliff, look at the npc's around, more specifically, look for a bunch of kids playing, they change after certain quests, so always check them out (you can always go to that zone throught the resistance camp member in the lochs) :3
Man the Ultima theme for the Weapons is a really good track to fight to. Also Gaius has accomplished so much, and he’s only 56.
We call that enrage
Regula van Hydrus does show up outside of Heavensward main plot if you're unaware. During the final Heavensward 3.0 Dungeon where you fight Lahabrea and his friend, Hydrus is the first boss and flees. Only appears after in the Warring Triad questline. How convenient for you as that's tied to the rest of the role quests, as beating it unlocks a few more quests involving that lovable group.
Hahaha loved the little monkaS!
Power ranger more like Gundam, hence why its called G-warrior =p
yeah! G(undam)-Warrior time
If you go back to that little city you can pose with the g-warrior
Time for the Sapphire fight, one of the coolest solo fights in the entire game IMO, then again that might be my inner Gundam fanboy showing. And yes the feels just keep on coming with this quest. Thanks again for the awesome content can't wait for the next vid!
I forgot about Valens, legatus of Blizzard