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This is possibly the best song in the game
This brings back so many memories!
A fantastically good tune and a very amusing fight if you don't mind watching people just flat out fail mechanics 😏
Heck yeah, best track of the game!
2:40 that melody you're referring to is the Stormblood theme, the bit in the song is similar tho but its from the shadowbringers theme
The Primals band version has a guitar solo that isn't in the game. You can hear it from the 2021 digital fanfestival
Then there's the Maker's Ruin remix from phase 2 of the Endwalker final Trial… aka OUR Warrior of Light's boss theme.
Some one may have told you later in the stream, but apparently this was written while soken was in the hospital being treated for cancer. everyone was working from home, or many were for covid around the same time so no one on the team knew he had cancer. it was revealed to everyone at one of their live streams that he had fought cancer while writing a lot of the post shadowbringers music and working.
"ethereal" excellent word choice.
Your chord recognition is insane dude
Fwiw, I would change the title to To the Edge. I thought you meant Maker's Ruin, but this fight even existing is a pretty massive spoiler lol
This one hits different, because the composer was making this and adjusting it while he was in the hospital battling cancer. The story writer didn't even know about it until afterwards, making him adjust it by a few seconds so it lined up for the cutscenes. He got better by the way, because cancer couldn't hold down this legend.