Rich and Asmongold talk about there journey so far in FFXIV. They also discuss drops on twitch.
Twitch –
Asmongold –
Twitter –
As for Hoary Boulder, keep checking the side chars in Rising Stones going foreward. Later will be 2 sisters and one of them is trying to sleep with both Hoary Boulder and his brother Ocher Boulder. Lots of interesting color bits going on there in the wings.
"I feel like something very crazy is about to happen on twitch" Yeah, a gambling ban wave that has a bunch of other categories tacked on. Much screaming will there be.
Sea of thieves super cool
BBC introduced bunch of interesting streamers to me
I've been a FF fan since FF3 way back! …welcome the to the club! FFforever
This is seriously the best timeline we could ask for. Rich and Zack talking about Final Fantasy, playing other final fantasy titles enjoying the story and Zack saying Kupo. Also enjoying other games as well. Meanwhile McCool who talked shit about Zack not playing other games is only playing one game 😂
anyone else couldn't stop looking at gremlo?
I like seeing rich pretend that he didn't watch those ASMR streams still
I was staring at Rich and didn't understand 02 until halfway through when I started looking at the characters and finally saw her lol.
If Rich played FFX I think he would lose his god damn mind
Wait are they saying kupo at the end of their sentence kupo?
chat: "ivalice games moogles are better and look better"
*googles*: literally a rabbit with a pom
Imagine playing and supporting a Blizzard game in 2021, those people are part of the problem.
Asmon I'm on your side against the blizzard devs personally attacking you , my opinion on the matter is they should get fired for attacking you the way they did
is this an official channel or fan made?
They should play FFT, they would love the story.
None of that FFTA rubbish, I will never forgive them for existing instead of more of the og FFT
For those interested in them talking about FFXIV: It's from 00:00 to 5:10
Honestly, I'm one of those weird people that enjoys post ARR better than what came before it. But then again, I also love stormblood, because i love all that political and logistics stuff.