I needed to do this for myself because without it the Benchmark literally looked the same to me LOL. I figured since I was doing it for me anyway, I might as well just post it. Also idk what’s with the volume, I have reuploaded this like 5x trying to make the volume quieter and for whatever reason it always sounds the same even though it sounds quieter if I open it with a video player on my PC so I really don’t know what is going on… I am sorry for blowing out your speakers QQ
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Nice helmet hair nerd
Face 3 femra here. Benchmark – bad. >:(
Here's my comparison.
Old benchmark: You computer sucks lmao.
New benchmark: You computer still sucks, but look how everything looks now. (pls upgrade)
0:21 is the only part that matters tbh. the rest was just brighter with a bit of fog
The lighting/shading has definitely changed.
Square Enix should be absolutely embarassed for trying to convince people that their is an improvement and you would have to be a total fanboi to think their is. This is no different than the "3d audio" crap they tried to SELL to us. Award for biggest game industry hustlers definitely goes to SE.
I was hoping to hear her thoughts… But, while I feel like her character perhaps looks better, a lot of scenes in the new version seemed washed out to me. Idk. I hope she does a discussion with video of her character in character creation like last time.
I thought they looked slightly different but didn't know exactly why so this really helps. I stand corrected, I did not think they could pull all this off in so little time but Im really happy with the changes. I hope you are happier with your WOL as well <3
what are those Viper Weapons??
uuuh the characters look better but holy everything else looks worse…
I prefer old shading for environments and new shading for character models.
this is ironically the most helpful video you've made, the benchmarks looked mostly the same to me but it's nice to see my suspicions that the OG really did have a weird burnt orange filter applied to like everything, and it's gone in the new one.
actual game play still looks li´ke ps2 though
Well the character creator looks 100% better now but now the actual in game looks grey and washed out like it always has. We took a step forward with the character creator and a step back with every other part of the game lol but who knows, the character creator looks so much better on my own PC then it does on YT so maybe the same is true ingame.
The old one still looks better.
The only thing I see changed from the previous one is that the vignette (transparent rectangle that darkens the edges) is no longer there. And thus it looks more vivid. And is probably faster, as there is nothing that slow things down more in a card than having something translucent covering the whole screen (the card has to write each pixel twice). Which would explain why the benchmark gave me a better number this time around.
One thing I notice is that the lips are less glossy. They need settings for glossiness. Specially on the lips. My character looks mostly ok except for the lips. My character lips look like someone bashed her face on the ground and then used grinding paper on them. They look dry and bruised.
The character lighting looks better in the new version, but it also makes a lot of the environments look washed out now/not as vibrant. Almost prefer the look of the old version because I'll be looking at the environment more than my own character and if I want a screenshot all I have to do is GPose since I can adjust the lighting myself anyways. Thank you for the side by side!
Graphics don’t matter to me that much. What I was hoping for, however, was more screen shakes and less blurring effects when I use certain skills. What’s the point of a graphics update if you can’t even tell what your character is doing?
Your character looks gorgeous in the benchmark!!!
thank you for giving us our sparkly eyes.
The world looks so much Vibrant & Real in the old benchmark but the character in the new benchmark is Superior!
They should take the best of both & implement it in the final product!