#worldofwarcraft #mmorpg #savix
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written by mald 🙂
I would like dps only option because the queue for dps is miserable and there's fewer and fewer healer and tanks every year in mmos
The no tank/healer/dps system is something that I think is great about LA, faster queues and everyone is playing the same game and fight, in WoW it can feel like tanks or healers are playing a different game than dps sometimes. It also means you have to take care of yourself instead of having every mistake anyone makes placed on the shoulders of the healers, you have to be responsible for yourself and can’t blame someone else for not healing you even though your dumb ass was stood in a pool of death
No raid sizes, i just want to do shit solo
If the raid size is not big enough to have some guild mates that you don't know irl then just call it a group and do dungeons.
Dungeons are also popular, we like raids because they are epic and epicness means lot of people.
kinda how savix mentioned, the biggest problem about small raid size is the lack of tanks and healers. 🙁
if you have a 10 man, i think it should be clearable with 1tank 1 healer. or make semi-tanks able to 2-tank it and semi healers 2-heal it.
getting rid of tank/healing roles comepletly kinda takes away the fun of the game iMO.