Pro Metal Guitarist REACTS: FFXIV "Sunrise" with Official Lyrics (Suzaku Theme)

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13 thoughts on “Pro Metal Guitarist REACTS: FFXIV "Sunrise" with Official Lyrics (Suzaku Theme)”

  1. Also, the lore for this fight is so sad.

    Basically, this series of fights are against animals who have attained great power by living for an extremely long time, but due to this, they sometimes lose their sanity due to centuries of memories and emotion boiling over and need to be essentially beaten back to their senses.

    This character was a bird born with crimson plumes. She was hunted because people thought her plumes would grant immortality, like the phoenix of legend. She fell in love with a human traveller who instead treated her as a companion, but she never confessed before he sacrificed himself to save the world. Ironically, when she became an auspice, she gained the immortality powers that people hunted her for, but it was far too late to save her beloved.

    In her madness, she mistakes you for the man she loved, and there are several heartbreaking voice lines about how she never got the chance to show her true self or reveal her feelings to "you."

  2. My wifi is so spotty right now that it took like 30 minutes to get halfway haha. I guess I'll have to listen to this again later. Leaving a comment for the algorithm though! 🙂

  3. My wifi is so spotty right now that it took like 30 minutes to get halfway haha. I guess I'll have to listen to this again later. Leaving a comment for the algorithm though! 🙂

  4. The instrument you mistook for a harp is a Koto, also called Japanese harp or zither in the West. Since the story of this trial series is based on the novel "Journey to the West", Soken worked a lot with traditional East-Asian instruments in this part of the soundtrack.

  5. Who's ready for some DDR?

    I know you've mentioned a lot that Stormblood gets requested less than the other expansions being to many the middle child of the expansions, but there are many other hidden gems within.

  6. Dude I really love your style and all but maybe you should try something new. Like I always find myself wanting to come back and watch new videos but they're all just game music and most of them are not really interesting to me, except for metal gear rising songs. I'm sure you know that Metallica recently dropped Lux Eterna. Maybe you can make a video for that, or some tips and tricks for the people who are new to electric guitar. You can cover play along some more popular songs. You know, things that more people would be interested in. You are a talented guy man. You deserve more views. Big love.

  7. Certainly one of those songs that hit harder when you know the tragic backstory of love/loss and eternal longing of love unspoken.
    Fantastic playing on it! I know it took a bit with the unusual chords but once you locked it down, epic!
    FF14 has so many great tracks it's ridiculous.


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