Raiding in Final Fantasy 14 vs Raiding in Lost Ark || Which one is more difficult?

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Man this video is spicy. Please remember that everyone has their own opinion and I merely shared mine. It is fine to disagree with the things I said, absolutely. Just let me know what you think about this, that is if you have played both!

🚩Grab Exitlag at and use code “Fox” for 20% off!🚩

Hey, my name is Fox and I’ve been playing Lost Ark since it’s original release on Korea on and off. In the past 7 months I’ve focused on the Russian Servers much more than before and I’m trying to help new players to get into Lost Ark!

#Lostark #FFXIV #Raiding


9 thoughts on “Raiding in Final Fantasy 14 vs Raiding in Lost Ark || Which one is more difficult?”

  1. Totally agreeing about the fact that everyone can clear an ultimate, especially now with the easier dps check.
    Interesting video tbh thanks! I signed up for the euw beta, not sure if I'll be in but yea, I'm looking forward to play Lost Ark 🙂

  2. FF14 is a rotation attacks simulator and static gameplay. Definetly boring, compare it better vs The elder scroll online a game where you have to split the team to defeat 2 bosses at the same time or everyone is dead. Or activate in a second floor mechanics so everyone survive in the lower floor battling the main boss. That's a game to actually compare with. I dont get the outdated gameplay from FF14 and the hype from wow player when they move.

  3. They're just differently designed games, just like people trying to compare FFXIV with WoW, there's really no "superior" design. FFXIV raids are scripted dances, and rotations are also strict and are mostly the same all the time. The fun is in figuring out the puzzle, and there is satisfaction in properly executing the dance and rotation. This also means tho that if you are playing the same fight, with the same job, it'll eventually get very samey, as there will be little variation and everything will eventually become muscle memory. Things that were hard to learn and figure out at first will become simpler to execute with practice, as the fights never change, and there aren't many mechanics that drastically change anything (other than maybe you getting different debuffs). I think mastering a fight and job to that degree is satisfying, but after that, there's not much more to it.

    Difficulty is also very subjective, and hard to compare when the game design is so different. Same kind of thing as people trying to compare 20 man WoW raids with 8 man FFXIV raids, which have vastly different fight design and job design.

    Very interested to play Lost Ark and see what it has to offer.

  4. Honestly this is such a bad take I'm surprised it came from you Fox. Comparing game with not only very different designs but also popularity and how the community tackles the challenges inside the game. How can you even compare rotations with a game that doesn't have rotations to begin with? LA combat is based on pressing the buttons as they come up, the only thought process you have is whether or not skill will hit ( since game isn't point and click ) , no multiple resources , procs , buffs , dots to manage , just cooldowns to press.
    Also FF14 has parse mentality where people are going to optimize strategies to get the most out of your rotation, saying you don't do that in LA just means the game either isn't popular enough or the parse mentality just doesn't exist yet. The feeling you get from not having a scripted rotation is there because you're not as worried about uptime and your parses in LA at all. Overall FF14 has a way more competitive PVE with parsings while LA doesnt even have a DPS meter yet.

    The only real way to compare difficulty in both games would be comparing how long the race for WRF takes for each boss and you know full well that TEA took 5 days for 1st and 10 days for 2nd place. not to mention people usually take 36 hours to clear UwU , 60 to clear Ucob and 100+ hours to clear TEA . I don't know much about Lost Ark but knowing the average clear time of groups for bosses and how long the race takes for hard bosses would've been a good indication of the game difficulty and people would love to know that information coming into LA but you didn't even mention it.


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