RMT Conspiracy? World First Raiders CHEATING? Xeno Reads the Official FFXIV Forums

Is Square Enix in cahoots with RMT Sellers? Did World First Raiders have secret information about the raids? Are big streamers like Xeno and Asmongold in on this? Probably not KEKW. In this video Xeno reads a really weird post on the Official Final Fantasy XIV forums.

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21 thoughts on “RMT Conspiracy? World First Raiders CHEATING? Xeno Reads the Official FFXIV Forums”

  1. The thing about trolls in pf and the elevated toxicity is definitely true. I've been playing since arr was in beta and my experience has been one of very little toxicity, maybe one person every week or so, give or take a person or two. Now it's almost every queue. I have no idea what that other stuff is but that part at least has some truth to it.

  2. P3S is god awful. Been going into clear parties only to prog fof. Anyone else having these issues? What do I do to get past this? I’ve been at enrage for weeks at this point and just can’t find a party that knows the actual fight?

  3. chaos player here
    i tried to make sence of anything he wrote, but i stoped after one of my braincells catched on fire

    the only "problem" we have is that some people dont read, cant read or refuse to acknowledge any other language than their own.
    wildest shit i had: last saturday in P1S we explained the OT when to go away from party or stay with party. guy was german and since the MT was also german he told them the name of the casts. floortank RDM was pissed we helped the OT do his job so we could clear, sayn stuff like "its disrespectfull to not write in english"
    thinking about THAT logic also burned away a braincell

  4. Rmt has existed in all games and has been hard to stop. Back in the ancient days people sold their EverQuest accounts on eBay. FFXIV has done a really good job at staying on top of minimizing rmt. But it is a problem that can't ever be stopped.

  5. Holy shit this guy is actually fucking insane. He actually is just mad at streamers and has built this idea in his head that he started to make into a reality on his own, crafting little pieces of the story to have it make sense when its backed up by absolutely nothing. This guy is actually malding while also talking about 5 very different games at the same time all under the same umbrella.

    I can tell this is serious because im pretty sure he's talking about Fallout 76 with some of these rage points of people getting away with exploits, then maybe with WoW and how bliz basically promotes RMT through WoW tokens. He's talking about all these fucking very different games, companies, and situations all at the same time on the FFXIV forums because he's also angry about being kicked from his static. It's just a ranting rage post that has no semblance of sense. Actual psychopath.

  6. That must be an alt character.
    He claimed to have done some of the Omega Raids… but (at least with that account) his highest level is 50 with PLD and DRG.
    Hopefully that's an alt character because things aint adding up here, boss.

  7. I'm in the Chaos data centre and nothing he's said rings true.

    I searched the character name listed on that account on the lodestone and it's only a level 50 paladin so I assume they have a different character now. I'm curious to know what their current character is and if they're one of the few terrible players I've encountered that can never seem to understand that they are the cause of the party problems.

    In fact, around the time of that post I was progging P3s in Party Finder and there was one person (DPS) which would never stack with the group making grabbing the tethers difficult for the tanks. If they decided they would stack with the group, they would often run through the boss and take one of the tethers from the tanks in to the group then always blame the tanks for not grabbing the tethers in time.

    Back on week 1 of Pandaemonium savage, in P1s, there was also someone who just couldn't grasp how the first chains worked. We kept telling them to look at their debuff, not the animation and they should be in position before the animation even starts but still wouldn't get in to position.

    Those are the biggest 2 "Why does this person even try to raid?" moments I can think of since Pandaemonium Savage released. I don't know if the person in the forum post is either of these people but in both cases, I can see why they don't have a static.

    (In anticipation of all the "but you were doing it in PF so you probably don't have a static either" replies)…

    The reason I don't have a static is because my work shifts don't fit the majority of raiders. It's unfair of me to expect 7 other people to adjust around me. I am searching for a static that can accomodate my shift pattern but it's hard to do so.

  8. Imagine being so bad at MMO's you blame your disparity with the top on a massive, out of reality conspiracy.

    The only time I've ever seen actual "devs giving a guild insight" was the Mod Jed situation with ROT for OSRS. It was admitted by Jagex, who fired Mod Jed and admitted that Jed put a mechanic involving skulling increasing the drop rate but told Rot in secret. But this was a dev who's currently a criminal on the run, and the information became public afterwards, not to mention the content completely reworked. This isn't some "norm" in MMO's, and especially has nothing to do with FFXIV.

    The idea that Square Enix and FFXIV are even close to like this is absolutely beyond anti-reality. The devs almost never talk to the players or have relationships with them.

  9. As somebody from Chaos. I started playing FFXIV an August, never played an MMO seriously before (i have half a year in ESO on a casual level… also i'm not that young anymore, it's hard for me to adjust to things). I joined a little FC, played through the story, didn't know anything how the systems work, how to play my job, the usual sprout stuff. I still barely know what i'm doing, but we have been slowly clearing the savage raids with my group. And my group is full of people who never did savage. Are the savages hard? For someone like me, yeah they are pretty hard. Are they impossible to do? Nope, it just comes down to practice at the end of the day. The way i see it, people who buy clears either don't have the time/dedication to properly learn a fight (not dissing them, it's their choice how they spend money as long as it doesn't harm anyone), or possibly socially awkward and can't find themselves a static (which is sad, and i feel sympathy for them, but this is not other people's fault, nobody is responsible to cater to YOUR specific needs). Why did i write this? No real reason, just a bit of frustrated rambling seeing this level of stupidity. BTW RMTs were already part of Diablo 2. The devs tried to get a cut from it with Diablo 3, everybody should remember how well it went.

  10. As humans we try to make logic of things, it's what we do, but this is a clear example when that part goes haywire due to stubbornness, delusions of grandeur and remaining themselves in a bubble. They're assuming it's all by design, that someone is profiting of it and it's all a giant scheme, using any example possible, regardless of how miniscule, to prove their case while ignoring all examples that disprove it, receiving validation from likeminded fools while trying to find any justification, regardless of how farfetched it is, to deny those who disagree.
    It's all just sad to look at because the most possible outcome from the mockery that they're receiving is just them going further and further down the rabbit hole.

  11. This guy deserves to be XIV next expansion villain. Pretty sure they already got one in ShB but it’s good to have more to add in the collection so ppl can sympathize as well as shitty on it to see if it’s right one or not.


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