Good analysis honestly. I’ve talked about a lot of this on-stream on multiple occasions so I expand a bit on the points he makes, but this video explains pretty well what some of the core issues with the expansion have been.
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Only a few min in but your comment on healers is spot on why I left. I played for 5k hours and I ALWAYS play healer in games and FFXIV is the only game that I can't deal with it. It is absolutely braindead to play. I'm either completely useless as all mechanics just one hit people or they get a damage down instead of a vulnstack (which I hate. Yet another thing that is removed from the healers gameplay) Or I'm so incredibly powerful that one raidwide lets me just do 1 ogcd and I'm done. Why do healers even exist in the game honestly. You learn your rotation based on the fight and then you're done. It's not like you'll react and heal people, because one misstep in the mechanic and it's a wipe anyways. The raids aren't even hard, but they are extremely punishing.
I went back to WoW after 2 years in FF. I love FF to bits in all its social aspects, but its endgame is some of the worst in any MMO I've played and I've got several thousands of hours in ESO, WoW and GW2. It is the most hostile towards alts and manages to be aweful for people who wanna play a lot and wanna min-max while also being aweful to people who are too scared to do savage because there isn't a step in between doing MSQ and doing Savage. No, extreme trials dont count, they are extremely unreliable in their difficulty and are dead content as soon as savage is out. And at the same time the game is hostile towards people who are midcore as they either push themselves outside of their comfort zone in Savage or be bored to tears in dungeons and normal raids.
I don't think FF is better than another MMO in any regard when it comes to Endgame. I'll be keeping an eye on Fanfest but I seriously doubt they'll do a 180 for no reason and that really sucks.
Appreciate the feedback! Your react definitely added to the video and went over some corrections on my behalf
8:00 i think azures idea here is even too much. just give them all a 1-2-3 combo. That way people can see different animations while playing and still only press 1 button. Imo, nobody actually cares about how many engaging options they have, its all about feelings. Make em feel like they are doing more then spam glare by making them spam Glare -> Superglare -> Ultraglare.
15:00 its so funny to me when people say FF is balanced xD Its like if you had two guys, one can jump 1m in distance, the other guy can jump 1000m in distance. But the canyon is only 50cm wide, so both of them easily clear it. So both of them are viable, while not being balanced