Reacting to Ultima Weapon reveal FF14 First Playthrough – FF14 Journal 4

It’s time to dabble in another famous community I’ve seen fellow Monster Hunter fans fall to: Final Fantasy 14

Editor: @RaulDaFama

#finalfantasyxiv #ff14 #finalfantasy


18 thoughts on “Reacting to Ultima Weapon reveal FF14 First Playthrough – FF14 Journal 4”

  1. I hope you stick through this game. ARR is rough. But believe me when I say the story starts to get really good at the end of ARR through the beginning of heavensward and it only gets better from there.

  2. So glad Jay at least recognizes that the game is trying to make a foundation. ARR is very hit or miss at the time (ie. when you are playing for the first time), it really earns its place in my heart however when I look back upon it with future knowledge. The amount of story threads seeded back here is a very large amount, more than what I think most people realize going through the first time

  3. Time for the Weekly Recap:

    1) First all, WOW Spoiler Warning MR! Moving forward Spoiler Warnings should be in place on all Videos and the more you do the more you'll understand why. Just start with "If you haven't reached Heavensward, Spoiler Warning."

    2) Remember you saw a 5 years younger Cid in the opening Cinematic, though with your knowledge you didn't know that was Cid unless you play 1.0. Regardless anyone who has seen the opening can at least look at the guys and say, "Wasn't that the White Haired dude from the opening." Then again, do you have any idea how many White Hair (Platinum Blonde) and Blonde members there are in the Scions of the Seventh dawn; the answer, All of them. HA! You have little dash of white sooooo WELCOME TO SCIONS OF THE SEVENTH DAWN!

    3) When we ran Stone Vigil we did NOT wipe. I have a funny reputation about touching all the chest in a dungeon, but I'm usually the Tank. So as healer the joke we have is an easily distracted healer. I ran into the side room, grabbed the chest, and was about to Rescue Dion, but then said, "Nah." Because you had just commented that we were basically invincible with these heals. So to put the FEAR back in you, I popped pre-HoTs on myself, Swift Cast, let Dion die, Rezzed Dion, let all of you die, Dion popped back up, and us two finished the fight. As for I'm not 100% sure what went Duncan let his team die because you were strangling behind. Takashi went for BEEEG Pulls, but Duncan was like, "Whelp our Team isn't together and our Host is missing Action. Guess we'll just have to DIE."

    4) The canonical classes/jobs are 1.0 Archer, ARR Warrior, HW Dragoon, start of StB Monk, end of StB Samurai and the rest I'll keep quiet about because of the Shadowbringers opening Cinematic. These previous 4 Jobs mentioned will have a nice TIP OF THE HAT. So Honestly if you keep leveling LACNER/DRAGOON, pick up WARRIOR, and SAMURAI it's gonna make that Shadowbringers Cinematic a little more special. :3

    5) You say you didn't get to know them, but that's YOUR Fault. Umel said you should talk to everyone. And check back pretty much any time you have to go to the WAKING SANDS, the reason for this is because there is a Traitor in our group and talking to all the members not only would have helped tip you off, but you also could have learned a thing or two about all these poor unfortunate souls.

    6) Shame you weren't feeling well that Tuesday night because we had a lot more bodies waiting for you. But you popped off and return Thursday where many people were not ready yet. Oh well, one of our many pranks or jokes foiled.

    7) Yes the plot is finally getting going. But strap in because when you finish BASE ARR the Minimum Wage Scions are Jay nappi– err I mean ESCORTING YOU through REAL Content. EX TRIALS, COILS, and HARD Dungeons.

    Till next time ENJOY THE HUNTING LIFE! G!!!

  4. Heavensward will hook you into the story for sure. The end of ARR is basically pre-Heavensward so you'll know what you're in for and definitely want to keep going. Hope you're enjoying yourself!

  5. So that thing about most of the people you play with having female characters is rather prominent in MMOs as a whole. In fact, it has gotten to the point that MMORPG has another meaning.
    Play as

  6. I think of all the base game jobs, the best are probably scholar/summoner which grow out of Arcanist and Lancer -> dragoon. Their stories are pretty good lore if you're looking for something a bit more interesting. I have heard samurai story isn't that interesting either, so temper your expectations.

  7. If you stop before heavenward that will be the equivalent of playing 1 hour of a bad demo and deciding it’s not for you 🙂 heavens ward will show you how the storytelling changed and stormblood how the battles are awesome, then shadobringers it takes it all 600000% higher and endwalker is climax

  8. A Realm Reborn is a terrible game, same goes for Stormblood. As you can see, it lacks everything that should make it fun. I don't know what people where smoking when they saw it and thought it was great.


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