A supersized 5.0 FINALE! To all the people who complained about Part 13, this is what everyone’s been waiting for. For more, please check out Rich’s twitch stream at: https://www.twitch.tv/richwcampbell
The end of 5.0 has come. The Scions track Emet-Selch to the Tempest where they find Amaurot and the ghostly shades within. A showdown is imminent, and Emet-Selch will not be denied…
(and then of course we catch back up with Estinien and Gaius, facing off with Zenos, while Elidibus escapes to the moon…)
#richcampbell #ffxiv
I've been looking forward to this.
If using the japanese voice acting, when you say it's good to see G'raha awake, he responds just with a tearful "Ohayou" and it always fuckin breaks me
rich smiling when emet smiled killed me. ; – ;
Unfortunately I don't think we find out the original name until 5.3
I cringe every time he says Titania as Titiana and when he said Feo Ul as Feo Ui. Gosh darnit Rich!
So he experienced the 1st of the 1-2 punch that is 5.0
The 2nd punch comes with 5.3 in maybe 2 weeks.
Man, Rich is so dead set on everyone being tempered… Emet is not tempered…
I am just so happy that Rich has the understanding of the juxtaposition of the groups of heroes, the Ascian Convocation and the primal tempering, it makes me immeasurably happy that these literary parallels are being brought up to such a wide audience
I just realized, as Azem, the one the Ondo probably vaguely remember of the "Ancients" was us. Y'know, since we dat pilgrim.
It's like this game installed a trigger in me. Literally every time I hear or read that line from Haurchefant, tears start swelling up again.
Rich, say it with me: High. Flow. Day. Us. Hythlodaeus.
I always get so emotional when watching someone go through the ending of 5.0. It’s such an amazing ending to the main Shadowbringers story. Thank you so much Eji for following Rich’s journey and posting it here! It was an amazing experience!
Fucking love this game…
based eji
Not sure if it's just luck or something, but every streamer I watch is dyslexic xD And I watch lots
Thumbnail top tier lmao
1:19:37 In the Japanese dub, Emet says something along the lines of "You!? Why are YOU here?!"
It's like he had suspicions, had noticed the hints, but at that moment it was confirmed to him. That's why he reveals his true face as Hades, because the WoL has just revealed his/her true face.
near the end of 5.0, I came to the conclusion that this game is good enough to be called great.
Shadowbringers had a fantastic ending. I don't know even if Endwalker can top it but if anybody can do it, is the FF14 team
god I love how emet-selch is just Magnus times a couple of aeons
It still bugs me that Rich still pronounces an extra “r” in Zodiark. I live in the mid west and it’s like when people here say “warsh” instead of “wash”.
I still find it hilarious how i feel in every video/stream he talks about thinking the rejoining is a good idea and everyone would be better for it. And im like but… they die.
they don't teach us the word surrender in america?! maybe not when you were in school but i think they do now.
My favorite part of this expansion is how the writers made the duty finder canon in universe.
Alphy looking up at the Ascian like a lala looking up at everyone else 😂
@1:18:04 Best moment of the game, hands down.
Thank you for making these summary videos!
And this is why shb is the best. Even watching this again, all the feels.
Man pronouncing Zodiark is not that fucking hard man.
I really appreciate when people do hades at min item level. Its such a better fight
Ah yes, the moment we have all been waiting for with Rich
"Tis an enchantment on a monumental scale"
BRB going to watch old Loki summon Asgard again.
I gotta say, I love the parts with Hythlodaeus. For a character with such a short appearance who just talks, he has a COLOSSAL impact on the plot, and he serves for fantastic character expansion of not only the Ascians, but also even our own characrer.
That feeling when you reach the quest named for the expansion…
5.3 is going to level him
Seeing someone else enjoy this game as much as I did brings me so much joy
Rich absolutely needs to do eden before he finishes 5.3
The big one, I haven't finished watching, but thank you for editing and uploading these. I've only caught stream once and I am glad you have catalogued this journey for Rich and all us watching.
1:10:58 – As an RDM, I completely understand Alisaie. I'm not going to waste that Melee combo just because it's not the right time