Pyro,Pyromancer,FFXIV,FF14,Final Fantasy 14,Final Fantasy XIV,Final Fantasy XIV Online,FFXIV Online,Final Fantasy 14 Online,Twitch,WoW,World of Warcraft,Endwalker,New World
Pyro,Pyromancer,FFXIV,FF14,Final Fantasy 14,Final Fantasy XIV,Final Fantasy XIV Online,FFXIV Online,Final Fantasy 14 Online,Twitch,WoW,World of Warcraft,Endwalker,New World
that isn't Super Cool, it's historic
aspergic final form
rarest relic of FFXIV franchise
I'm still using the 2 factor fob that mine came with.
Still got my 1.0 CE sitting on my shelf, and the silly LL certificate I had to mail away for as well 🙂
I have one of those lol, sometimes acceptable times
Seeing how saturated Endwalker is with lore, I literally cannot wait to watch him play and react to it in real time he’s gonna have the time of his life
Just happy to see him enjoying his job. He's pulling such a large viewer count on twitch. The amount of support is awesome.
"Oh my look at that"
All I could focus on was the ripped corner.
Damn this is a holy grail
I used to have one, picked it up for $20 at gamestop before ARR but after the shitstorm release. When it was in the "you can play for free if you have a registered account" period. And I got an account by using a trial code, which at the time just instantly gave you the full game since they turned off anything related to time. Didn't even need to buy it, just wanted to. It died in a flood in 2016 but I still have the digital bonuses on my account.
I still have mine in basically perfect condition, wonder if its worth anything.
Still have mine from 2011.
People can dislike the art, but Yoshitaka Amano is my favorite artist. His art is beautiful and truly captures what final fantasy is all about, and I'm gonna try to word this without spoiling anything. Im super hyped they used his art for characters in endwalker.
Gotta be honest, this is one of the worst CE's that SE has ever put out. Came with a blank diary.
Oh I can tell his gonna have lots of note writing when he reach Endwalker for sure, early supply for a tissue please. 'Cause we need it… and a LOT for this man. March and forge ahead, Pyro.
This is really neat to see. Like, this version of the game sucked, but you can see it had tons of potential
Wait until he sees the Japanese versions of the CEs up till heavensward
I have the collectors edition and my account was also from 1.0 prebeta. I remember that awful game but something Ill never forget was running around as a gladitor with cure LARPing as a paladin. Looking up at the sky and seeing the 2 moons, one red and one white. I remember it well, I quit 2 weeks or 3 weeks after buying that collectors edition in 2010. But I will never forget the moments from that games launch. Which also was a cluster fuck and had 2002 type errors. I remember it well, I didn't then and I still do not regret buying the collectors edition for the game though. The little notebook feels like an artistic relic from an age in a way.