Reworked Paladin | How To Play & First Impressions – FFXIV Endwalker

An overview of the reworked Paladin and how to play it. Rotation is tentative and might change in the future.

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23 thoughts on “Reworked Paladin | How To Play & First Impressions – FFXIV Endwalker”

  1. One thing I've noticed is that while you have divine might up while under requeiscat it will buff your holy spirit damage even further and it won't take away from your stacks and you only miss out on one atonement leading to more damage

  2. I first want to say I like PLD. It is my main Tank. Goring should be cut. Doesnt feel PLD-like. I also like the new Divine. HOWEVER while I enjoy these changes I keep feeling the jobs are just becoming each other as each year passes. Pld became a mix of GNB and WAR now. I liked when it felt more distinct (jobs in general). My only gripe with PLD abilities now is I would like them to make Cover great again. I mean Shake it Off is godly and they just keep improving it lol. PLD needs a good use of Cover back.

  3. Yeah, when I realized that we are again stuck with a 63 second rotation, I actually got frustrated with Goring Blade existing in the form that it is. Sonic Break at least adds a bit of DoT utility to a GNB and Double Down has the benefit of also being AoE, Goring Blade is just a big number for the sake of a big number. Either turn it into a oGCD or just get rid of it. PLD already could use some skill pruning imo with a bunch of situational skills that are hyper specific, like Clemency, Shield Bash (how is this still here btw) and Cover, so getting rid of Goring Blade wouldn't be a bad thing tbh

  4. The biggest thing I hope for the future, which wasn’t accomplished this patch, is less button bloat. For any controller player who plays on Toggle or Mixed, they only have 32 buttons, so with jobs with more than that (not even including sprint and LB) some skill will needed to be left off, which kind of sucks.

  5. “Goring Blade is weird and unnecessary.”

    What do you mean? It’s just like Sonic Break!

    Wait a minute…

    GNBs also hate that Sonic Break is a gcd. And GNBs also wish Sonic Break was an ogcd.

    Hey, wait a second here

    As a GNB main feeling like PLD has become GNB-ish, and seeing your Atonements in action, my brain can now internalize that “dropping an Atonement” is for adjusting when cooldowns come back around and meeting your burst window there.

  6. I agree with the feedback for goring blade. I don't think they should remove it, but make it ogcd like carve on DRK. It just feels a little clunky right now. Otherwise I like the big number burst over the dot implementation. Feels good when you get a nice crit.

  7. Why not just use fight or flight after the royal authority combo, to fit 2 atonements inside your damage buff for your opener?

    Edit: I realize after doing research that this was a dumb statement, since royal authority does the same potency as atonement once you do the combo. I choose to not remove the comment so people can just laugh at how stupid I can be.

  8. They need goring blade to do something else. They’ve removed almost every 1min cd gcd damage only button from the game-which is why it feels so out of place

  9. I like this, it's not as different tho, not like with how they reworked DRK to hell back in SHB hwere they took all its toys and completely changedt he playstyle, im glad they really didn't remove any of the buttons, just wish they kept the DOT on goring blade and gave something to atonement cause it's kinda weak with just being a vanilla button but it's fine.

  10. They could roll goring blade into atonement imo, make atonement have a melee combo that uses goring blade at the end of it, same button, similar to confit combo. That way we get to keep the awesome animation, and it flows more seemlessly.

    Second hit of atonement could use rage of halone animation, with atonement colors.

  11. My only issue, is the whole sacking Atonements to keep your buffs in line with your GCD timing.
    In theory, PLD would actually function fairly similar to something like SAM, where different skill speeds would have you needing to skip ahead 0-2 GCDs, depending on your current rotation, so that you can fit 2 Holy Spirits, Goring, Confetti combo, and 1 Royal Authority under buff window.. but theres no Sword Oath dump skill, to just get rid of them all, so you have this slightly awkward situation where you need to drop 1-2.
    Im sure that some people will eventually figure out a SkS, and rotation where this doesnt happen, and it can be done naturally with very little lost, but because Holy Spirit w/ Divine Might is 450 vs Atonements 380, getting 2 HS in a burst is a fairly solid DPS increase.

  12. I think I am going to miss the movement flexibility that the old rec window had. I loved being able to just run pretty far when we needed to. I remember doing Hydaelyn EX and laughing while I was in the far group during chakrams because I could keep my rotation going uninterrupted while still doing that mechanic. I don’t think that’s possible in the same way any longer

  13. Now I'm not the best at this kind of stuff But from what i can tell from the in game Prompts using your 4 requiscat charages on your Holy Spirt then leading into a Confiteor Combo Does 3900 potency even With the Confitor Combo missing its Req potency While Just Using 4 req Charges on Confitor Only Gives 3300 Potency am i missing Something Like the Extra Damage you miss out on your confitors Not having the fight or flight buff Or is the extra damage from the Holy Spirt Potency still Worth it? can anyone better with this kind of stuff Help?

  14. in general i can agree with everything here. Especially the goring blade being forgotten. Even when smackign a striking dummy to practice the rotation i can forget it, much less in a fight itself. It feels more tacked on than sidewinder for bard at this point. That said, inorder to not forget it, i put it right after FoF in the opener instead of the riot blade there. ya i know it isn't optimal and will miss some raid buffs. but at least I don't forget it as much there

    Couple additions –
    my first thought when having divine might stack was how can i get 2 of them in my burst window. which basically isn't an option unless you do the 2 minute rotation that aligns it up for every even minute window. without a slight loss at least.

    the 2 ways that come to mind to address this, are either a – allow 2 stacks of divine might. probably the easiest method. or b – remove goring blade entirely so you can have up to 2 gcd's within the burst window and create something closer to monks optimal drift. where you know things will drift a bit and adjust to it. while also making it a fully 60 second rotation with enough sks. which would also solve the same issue, as you could just stack the prior cycles HS and place it after the 2nd combo. maybe even using the first FoF one gcd early to set it up for later, if the rotation hits a 60s perfect.

  15. I genuinely hate how bursty the game is. I guess the rest of the community loves it but every change towards it is just Yoshi-P telling me that im no longer welcome or wanted.

  16. I could take or leave Goring Blade honestly. Getting rid of it is fine with me. That said, I'd extend the sentiment of "tacked on" to how Holy Spirit works now with Divine Might. Atonement already had a resource it created: Sword Oath. Why did we need a second resource? As another person noted, the loss of the long ranged rotation kind of sucks in many situations. Even given an optimal 5 GCD ranged rotation. With the proper balancing of potencies, holy spirit could have worked as a ranged companion to Atonement and spent Sword Oath stacks instead. If we got rid of Goring Blade, increase Atonement's potency while slightly decreasing Holy Spirit's to incentivize using Atonement when melee and falling back to Holy Spirit when ranged.

    But then what about Prominence and Holy Circle? Easy, just let Prominence generate a stack of Sword Oath up to 3 or 4 stacks.

  17. Personally I don’t like these PLD changes. I mostly dislike having the magic rotation cut off by an half and I dislike that now PLD is the same as other tanks. The Dots management at least gave to PLD a grade of difficulty more engaging imo while the 8 magic gcd gave you the “fuck you uptime, I don’t need to be closer” vibes. Geez ACT2 was super fun to see everyone throwing their ranged attack but pala which didn’t give it a crap.
    I guess, I’ll stay stick to DRK and GNB. Their bust windows at least are more flashy.
    Rip Paladin 03/12/2021 to 10/01/2023

  18. goring blade is a joke, clemency is a joke, cover? who uses that? shield bash lmao
    all of those should be ogcd and cover wont really see use anyway so should be probably gone


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