Professions Are GREAT! FFXIV Impressions

Our Impressions of FF’s Professions – Crafting is great! Fetes are a delight | 2022 is CRAMMED with exciting games

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43 thoughts on “Professions Are GREAT! FFXIV Impressions”

  1. tbh i like the WoW press one button and bing done. the whole FFXIV gathering/crafting thing for me i dont find joy in. too mcuh stuff to gather then min max your gear then research/make macros and then FINALLY craft/gather.
    but i will admit the gear you make specially from primal bits is excellent

  2. Best thing about leaving gathering is then being able to get your retainers to 80 on those classes go get stuff for you so you can then level crafting jobs faster and easier.

    Or sell those items they gather at the market.

    Deep eye tears go for 2-4K a piece for hq, and 500-1k for nq

  3. This year is great for gaming.
    FFXIV Endwalker, the remake of SMT Nocturne, SMT V, Dying Light 2, Slime Rancher 2, Destiny 2 exp, botw 2, Tales of Arise, Halo Infinite and the new battlefield. The last few years felt pretty meh for games at least for me so I’m so happy that there’s so many good games that have come out and will come out

  4. "Fishing is fucking mental" The sense of catharsis with me was real when I heard him say that lol. I had a friend of convinced me to go fishing and I was never big on fishing in any game so I thought why not and try it out. Hundreds of hours later I am grandmaster caster working on getting the last two fish in ShB. It so fucking nuts how massive big game fishing is and it's just tucked away and unassuming to anyone that passes this by. You'd think that it wold be like BTN or MIN and then it hits you like a truck

  5. "How the hell are we gonna play games?"
    Me, in the middle of a giant Yakuza marathon that's taken months and really only mainly doing the main story, from about July after finishing 14 MSQ, just now in Yakuza 5 and still having an entire last Kiryu game to go AND the Judgment games: …………………………………………..Fuck.

  6. Its absolutely criminal how bad WoW's are and how many games just lifted that system. Imagine if Archeology behaved like XIV jobs with quests, gear with stats for it and places like the crystalline mean with its own questline.

  7. "Fishing's mental." … Fishing's the easiest job in the game. You just take one lure, sit down, and fish. If you want to level up, fishing is more than enough (and ocean fishing gives tones of xp). Doing the quests may be hard for some fish but you just find what you need and… done. You're done. You need nothing more. And if you still need something, if you're struggling, you just go ocean fishing orm arketboard. It's literally the easiest. Yuo don't need to complete your fishing log, you can do it when bored if anything. Like? Seriously… easier, ten times and more, than the other jobs in the game.

  8. Only drawback is that every single crafting profession plays the exact same way – same skills, same rotations and everything. Botany and Mining too.
    The only exception being fishing which for some reason is ENTIRELY unique from every other profession

  9. What's nice avout Crafting, everything aside – You gain access to the crafting beast tribes!

    And whilst it can be nice, hey sprouts you really do only need one crafter levelled. Others can help but don't feel beholden to omnicrafting, you can still get as much out of it with just one maxed crafter!

  10. I'm a big-time professions junkie as far as WoW is concerned. I suspect I'd love professions in FF14; it's kind of tempting to start playing FF14 specifically to get into professions, but…my free time is already tied down for the next several months :/

  11. I've never understood the use of macros for crafting. I mean, what's the point of having an engaging crafting system if you, as the player, are ultimately going to just turn it back into 'press one button and its done' crafting?

    Seems like you're just telling devs at that point to not make interesting crafting systems and to do the bare minimum.

  12. I feel bad for Sigil games sometimes. The amount of stuff Square borrowed from Vanguard Saga of Heroes is insane. Same goes for borrowing from Warhammer Online. Both have been dead games for a long time now. Vanguard released around the same time as The Burning Crusade, while Warhammer was competing with Wrath of the Lich King, so they never stood a chance. Meanwhile, ARR releases during MOP (which is, IMO, the best WoW xpac, but it wasn't popular).

    But you can tell both games have been long forgotten, as so many people here talk of FFXIV system like it was revolutionary. It's a shame that both Vanguard and Warhammer don't get much respect for what they brought to the table.

  13. Well, having maxed out crafting/gathering, it is unfortunately "subcontent".

    It will always drag behind your main job and MSQ progress, so you can't really use it to equip yourself… and secondary jobs get "eh good enuf" -gear faster from shops and tomestones.

    Especially end game crafting with its very expensive pentamelds feels very unrewarding as that "finished" feel lasts for only a couple of months… then you gotta pentameld on new end game gear all over again.

    The BIS gear is also often faster and easier to get from tomestones and marketboard.

    As such, I'd do it mainly for much cheaper/rarer glam items (just a few expensive mats to buy), minion collection, some crafter mount collection and maybe gil grinding.

    For role play or supporting your own character's progression… I'd skip it all.

  14. this is the one thing i dislike about 14, i dont want to have to switch my entire class just to craft an item, its such a hassle and having a rotation is just unnecessary. wow's simple crafting system is the superior way to go. crafting is supposed to be a side thing, not its own class

  15. We will actually lose Bells of he starts crafting in FFXIV… Or at least get 3 videos on him raging about how Blizzard managed to fuck up professions, and SquareEnix did an amazing job.

  16. Im surprised nobody talks about the dark side of crafting in FF14 where literally more than half of the players with maxed crafters and gatherers are all botting and squareenix isnt doing anything about it. They only ban RMT while bots run rampant in saucer and diadem. Im a member of the botting discord and it has more than half the number of members if you compare it to the official ffxiv discord and nobody was getting banned.

  17. I found Profession to be the game’s best feature.

    I am not a player who enjoyed FF14. I played in past expansions, and leveled multiple jobs as high as 70. However, I did spend the vast majority of my experience delving into the crafting and profession system. FF14 should be the standard which other games are measured against, when comparing crafting systems.

  18. I started playing FF at the start of may, and yesterday I finally got all 80’s; all while having barely started on Shadowbringers!!

    I discovered blacksmithing and armorsmithing at level 10, and from that point on I would come back to Limsa every few levels to craft myself new gear. It was only after hitting 50 in both that I really started digging into the MSQ, since I needed to unlock HW before I could do more crafting. This was my pattern for Stormblood and Shadowbringers as well.

    Honestly, as someone who LOVES the fantasy of being a master craftsperson/gatherer/merchant and always felt totally underserved by WoW’s crafting system (which is practically flavour at this point), I couldn’t be happier (unless they decided not to lock areas behind the MSQ, because then I could just fly around in Endwalker gathering all day, never having to do the MSQ).

  19. I started out wanting to level my Culinarian, which lead to me wanting to be able to craft better crafting/gathering gear, which lead to me needing materials from other crafting jobs… Fast forward to now, I have every single DoH/DoL job maxxed with all master recipes and am working on getting penta-melded Aesthete's gear. Never gone that hard on professions in an MMO.

  20. here some way to make exp with crafter if you dont have the diadem unlocked.

    The first time you craft something. lets say a iron cuirass, you will receive the crafting exp and bonus exp from crafting something new. so you can just go down the list to craft everything once.

    You can mass craft with quick synthesis after you have crafted the item from the first time. example, if you dont want to manually craft 100 log into plank, you can use the quick synthesis, enter the number of log you want and if you want to use high quality item. your character will be crafting one each 0.5 – 0.8 second but depending on your stat and the level of the item you are crafting you might have some faillure. you will have two number that show how much you succeeded and failed.

    after unlocking and choosing the grand company of your choice, said compagny will have someone asking for certain item. you can turn in the item he want for exp but only once per day per class. also some item will give more exp because they are the "hot item" of the day. turning in HQ item will result in more exp.

    then there is turn in leve quest almost every outpost. they will ask for a specific item and you can turn in an infintie amount of them.

  21. Crafting and gathering in FFXIV I've always seen like bodybuilding. You have casual crafters and gatherers leveling either because they're bored, working on some exact end product, or just trying to make money like how regular folks going to the gym work out either because they're bored, bulking up to score a date, or just trying not to be a pile of lard. Then you have the hardcore omnicrafters coming in like bodybuilders by constantly promoting others to do it and never shutting up about it in a consistently positive, non-toxic manner.

    Macros for crafting in this case would be vitamin supplements: they're not necessary, but they definitely put you ahead in the game.

  22. Crafting/Gathering is sooooo much easier/nicer these days. It respects your time and is engaging without being a royal pain (except maybe the ARR cooking quests are still eh). Holy moly, you should have seen it back in 1.0; it was a confusing mess and I still bump into weirdos who say they miss it. No lie, I am envious of new players starting their professions since it's such a breeze to level up — they have so many ways to level now that I wish I had when I got all of them to max level prior to ShB. Endgame crafting is still madness, as it should be, at least.

  23. When I first started playing I took up Goldsmithing to see what the crafting was about. Long story short, I spent a good 10 minutes killing ladybugs with my GS hammer because I thought this was some Mister Miyagi training program.


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