After arriving in Kugane and finding Gosetsu, we make our way across the Ruby Sea in search of Yugiri, only to be met by Yotsuyu and much more of the Empire’s havoc.. Hope you enjoy!
Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:
Stormblood Trailer Reaction:
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Intro & Recap 0:00 – 2:12
Speaking with Gosetsu 2:12 – 5:59
The Ruby Sea 5:59 – 9:42
Meeting Tansui 9:42 – 18:52
Continuing across the Ruby Sea 18:52 – 21:21
Yotsuyu 21:21 – 31:06
Seeking the Confederates 31:06 – 37:05
Helping locals 37:05 – 42:49
Captain’s Decision 42:49 – 48:28
Making Our Way to Bekko 48:28 – 51:05
Tamamizu 51:05 – 1:01:53
Ritual 1:01:53 – 1:08:26
Thoughts & Outro 1:08:26 – 1:09:44
#2caves #finalfantasy #ffxiv
18:24 You could have beaten him! Next time, summon your Chocobo to help you. You can give it a healing skill, super useful as a DPS solo out in the world.
Also, don't forget your level 8 Role Action, Second Wind (looks like a glowing person). It heals you, for free, on cooldown; especially in solo battles it's invaluable, just use it as soon as you've taken a bit of damage (don't wait til you're about to die), because it will come off cooldown and you'll be able to use it again, and again, every 2 minutes.
And last of all, just from questing, you've probably picked up some potions along the way.. put the strongest ones you have on your hotbar, never know when you'll need a little pick-me-up.
Good luck! Love the videos, by the way, I enjoy your analysis and the fact that you actually pay attention to lore and story~
“Does she really have to die 😢” same I was definitely apart of the “I can fix her” crowd haha
Glad you're feeling well. I too was under the weather but it decided to be during my week vacation. I was half glad it happened during it but I wasn't too keen to stay in bed nursing my cold during my vacation. Oh well, that's life lol.
I think Gosetsu sacrificed himself at the village thinking as long as they are concentrating on him, they won't be harming the villagers. But then, you know evil people will just use them anyway.
9:40 — You can use "Sprint" while swimming 😀
58:34 — Yes, this is your average fetch quest – BUT its also useful stuff that aids you later… and MUST later still XD
1:04:57 — The Kojin are also a beast tribe, meaning they offer daily quests. One of their rewards is the manta mount 🙂
Get well soon 🙂
Also, and this may be for later, but you can now dive in some ARR water areas, like Bronze Lake in Upper La Noscea 🙂
24:53 Your idea of the gun not being loaded would've been really cool to see on this scene too, damn.
I will never understand why the obviously green Kojin are called "Blue" in the english version.
18:24 Gotta get you using your chocobo! I don't know how much you've used it, but it gains EXP just like you do! It has a healer stance that is a huge help in solo situations like that FATE. As a BRD, you also have Second Wind, which allows you some recovery.
fish has debts to repay to the genshin impact overlords
Gosetsu giving himself up also seemed like a strange move to me. This whole section of the story was kind of weak in general, I thought, even though we have a great introduction of Yotsuyu and the cool reveal of the underwater village. I also liked getting to hang with my girls Lyse and Alisaie – especially Alisaie, who we haven't had enough quality time with yet. I remember leaving behind Alphinaud in Kugane feeling like "… wait… you're not coming with me? But you always come with me …" I had weird separation anxiety about it lol.
"Does she really have to die?"
-Everyone will remember that.
yes the manta ray mounts, they are reward from the Kojin tribe quest, you can buy one from the vendor once you reach max rank and have it in your mount list to be used anywhere.
Heads up! You still cannot dive underwater in HW zones, but you will be able to dive in all Stormblood and onwards zones that have deep water.
Also, pay attention to the Blue Quests in Sui-no-Sato! I won't spoil the reason why, but definitely do them!
he's turning himself in to stop the massacre of the people
Welcome back 2Caves! Missed you and your uploads. Another great one. Love the humerous cuts.
Glad you're back! Enjoy the content!
Fun coincidence; i live in Japan currently, and the neighborhood I lived before my current apartment was named Tamamizu (which translated literally means ball water or jewel water ); so when I saw the village with the same name in ff14 i did the leo dicaprio meme where hes pointing at the tv lmao
Heaven on High, the massive jenga tower, is the second Deep Dungeon. The first being Palace of the Dead.