Shoutout YOUNG DABO and his IGOR reaction (the guy in the vid):
Video created by Veridis Arpegius (Elemental DC-Kujata)
Twitter @VeridisArpegius
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#FinalFantasy14 #ShitpostXIV #FFXIVShitpost #FFXIVShadowbringers #Shadowbringers #shadowbringers #soken #closeinthedistance #flowffxiv #masayoshisoken #ffxivmusic
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I still get tears when I hear Answers, especially after finishing the EW MSQ. I see a lot of relevance to the song everyday irl.
The only bit missing is one of him blowing out his speakers playing brute justice doing a power ranger pose. Still one of my favorite tracks in the game.
how did you managed to film me ?! Secret cameras ?!
Perfect reactions xD
This is why YouTube exists. For videos like this. This was spot on!
I WOULD put the OST on shuffle, if the Endwalker album could come to Spotify finally!
Square Enix, please! Let me give you money!
I felt 0:23 in my soul.
'Answers' takes me back
Its been the better part of a year since 6.2 but out in the distance stills gives me shills. god damn
haha best ff video ever
With the exception of La-hee and Answers this is literally my workplace playlist
THIS IS TOO ACCURATE! I feel attacked lol
"Answers" FUCKED ME UP the first time I heard it
Shadowbringers cut out our hearts and sewed up the hole. Endwalker grew us new ones, implanted them and then tore them out again.
He sure did it 0:42
I won't lie, during the 6.2 patch quests all it took was using a few strands of Hydaelyn's theme to cause me to choke back tears. It's amazing the effect music can have.
Too true!
LMFAO. Way too real.
Sorry but I find it blasphemous that the papaya song was not in this video!
I tend to put all the tracks made for fighting or intensity in my playlist
pretty accurate except answers, id be crying into a pillow
Man I really hope we get a flames of truth moment for 6.5 and a similar iconic song that we'll think back on for decades to come. The only other "big change" that could happen would be us able to visit the other reflections at will but I feel there is some type of dread in what yoshi-p has said and doesn't seem like it's just going to be a "oh cool now we can travel!" but instead something very bad.
If it is just travelling to the reflections I wouldn't be surprised if the reflections literally re-join all at once causing another massive calamity and not only bringing the entire first to the source [and allowing the people of the first to live in the same world as those on the source] but also the worlds of the other reflections appearing in the source and obviously this would cause massive unrest and instability the world over.
Who knows what they have planned for 7.0 but I hope they start things off with a massive bang to give us a reason going forward.
Eternal wind in a song is the fastest way to tears for me.
wow that's a rollercoaster of emotions, and i feel that too. Fantatic video anyway ahahaha