Quazii on FFXIV vs Lost Ark vs WoW: Lost Ark is FUN, But…

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46 thoughts on “Quazii on FFXIV vs Lost Ark vs WoW: Lost Ark is FUN, But…”

  1. Lost Ark is a game that seems like it's fun at its core, but like every other Korean MMO, it has paid boosts and is essentially p2w, which pretty much kills any interest I may have otherwise had in it. Unless they got rid of paying for acrasium refreshes like in the Korean and Russian versions (and changed the pet system) for the western release , that is.

  2. Lost Ark is a Korean MMO after all, which emphasizes on their grinding/no life culture in Korea. It also has region lock too, which sucks for me (my region is blocked).

  3. I dont agree about p2w. You dont have to spend money in lost ark. Lost ark is p2t. All material can buy in-game-money. Also, you can sell your material. In my case, without buying avator i dont have to spend money. I understand that you love ffxiv. But lost ark is not p2w. You dont have to buy packages. You can get pet or horses in game. Function is same. If you buy packages, you get some helpful items. But it is not necessary. If you spend your time, you dont have to spend money. Also, Although you pay a lot of things, you cant beat raid boss without appropriate strategy.

  4. Once lost ark hits sea probably gonna play it after all its free to play and the p2w wont bother me as Iโ€™m just gonna casually do the content and if I hit a wall because I need to pay then goodbye lost ark thatโ€™s all there is to it

  5. While I agree with the point of time vs cash shop, I believe the more apt question would be: how long till the game becomes too gated to make grinding meaningful?

    Personally, I made the jump from maplestory (yet another Korean freemium game) to ff14 some half a year back, and as cliche as it sounds, it has changed my life. Iโ€™m no longer bitter about never ending grinds, ridiculously gated high tier/endgame bosses, and absurd entry costs to those bosses. Imagine needing to spend 5k sgd (to buy gear from endgame players that are quitting the game) and grinding dailies for 18 months straight, just to make the cut to contribute to a high tier boss fight. (I spent very minimal compared to other endgame folks but I digress)

    I just feel that people need to try different games once in a while, so that they either discover a much better game than their current copium game, or experience a total garbage game to appreciate their current game more. The tough part is to break out of a gameโ€™s fomo mechanics to make time for other games.

  6. Personally I like both. I will still play ff14 because the story is just too amazing. That's mainly what I play it for it, but ff14 end game? It really can't keep me interested for long. I did 50 totems for trial 2 so I could get the mount and I'm just tired.
    Lost ark? It's just a good time all around because the gameplay is really fun.
    Both games fulfill different roles for me.

  7. It makes no difference to me. I personally don't like Lost Ark cuz I don't like Isometric style games. BUT… But. If it makes people happy and they enjoy it who cares. I don't think it takes away from FF any. Eorzea is my Home.

  8. Lost Ark is a good distraction while waiting for 6.1.

    It's a fun game, I'm just glad FF14 is there so I don't have to take Lost Ark too seriously.๐Ÿ˜ธ I just know FF14 will save me shit ton of money being my main MMO instead of Lost Ark.๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ

  9. 100% agree. I havenโ€™t played Lost Ark and probably never will because like any other MMO it requires too much time to do the stuff I like, while in FFXIV I can play the game whenever and however long I want, there will always be content for the pace you like (also, Iโ€˜m always sceptical of โ€žfreeโ€œ games because theyโ€™re either bad or pay to win and I donโ€™t want to waste my time on that)

  10. you can buy Gear or Item that affected your stats in Lost Ark? Or I missunderstand?

    The first one that gate me on from Lost Ark is "we need to get rid off demon", I'm like ehh, what a basic starter story
    or I just customed to kill Gods, Goddesses or Holy being because I play FF series, Bayonetta or DMC too much =_="

    Second, the Gameplay and Camera view remind me of Browser/Mobile MMORPG games, which I play a lot (so many games) before religiously for 1 months and it always turn me off because in a long run its bored me.

    While FF14 felt like solo games with adjustable camera, not just smashing attack button like mobile games ( I like how every spells and attacks in FF14 dealt delay damage with animation because i felt more realistic) and you can play ALL JOBS in one Character!

  11. I don't like the way mechanics are built in LA raids. They look more like the mechanics came from the devs (instead of the boss itself) purposely try to undone the team progress when one of our members fail to solve the math equation. Take a look at the latest raid they are so proud of, the entire fight has like 30+mechanics and it pulls out a wipe mechanic every minute without offering any comeback methods or different approaches to the strategy and that is just bad design for the sake of being "Hard". It's a fake difficulty. The phase requires the entire party to do but 1 guy die -> wipe. A party member does not stand in a correct 45 degree angle but 44 -> wipe. I can't imagine that the devs think wipe mechanic is the only solution to punish even the tiniest mistake is a good idea to make the game looks hard.

  12. 10000% agree, BDO the same requires a lot of time commitment literally 24/7 for the lifeskilling part.
    With FF, you can really go try out have fun with other games, there are so many out there, really no reason to gatekeep, bind yourself and be 'loyal' to just a game

  13. Based on what i heard you need to rush to max Level on Lost Ark, and thats the moment i lost interest. I played about 3 months ffxiv and still in ARR and have fun by myself.

  14. Lost ark is fun. But im already dreading end game. Everyone i see is saying oh you need multiple alts to do dailies and funnel stuff onto your main or else you wont be relevant in end game if you have only 1 character.

    Pvp looks hella fun in LA tho ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Lost Ark to me is a "finish the story", then maybe just log in for pvp and see eye-candy kind of game. Even without FFXIV, I wouldn't be able to enjoy Lost Ark's endgame raids in a realistic fashion, because very simply put, hours spent daily just on forced grinds for gear is the reason why I didn't enjoy other MMOs: I play in bursts more.

    I will say this though, if you remove the large portion of the grind from the game (e.g: If you put FFXIV's raid gearing system to Lost Ark), Lost Ark will easily be a top tier game on the global scene. It just makes no money, and Lost Ark puts way too much effort in design that they actually need these kinds of monetization schemes, and thus a pay to speed up the long ass grind scheme, for continued funding.

  16. Can you use a controller for lost ark? I fired it up the other day and absolutely hated the keyboard and mouse set up. Never been a fan of games that you move around with the mouse lol.

  17. Lost Ark is fun, and gets my OCD going with endlessly clicking on things and menus and systems and repetative sound effects and constant gear upgrades and items to click etc….came back to FF today and its like my heads been cleared and I feel relaxed. Does feel like home.

  18. I share almost the exact same thoughts. I wanted to get into the endgame for Lost Ark and experience the raids but from my little knowledge (and lack thereof), it just takes way too much commitment. If I'm going to commit that much to the game, there has to be a certain level of immersion that I have to reach in the game. After having experienced FFXIV, other games just don't hit that standard for me anymore.

    It's a personal thing, but the isometric view of Lost Ark is just very hard for me to get immersed in. That and the lack of a "jump" which I've gotten so used to in MMOs that I've played. It is a fun game and it is good one in its own right but it just isn't for me. After not playing FFXIV for an extended amount of time, I always find myself missing the game and I find comfort in knowing that the "catch up", if I should ever be gone for an even longer amount of time, isn't a tedious process.

  19. I dont care much for FF14's WoL story, but the game has spoiled me with its social aspects.
    Just LOOKING at the person i'm chatting with, and being able to express myself through face emotes is an amazing thing to have in an MMO, where the player connections matter just as much, if not more than the content itself (it helps when the characters in-game are all very attractive). And thank god the content is at least decent for me, as a non MMO player (the combat isnt going to win any awards, but it gets the job done i guess).

    So even if another game comes out, with much better combat, i just dont see myself leaving FF14 due to that high social element, because we all know that glamour and housing is the true endgame (raid time-gating is, and will always be a shitty feature).

  20. I've already uninstalled Lost Ark. The gameplay was fun, but all extra systems like engravings, faceting, cards and the stronghold felt superfluous and needlessly drawn out, not to mention the Korean F2P cash shop element that you can feel permeating throughout multiple aspects of the game. I had planned on dropping it when Elden Ring released, but everything that wasn't the gameplay put me off after only a couple of days.

  21. You can't REALLY play WoW casually if you want to touch any of the "current" content, the way everything is invalidated every patch means that's impossible. You have to run in front of the rolling Indiana Jones boulder. I mean for example Warframe is a mega-grinder game but everything can be done at your pace, either fast or slow, you don't lose anything logging out for 2 weeks. I see Lost Ark being very grindy but not FOMO like WoW unless there are problems much later in progression I haven't seen. A game can be grindy but not FOMO, whereas WoW is both.

  22. As a controller player, Lost Ark didn't grab me. People hate tab targeting in XIV but I've been using a controller since 2013 and have cleared Savages no issue because the game was designed with controller in mind whereas it feels like an afterthought in Lost Ark.

    The character creation is neat but the camers is a million miles away.

    Classes are gender and race locked. Oh. And you need alts. Y'all have fun with this, I'm going to play something else in-between my weekly savage runs.

  23. The problem is it's a Korea game. The game companies over there only know how to cater to cyber cafe audience and nothing more. That's why overwhelming majority of their games pay-to-win. Because of this, I vouched to never play Korean games ever again in my life.

  24. Not being "binded" to the game is the key part. Playing Lost Ark right now and I feel all these convoluted mechanics slowly popping up, like the card system or having an "energy system" for gathering the navigation which requires another layer of grinding, the usual daily rewards, etc… Like you are forced to engage in all that sidestuff to participate in the endgame. But FFXIV does not feel like doing chores, instead of having to do all those daily taks to remain relevant, you can just spend the day goofing around and maybe do a couple of roulettes. You don't have time to goof around in Lost Ark, you have to do all that stuff just to get stat points…

  25. I don't understand the complaint about the Grind from a lot of commentors. Have you guys never played ARPGs? Like, huh? PoE, Diablo, Titan Quest, etc., how much time did it take to get BiS Gear.
    Yes value of time is important, but this game is not an MMORPG it is still an MMO- A -RPG and like any ARPG the grind is ridiculous.

  26. i will also add that while playing lost ark, it felt soulless, like the world that you interact with never really changes, because it has to be constant for everyone else thats playing, not to mention there isnt even any terrain destruction at all. and if changes do happen its heavily instanced, but then a moment later its back to normal like nothing ever happened, another thing is how the levels basically just have nothing in them, there are no interesting things to find on your own, (seeds dont count those arnt interesting to find) and the stuff you do find like "secret dungeons" only have one location per map. and is often a small room, with some trash mobs and a boss that isnt interesting to fight. the quests in lost ark is also just really dull, its the type of shit you would see in maple story, kill shit, go pick up this item, get this item from killing shit, there is no interesting quests and the story is just bad.

  27. Lost Ark having time gated endgame content is what put me off from it, I love killing the guardian bosses but being capped to doing 2 of them daily is kind of sad. Like the take in this video, having too many dailies makes the game a chore. It's the same reason I also stopped playing GW2, I got to a point where I would spend 1 hour doing mining farms on 5 alts before I even started playing the game daily. FF14, just log in and do what you want, no strict dailies, in fact the only daily system (roulettes) is literally just playing the game, no farming or monotonous tasks.

  28. Lost Ark is barely an MMO. You group up for raids and harder dungeons…that's it. You're solo all the way to 50, and then 99% of your time is spent just solo grinding dailies and shit, grouping for the occasional raid or abyss dungeon. I'm not saying it's bad, but treating it as an actual MMO is wrong and comparing it to other MMOs is like comparing apples to a ham sandwich. Now yes XIV you also spend a good amount of time solo, especially while doing MSQ, but the world at least feels alive with the other players running around and the sense of community that they create. In Lost Ark the other players may as well just be NPCs because everyone is just hyper focused on blazing to 50 so they can start their solitary grinding for the next 1000000 hours.

  29. As much I want to try out Lost Ark I just don't have the time right now because of real life commitments.

    Also I think it's healthy to have competition especially on how stale the MMO was for the past 5 years.

  30. I feel like in my 20's, I would have loved Lost Ark. That said, I'm older and I have commitments outside of video games that are important to me. Lost Ark is just too much of a time sink. Add to that the fact that I love the holy trinity, and I prefer the movement in traditional MMO's over the point and click style. Lost Ark isn't a game for me. In fact, I'm more hyped up for this live letter than I ever was for Lost Ark, and I never thought I'd say that.๐Ÿ˜‚

  31. I started playing WoW with friends during the beta, started as Alliance when the game went live, switched to Horde for Burning Crusade, and we played together until Cataclysm. That's when we started drifting apart, game-wise. By the time Mists of Pandaria was over, it was just me; all of my other friends left for other games, but I stayed with WoW thinking that they'd return. I switched back to Alliance for Warlords of Draenor (figured if I was going to be killing more Orcs, may as well be Alliance,) played through Legion, played through BfA though took a short break to play FFXIV for a week and hated it. Went back to WoW. Went through the motions because "I'm so invested in WoW" and ignored the fact that I was miserable playing it. And then a month before the Shadowlands prepatch, I unsubbed and uninstalled.

    I jumped into Cyberpunk 2077 and went hard on that because I needed something to replace WoW. Cyberpunk 2077 was a deeply flawed game, but I still loved it, bugs and all. This was important for me, because it completely reset my mentality on the games that I'd play, and forever purged the dreaded WoW Brain that infected my thinking, which was why I hated Final Fantasy XIV when I tried it in BfA.

    After seeing WoW players dumping on the Fanfest 2021 on Twitter, I watched the Fanfest videos to see what was going on. I decided to give FFXIV another try, this time playing a Gladiator (instead of a Conjurer in BfA) and things started clicking. I found that I wasn't power-clicking through quest text like I did in WoW and paid more attention to the quests and stories surrounding them. In time, FFXIV started to feel like the home that I've been missing for some time. Even though I still mostly play it as a single-player JRPG, I'm in a good Free Company and we chat and hang out, and I spend most of my time crafting for them and for the company projects in the workshop. And I absolutely love it. I can't ever see myself going back to WoW unless Microsoft is able to force Blizzard to change its toxicity and stop acting like they're doing us customers a favor simply by existing.

    I tried Lost Ark. It's fun but just not what I'm into right now. And after seeing the super-competitive stuff, I'm not sure if I even have the energy to do that. I don't have time to play MMOs that require me to log on every day, every week to eke out some modicum of progress. I just don't have the time or patience for that anymore.


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