Nier Reincarnation – Pulls for FFXIV Part 3

Cutting a swath through the Cage. Today: continuing to pull for White Mage Rion, Dark Knight 063y, and Dragoon Noelle from Final Fantasy 14.


13 thoughts on “Nier Reincarnation – Pulls for FFXIV Part 3”

  1. Got a Noelle ascension!! Now that I've reached my comfort zone in pulls, I'll probably use pity on 063y if I don't get him before then, though my books will be saved for Noelle as attack is my account priority.

  2. Congrats on 063y! His costume is definitely bad ass 😉 but I’m truly hoping you get Mage Rion and live happily ever after.

    Random ending note: I realized why Dark Levania seemed slower than my Firefighter Griff and Snape Dimos: they’re both lvl 90 with maxed skills for their main weapons, so their agility appears to be faster than Dark Levania. Dark Levania’s agility is actually really high at lvl 80 anyways. Higher than both of them, too. When I play on auto, Griff and Dimos tend to move before Levania. I’m just a dodo brain 🙂

  3. Congrats on getting 063y.👍 Regarding the pull I really wonder if the game was just coded not to give out WM Rion that easily. I reached the ceiling twice: got 5 Noelle, 2 063y & 1 Rion. Yes I exchanged for dupes of Rion. Now just working toward my 3rd ceiling.😂

  4. Sorry you didn't get Leon 🙁 This is your F2P account right?! So how do you get 12000 gems in a few days? I thought I had hit every event so far and don't have enough to get close to a pity yet. Cheers.

  5. Noice, glad you pulled 063y. I think of everyone Noelle is my favourite so far, but I am partial to dragoons. Hopefully can build all of them though just need me some books.

  6. I know you want Rion but i'm happy you pulled 063y ahah. I really like it and need a reason to invest on him. Will be waiting for a dedicated video!

  7. Gotten nothin but garbage from this gacha, all those gems…gone. Just a bit jealous of all the purples, but hey congrats on the RNG smiling on you. I know you wanted Rion, but at least you got 063y

  8. I didn't realise you get more story from fully ascending the 2 star weapons. Thanks for letting me know… almost a full year of play, and still didn't realise that.

    I'm sorry you didn't get your Rion. You'll get him eventually. Grats on 063y though. Better than nothing. I think at this point, you'll eventually pity him. But like you said… TO THE MOON!


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