Rurikhan Loses it Multiple Times during Soulbreezy's Endwalker Thoughts Video

Soulbreezy’s thoughts on FFXIV Endwalker are… yeah…

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20 thoughts on “Rurikhan Loses it Multiple Times during Soulbreezy's Endwalker Thoughts Video”

  1. Classic WoW had queues of 15000! What blizzard did? Got more servers? Could Square Enix do that? No! Cause of the conductor sortage! End of the story! The company lost millions cause of it,I bet they would prefer to add 2 new servers instead!

  2. I didn't watch more than 5 minutes of this because of spoilers, but I feel that Souls made his bed with World of Warcraft and he's really, really sick of half his comment section being WoW refugees praising FFXIV to the heavens and shitting on WoW no matter what he makes. So he made this outrageous "review" in hopes that FFXIV people unsub from his channel and GTFO. I don't always agree with him but Souls Breezy generally made good honest content for WoW back when I played the game.

  3. He…He didn't pay attention at all in Ultima Thule did he? The point of that zone was that ALL THOSE FRAGEMENTS ARE PLACES THAT DESTROYED THEMSELVES AFTER FINDING OUT THERE WAS NOTHING LEFT FOR THEM. I was fine up until that point, but after that…No longer worth listening to.

  4. His problem is he’s not stabbing things it sounds like sounds like he’s more about combat than anything

    Didn’t like shadowbringers battle music, sounded like noise. Alright so dude doesn’t like rock music I’m guessing by his take on the shadowbringers battle music. Sounds like he wants more. FF has a lot, but seems he missed a lot of those things with his laser focus on MSQ, which was his choice but if he never went back to explore those then I don’t feel like FFXIV let him down, he let himself down by not taking a crack at those other things.

    Side dungeons
    Beast tribes
    Relic weapons
    Good saucer and more things.

    A very… non social person playing social game. I don’t know if that was just a recipe for disaster or what. I am in a FC and have some friends but I dominantly play basically solo like he does due to schedules being crappy, but it is what it is and I queue up with randoms.

    It’s just weird, he clearly missed a lot but again I don’t know if he ever went back to them. He should consider doing that and trying again with a renewed broader scope vs strictly MSQ. Focusing MSQ I don’t think is ever fun.

    Some of it seems fair but I feel a lot of his woes in his experience is self inflicted but it is what it is.

  5. I watched Soul's last attempt to be "objective" in his review about FF14 – and it was biased as hell.

    So, yeah, I wont bother with this bs. And I am annoyed that we give him a platform!

  6. I don't know why streamers/youtubers go surprise pikachu face when they get shit on for skipping MSQ and offering their invalid criticisms relating to the story. You thought the story was bad because you didn't understand it? Well, who's the fucking moron who bought a skip? Then there's those who say they don't like the story because it makes them read. Bitch, you are a streamer/youtuber. You read what people say about you all the time on the Internet. You browse Twitter and Reddit for content. You read every damn day. I mean it is one thing to criticize mechanics in boss fights, but to criticize the story that you skipped because you don't want to read? Lol. Fuck out of here with that shit. I'm perfectly fine with people skipping to do the endgame content, but please, PLEASE… shut the fuck up about the story if you haven't done it yet or have no intention of doing it. Everything you say is invalid and no one will take you seriously. This is why Quin69 is a meme. This rant isn't related to Soul or anything, I haven't watched the video yet, it's just something I had to say in general about streamers/youtubers who do this. I'll be sure to comment after I watch it.

  7. at 31:54 where your asking bout him going on about gearing….he's liking the idea of mix an matching gear or multiple gear sets(gear set manager button) for one or 3 jobs/specs,
    playing around with stats on job gear in general more or less, like what most do in WoW.

  8. I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding when players critique those who skip, and the key difference. Its not how you play the game but rather not engaging with what the game is offering , it’s the difference between reading a book on your days off, in one day or in a year vs not reading the book and judging it on it’s last paragraph. Also he blatantly says he just chose not to do any of the side content but somehow it’s not imaginative… but you didn’t do it? How are you supposed to have accurate criticisms , when you have tunnel visioned so extremely hard and played "catch-up " when it wasn’t enforced by the game or developers. This critique feels like skimming on the top of every topic with no real elaboration. Stabbing things constantly , does not a good game make., you are playing THE MAIN STORY QUEST not Raiding Story Quest. One of the largest benefits of the game is being able to play every class, you don’t have to stick with one alone. Lastly I would just say it’s basic in storytelling that not every character will get the same amount writing/screen time , to maintain pace and interest, you can’t return to every minor character or have everyone in the ensemble have a subplot. In short before I go any longer, a lot of these "buts" have easy answers or rebuttals. In the end , you are inclined to your opinions and others are allowed to disagree. I just truly cannot understand how someone who doesn’t read the whole book can have a criticism with weight on said book. Bad Cliche is a product of lack of nuance , not engaging with the FULL story is stripping you of that nuance.

  9. I don’t agree that people who skip can have a valid opinion on most mechanics, you learn how the basic mechanics work and how your class functions through your experience getting to endgame so skipping doesn’t benefit anyone other than Squinixes coffers

  10. Well I love FF but really dislike playing it even after almost at least 800 hours into it (steam suddenly stopped counting hours), there is just something with the core gameplay that is not fun for me. I started playing long before any of the new hype with streamers. I'm just scared to death to talk to anyone about it without getting crucified. Look how everyone gangs up on someone…

  11. Like any legit criticism soulbreezy has, even if its like one really good talking point, is just gonna be forgotten because he paid for a story skip and skipped the non-voiced sections. And its not because 'story skip bad', its because soulbreezy decided to not actually take his time with the game.


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