Hey guys! Jegel here with another FFXIV video. Today we will be taking a look at how to most efficiently take down The Great Hunt Extreme in order to farm Rathalos Scales! This guide will help you quickly obtain your Rathalos Mount! Thanks for watching guys and as always please sub to the channel if you enjoyed or your found this helpful and check me out on twitch!
Unlock Quest (requires level 70 and completion of “stormblood” MSQ) –
My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/jegelxiv
twitter – https://twitter.com/Jjegel
Yes this is being done unsynced in the video
Two things that could help to speed this up a little bit.
1) Have the dps that is on the tail get it low, but not destroy it until the Rathalos is at 30%. Reason being is that it kills the rathalos instantly at that point and there is no vulnerability buff you are fighting against that normally happens after destroying the tail.
2) Just use 4 DPS and skip the mount mechanic. Everyone can burst down the Buffalo really quick.
Can melee dps work well with farming this? I dont have any decently geared ranged sadly 🙁
Hey man do you figure level 80 gear I bought off the marketplace would be good enough to pull my weight unsynced with this? I want to farm it before I play Shadowbringer. I have an 80 machinist and summoner
Would anyone on the Crystal DC be willing to help a new person farm the mount before Endwalker makes unsyncing things harder? I've tried the PF but haven't had any luck.
ive scoured the interent and i feel like no one breaks this fight down enough. even if you stick close to his left foot, there are times I still get sent flying. Why? Also, when he is flying what am i supposed to look for to not get knocked down? Cool fight but the devs dropped the ball hard on teaching anyone wtf to do during this
the only time I ever died in this trial regualr or extreme was when I didnt know to hide behind the dead buffalo. THE most fun trial in the game.