Pat Stares At FF14 Job Action Live Letter! + Special Guest Caffeine!

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at


19 thoughts on “Pat Stares At FF14 Job Action Live Letter! + Special Guest Caffeine!”

  1. Gunbreaker ender is just Lionheart LB from VIII? or at least the very end does… hard to tell with my eyes only capable of seeing explosions and an extreme desire to not frame by frame it due to laziness so i could be wrong.

  2. FFXIV and the mmo genre continues to amaze me just how broad and diverse an audience it attracts and the opinions that arise out of it. One guy on stream just out of pocket wants to remove white mage’s Benediction? Which makes no sense, it’s like the most full proof ability in the game, how do you hate an ability that does 100% healing?

    Day of stream a guy got ratio’d into a crater for his opinion on the job action consolidation option and had this opinion that making a 123 button order a 111 was removing this bar of skill that no one cared about. And that was coming from someone who everyone already knows used QoL plugins for his ultimate clears.

  3. I Get Woollies POV.
    I dont like revisiting stuff thats still in my mind.
    I wont revisit most games/movies/music/etc until like many years later when i can barely remember it. (I play the games that stick with me the most the least).

  4. People in chat wondering why they're putting time aside to talk about mooncat graphics updates just don't understand. We feel threatened with the introduction of bigger cooler catgirls and we already don't have the cat slit eyes. The canines being less apparent at a glance is a big deal, it's all we have!


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