We Embark on possibly our most important message yet. Saving Papameow from the Garlic Bread Empire. Oh yeah also the other scions are there too ha!
In this episode we also get a massive reveal that changes the whole game!
0:00 The End Is Near
0:38 Engineering A Plan
3:20 Knocking On The Door
8:40 Assault And Battery
10:28 The Escape
14:12 Setting The Stage
16:02 The Last Primal
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Even though I watched you play this on the livestream I still enjoy hearing you tell the tale with your own brand of story telling and humor. Thanks CD!
The only streamer I've watched so far who has had 'Papa Meow' as their favorite scion, and I'm loving it.
The Garlean grunt soliders are for the most part normal guys. you'll notice they are from every race too. These are people drafted from nations the Empire conquered and are just trying to survive under the Empire's hobnailed boot.
Why is it that EVERY SINGLE EPISODE reminds me just how much you're going to love the Dark Knight questline? It's honestly kind of incredible.
That poor dude whose family died was probably a conscript too, most Ala Mhigans outside the country proper are either refugees in and around Ul'dah or escaped conscripts.
Look Garlemald is interesting AF but they are led by some very bad people. Wait til you see why I always say "Go back to Philosophy C" to Gaius in main story roulette…
PAPA MEOW! I love him, he is my friend <3
Yeah I wonder why that one guy's mother and sister would rather jump off a cliff than stay in Garlean captivity.
no I really don't wonder at all
The true dilemna is fast approaching: will Caffeinated Dad continue to butcher names as voice acting becomes increasingly prevalent?
So happy to be able to MSQ vampire your journey again. Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!
I love the wrong names for everyone and everything. Knowing who they are and what you call them just makes me laugh.
I heard Uncledanger been called many things, but Boomerang is a first.
That Imperial isn't wrong, Tataru can get it when she wants to but that man is batting way out of his league if he thinks he has a shot. (Wedge is also out of his league)