Responding to "@Asmongold TV Is PURE TOIXC" in FFXIV | Ginger Prime Rant

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45 thoughts on “Responding to "@Asmongold TV Is PURE TOIXC" in FFXIV | Ginger Prime Rant”

  1. All it should take is to watch Asmongold's streaming of FF14. Many times he's talked crap about the boss being easy or some sort and then wiped 10 times to pass the trial. No different than anyone else perhaps, but that's not the point. Its just one facet that proves he's just as fallible as everyone else. There may have been concerns in general about the toxicity of WoW entering into FF14 but that varies individual to individual. That being said, I think you let Asmongold off a bit easy. He overwhelmingly offered nothing but scorn and condemnation toward FF14, claiming he would never play it, yet nothing in FF14 changed. There are still cat girls and bunnies, its still has some weebish themes because of its creators origins. You can give him credit for changing his mind and trying the game but how well do you know him ? Has he changed his mind about it ? Or has he just plateaued on his revenue for WoW streams thus forcing him to look elsewhere ? Personally I could care less, I think the report system in FF14 is lacking but giving everyone a fair chance to experience the game without toxic behavior should be a standard for the game.

  2. Asmond is just enjoying the game that's what I see and get is genuine and down to earth dude from what I can tell. I have also been enjoying Ff14 it's a blast and has a great story. We play games for the escape of rl bs and to enjoy ourselves. At least I do.

  3. There is no racist like an antiracist. That is because he is obsessed by race, whose actual existence as often as not he denies. He looks at the world through race-tinted spectacles, interprets every event or social phenomenon as a manifestation of racism either implicit or explicit, and in general has the soul of a born inquisitor.

  4. "I will become back my money" – edward crowley. Giving this guy a role on youtube is like selling feminine hygiene products without the pay. Hopefully he's donated prior to all this madness.

  5. Here’s the thing. And I commented on the pinned post as well with Edward. He was very obviously a troll. He was not presenting evidence, he was saying the same things over and over, and the fact people kept responding, he ate it up. A trolls sole purpose is to get attention. When you gave him that attention.
    It’s like the people that will commit heinous crimes just to make the news and be famous. And not only did people respond to it and give him the attention he so desperately craved, you pinned it. So now he is in the headlines. And now you are making a video about him, which basically promoted him to the top news story.

    I’m sorry Brian but you basically just gave him all that he desired and more. You played into his hand. And even though you did not try to. Even though you made this video out of the genuine goodness of your heart, all you did was enable him to troll even more.

    This was a great video and ultimately I think it was a fantastic topic. Because I had misconceptions about asmongold and his community too until I started watching him. But in my opinion, you should not have made the video based around a trolls post.

  6. I tried FF14 during ARR when it first launched and HATED it. I hated the long GCD which made combat feel slow, I hated the softer color palette and grainy textures. I spent YEARS after that bashing the game and saying how bad it was. Then I came back during Shadowbringers because WoW had gotten awful and I was desperate. This time around I spent more time with the story, took the game slower, and came to appreciate the design. Now I'm a big fan, excitedly preordered Endwalker, etc. I'm someone who used to hate FF14 and now I'm out there healing your tanks, running your dungeons, doing your raids, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Mwahahaha (and I'm a Lalafell, deal with it).

  7. WoW and FFXIV player here (WoW: since end of burning crusade; FFXIV since beta which was literally unplayable due to the amount of people logging in…)
    I do admit that way back in the day I really didn't like asmon, but I did agree with over 70% of the stuff he said (on the state of WoW, how some issues the game had at the time could be addressed) so I did watch him on and off
    now that he is playing FFXIV I started not just watching but following him and honestly I got to like the guy

  8. I've never played WoW and i've never played FFXIV. But i thought the story involving Asmon bringing so many ppl to the game was cool and it resulted in me watching a lot of his content on FFXIV and then led to me discovering and watching a few other FF content creators such as yourself. I just find the whole ordeal really interesting and i can tell you i would not have made it this far had i found him toxic…

  9. The way Asmon has genuinely tried FF14 and given it his all isn't restricted to FF14, he's is that way about everything. it's what makes him such a good react streamer. when he watches a video he doesn't just let it play, he pays attention genuinely appreciates the content creator, and forms actual opinions. once you give him a chance it's kinda hard to dislike someone like that.

  10. If you think Zack is toxic then is what your calling toxic is someone who tells it as they see it on their own channel. Remember these people who call Zack toxic went and sought him out. Zack didn’t invade their space they went and seeked out his which he chooses to share with people.

  11. From my experience, ppl who casually toss out the word toxic are usually the very incarnates of toxicity themselves. Sadly, those people don't seem to have a mirror at home for self-reflection.

  12. Asmongold is fine I play ffxiv started around same time as him after leaving wow. Wow was toxic and I’ve not experienced this in ffxiv, asmon has shown good respect to ffxiv players and content, he loves the game don’t know what people are talking about ffs

  13. if more than one person is saying it then maybe he is?.. btw you look tired haven't seen what he was saying but yet you still back him …and dont attack me or i attack you …this video was very silly last guy who made a video about me died 6 months latter so think on google joshua savage occultist ..i had him shoot himself in the head look it up …im an occultist you sure you want to fight me?

  14. I think you could easily say that if he did the same thing he does in WoW during his streams in FF then a GM would ban / talk with him (assuming fair treatment). Calling people out as dogshit in raids etc. Now, he's very smart and won't do that because he plays within whatever rules the games have, and he's not toxic or insulting to FF players as a community just by playing the game and coming to play the game.

  15. I've watched him a couple years, if anything the majority of anything toxic was directed at Blizzard whether it's game mechanics or the devs themselves and always justified. He had joked on the weeb/catgirl thing then like a couple hours in he's calling y'shtola hot lol honestly the main thing about Asmon is yes he's maybe 90% character, sadly MANY youtubers/streamers are, also he's less troll or toxic I feel and just a sarcasm magnet like the lala stuff or when he calls a class garbage, basically opinions, I will never run a tank or healer it's not my jam but i'd hope people don't condemn me for a choice. I do have some personal opinions on the whole lets cry over words on the internet or being so weirdly obsessed with something like a game any of it actually matters but I won't go into that. I'm old enough that I got told "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" I don't believe certain age groups know this or practice this bu maybe everyone should.

  16. So I've been a long term player of 14 (2.0), and I've been a big supporter of the game for years. I had some interactions with Asmon which colored my opinion of him, and, this caused me to be cautious when he decided to play 14, but a lot of my concerns more derived from his community. Asmon himself seems to be a positive, the effects his community may have, will have to be seen, but I'm less concerned than I was

  17. Love that the ff14 community is showing that they themselves are actually toxic af. If you have to say your not toxic then you are. Honestly the ff community is just as bad as wow the only difference is that the wow community knows what they are.

  18. I see this far to often. I have had to block friends from email/facebook for this kind of attitude. I literally had one person tell me "I don't care what the truth is, this is what I believe and I refuse to acknowledge anything that goes against that".
    One thing that Asmongold even points out about FF14: "one of the major themes in FF14 is "redemption". You screw up, you realize you screwed up, you are given another chance." It is rather comical that this poster, who claims to be a FF14 player, doesn't even get the irony of him not letting Asmongold be "redeemed" once he tried the game and changed his views of FF14.

  19. Sadly there are a whole lot of people in America that hold very strong and bold opinions with absolutely no evidence or actual fact. These people usually have no interest in taking in new information that would prove otherwise.

  20. Asmongold thinks he is king of games and he banned people who just want to help in ff14 and being toxic just like world of Warcraft and asmongold kills games ratings and other players fun

  21. I watched almost all Asmongold videos. And since he play FFXIV its clear he is more calm and positive person than before (I bet this is because game and community influence itself). I literally start posting on every his FFXIV video "All hail Asmongold the White" as a joke of how much better and smarter he looks now… Anyone who shoot something out of nothing want to argue, want negativity and toxicity… And he is just playing game, and even praising it… Trolls in FFXIV are much worse than someone who use word "sht" and are prepared even to create fake accounts to multiple attack one person. This people are bad and evil and true toxic… The fact that replies have more likes than original attacking comment says all.

  22. Lots of people are just trolling when it comes to Asmon. I’m not a big defender of the ff community which I think slaps it’s own back far too much, but its clear a lot of people writing this stuff don’t actually play the game. As for him being toxic, it’s complicated. The guy really is fine, but asmongold is a bit of a character and part of that character exhibits ‘toxic’ behaviour (which hasn’t really taken form in ff besides bad language in Chocobo races). But when he’s kicking people out of raids etc, these are people that wanted to raid with him and are part of the stream. I see it more as entertainment, like edgy comedians, than him being toxic.

  23. The problems stems from people who have heard that Asmongold has shared a political opinion that doesn't align with their own. It isn't about Final Fantasy or Wow, or that he's 'toxic or promotes toxicity'. The people trying to get him cancelled are simply punishing someone for engaging in wrongthink at some point.

  24. I don't play FF14 because of how ironically "toxic" so many of "activists" playing it are…

    The game could be great, but I don't have the patience to deal with narcissist whining PvE spergs. I'm fine with my games. You can tell by the fact the internet is full of FF14 players spamming other game's content creators to play ff14 instead or how "it's better" and talking about some "MMO war" no one who thinks for themselves cares about…

  25. Thanks for doing this video! Asmongold is awesome a truly kind genuine human being. Yea he may say some immature stuff here and there but to crucify him for that is ridiculous. He is the kind of person who would help you even of he didn't know you as long as you showed him respect. Good job community on not buying the cancel culture BS that people who have never even seen his stuff call toxic and attempt to slander Him. We are not a toxic community and we out those that truly are so everyone should be proud.

  26. I am a long time wow player and have followed Asmongold for a long time. Ok so put this in perspective which is a requirement here. Wow compared to wow is horribly toxic in many cases. It is also warm and welcoming in many cases. It is pretty dependent on who you get to play with. Do I think it is toxic in general, yes. Asmongold is very blunt, and do I tend to think he is toxic, the way he raid leads in wow, would not fit with our guild's idea of the raid environment and it does appear to be toxic. However, since he started FF he has been warm, happily surprised at how wonderful the FF14 community has been to him and frankly he has been nothing but supportive of FF14. I love FF14 because of the community and of course the story is just amazing to play through. I know that as a dual game player, I was worried that with the number of wow players leaving for FF14 that this wonderful warm community would disappear. BUT FOLKS, you dictate your community and Square Enix is solidly behind you which we in wow don't have. Bliz has created the toxic environment by allowing it. Please, give everyone a chance.

  27. Man I don’t get how people find him toxic he’s literal bringing a new personality to ff14 and it’s honestly a breathe of fresh air and I think all these new wow players are helping ff14 have more interesting and diverse type of players and shouldn’t be viewed as a bad thing

  28. Oh my god. When you're talking about how you can't understand HOW people will dig their heels in and stick to their original thoughts, even in the fact of overwhelming evidence to the contrary… I couldn't help but think of the state of the world. It came totally unbidden, wasn't thinking about it at all, and then I was just like, "Oh god. That's just PEOPLE, isn't it? A lot of us are just LIKE that…"

    What an exhausting thought.

  29. I have no idea how i landed on Asmongold content, but iv’e since watched his streams and videos across his three channels and I have to say his reactions to the story and game of FFXIV has been really wholesome. His face in a perpetual smile many times over. Constantly telling his chat to calm down and banning people that step out of line. I think what they call toxic is his language, which doesn’t bother me at all because i talk similarly, and they dont like someone that doesn’t hold back his opinions on what he sees as bad aspects of “X” game. These two things are not worthy of the crusade against him. He himself admits to doing things in the past, he isnt perfect, but I dont see those things today which is the most important part.


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