#FFXIV #FF14 #savix #Endwalker
Savix React to Zepla Endwalker Live letter cover
Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5Xg7okXqrk
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We love you, you sussy baka.
Would be funny if there's gonna be a new boss named, "The Warden". 🤣
omg he changed to au'ra bae!
Man Endwalker is so goated, not only is it going to be amazing as a capstone to the Ascian saga but it will also heal our brothers and sisters from WoW of their Torghast scars with an amazing raid experience in Pandaemonium.
How do I know it's going to be amazing when the expac isn't even out yet? Because Yoshida's team is consistent and all the raids before have been amazing too.
Я тоже рад, что они перенесли релиз. Я не успевал закончил Shadowbringer.
He actually reacted for a full hour to 1 video. 🤯
The other person wont be angy if Savix uses his ems
If yoshi p adds Fantasia as a reward, I guarantee pvp will be super popular.
So far Stormblood has topped Heavensward, personally. The raid content, ESPECIALLY Return to Ivalice, is an absolute joy, and I know I'm a minority but I did like SB's MSQ + patches, and Lyse is one of my faves.
If they can actually keep to the idea of adding new rewards in every series, that alone will do a lot to keep PvP active. One of the big reasons PvP is so dead right now is that only Feast Top 100 gets new rewards regularly. For non-ranked PvP (i.e. Wolf Marks), they added 1 new armour set in 5.1, plus the mount from the new Frontlines map achievement, and that was it for all of Shadowbringers.
zepla was a teacher 😆. she used to teach in taiwan.
I planed to take time off after i played through alot of it so it frees my mind up with doing other stuff too.. which i initially expected it to be early December. Luckily i waited till now to set it in as i wouldn't want to spend time off on launch when the servers might be in pain and my brain is just focussed on the game.
savix is happy that yoshi p cried that he had to delay the expansion
As far as I can tell, for some reason the preorder countdown on the PS4 Playstation store still has not been updated and it still lists Endwalker by its original release date
I'm sad for lack of job quests cause i like the stories 🙁
Oh, so that is where the jailors portal leads to – he's quitting wow and seeking greener pastures in ffxiv! 😂
If the launch trailer is an indication of what we are in for than it’s going to be one hell of a ride
dude, wtf is that kek emote called I've been to his channel twice and couldn't find it, I thought it got removed
i hope it means drk and other jobs that are seemingly underwhelming is getting some needed changes
I'm happy it's delayed too. More time to farm moogle tomes LOL
I’m sad that yoshi p had to cry 🥺 about delaying the game
no roles means you can switch jobs in instance like in 24 man i think
Payo is the true champ here. Mans stayed in chat supporting Savix even though he has no clue what's going on. Lmao
square should compensate the delay by giving everyone that preordered fantasia. or gil. or gametime
i already have my house so no worries but i will say the new method will make it WAY HARDER to get a house .
current system downside – you have to click for hours over a random 24 hour timer upside not as many people are going to sit there for it
new system downside – Over a 7 DAY TIME people can put there name in the lottery think of how many names will be on for the plot purchase compared to the old system your odds of getting a place come 6.1 will be worse then ever GL to ya all only upside – you get to play instead of click
to be honest more time for me to play SMT V xD
pretty sure everyone hates white mages, not just savix and me lol
I'm fairly new to Savix-related content. When I saw payload PvP, I got flashbacks from ranked OW. Anyway, the community looks very welcoming.
This is gonna be good