I’m so sorry for the quality of the video. But Hello Albsterz Here, and welcome back to Final Fantasy XIV, and we are back with some more story. And In this episode we have a strange encounter.

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About Final Fantasy XIV Online

Final Fantasy XIV Online, also known collectively with its initial relaunched title Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (ファイナルファンタジーXIV: 新生エオルゼア, Fainaru Fantajī Fōtin: Shinsei Eoruzea?, lit. Final Fantasy Fourteen: Eorzea Reborn), is the relaunched version of the fourteenth installment of the Final Fantasy series and the second, after Final Fantasy XI, to be an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game).

#Albsterz #FinalFantasyXIV #FF14


29 thoughts on “NEW PLAYER To FINAL FANTASY XIV Has A Strange Encounter!”

  1. your not a wizard harry your an arcanist. If you wanna do a wizard then the closest to it is thaumaturge. Chocobo is pronounced Cho-ko-bo and noscea is pronounced no-sha, limsa lominsa is pronounce limb-sa lo-men-sa.

  2. He shall be called Stuart! 😀
    Your first chocobo ride, nice. Kewehh~

    If you log out while you are in your room you will have a small surprise when you login again… Hopefully that's still working that way.

    Also any marks above a monster is worth investing.
    And if you find yourself lacking in exp or low item lvl aka weak armour for you next Quest, the guild leaves have different loots and good exp. (The nice lady on the left from balderon, the adventure guild master. You've unlocked those as well. )

    And maybe checking out the guy next to your room before you jump into a dungeon could be helpful.( Green sproud on his head) Bu~t it's your FF experience. Running blind into a dungeon is also entertaining and I still do it a lot.

    Last but not least: fresh into a new dungeon it's common to tell people that you are new here, so the tunk isn't speed running the whole dungeon.

    I do like your voice acting for the adventure guild master 👍

  3. Sharlayan = "Shar-lay-an" / Sahagin = Sa-hog-inn / Y'shtola = Yish -tola / Automaton = Ah-tom-ah-ton. Not poking fun, just offering assistance. Some of this will be heard in Voiced story, so you'll pick it up! Nice videos. Love to see new players to the community!

  4. That was fun! Here are more tips and tricks to improve your play!

    Miasma and Bio do damage over time, so they haven't done everything they can yet on their first application. This also means you shouldn't re-cast them to overwrite their durations until they're nearly up. We call this "clipping DoTs." Put simply, don't cast Miasma or Bio the second time unless you're clipping them at 1 or 2 seconds. Both damage and healing over time in this game apply their potency every 3 seconds, so you are wasting potency if you overwrite them sooner.
    As a general rule of thumb, remember your ABC's (Always Be Casting)! As long as your global recast timer is rolling, you're doing something, even if you aren't performing perfectly. That's a lot better than doing nothing. However, you have ways of being able to move and use abilities without sacrificing this. Bio is cast instantly, for example.
    You should switch Egi Assault and Summon on your hotbars. You never need to replace Emerald Carbuncle with another Emerald Carbuncle, so there's little sense in having a one-and-done ability on your main hotbar. Egi Assault will see much more use than that, especially since it's another ability that goes off instantly for you (it orders your current pet to use an attack it doesn't otherwise use).
    Always talk to chocobokeeps with quest markers over their heads! That way you can take a chocobo porter to that location. Basically, you rent a chocobo who takes you to a certain location. It's cheaper than teleporting but takes longer.
    You won't get your own mounts until you join a Grand Company, which happens during the main story.
    Try not to stand in the strike zones. The jackals you fought used a move called Sanguine Bite that you were consistently hit by. Generally, if you aren't standing in the strike zone as it vanishes, you won't be hit by the ensuing attack. You did well against the golem but weren't great at it against normal enemies.
    At 16:00, you were surprised by the level sync window. In fact, it's saying that if you are higher than level 14, you will be synced down to level 14. That didn't apply to you, as you were level 10 at the time. It's the game's way of making sure you don't just level to 80 and breeze through every quest like it's nothing.
    23:20, PHRASING. Also, that cowl prevents you from equipping anything to your head due to its own hood.
    If you love the view, there's a sightseeing log you can unlock fairly soon.
    The innkeep at 47:15 is a man, by the way. Baderon referred to the adventurers' guild itself as a "lady," which fits the name Drowning Wench. And yes, the use of inn rooms is always free.
    The armoire is where you put equipment from achievements if you aren't going to use it. Also, I'd say it's probably implied that your character is asleep while you aren't logged in.
    There's a tactic we use called "slide-casting" that you nearly figured out against the jackal at 52:30. Depending on your spell speed, you can move near the end of your cast and not lose the cast. It'll take some actual practice to find your sweet spot for that.
    Did you see the red mark by the arbor buzzard's name? That means it's aggressive!
    At 1:03:00, you seemed unhappy with using a bomb to run a lighthouse. It's the same concept as using a donkey to pull a wheelbarrow, though.
    Byregot is pronounced "BEER-eh-go," by the way.

  5. Oh yeah, another small random tip, but in the menu for the teleport points (the big aetheryte crystals) you can set up to four of them as a Favored Destination, which makes teleporting to them cost only half as much gil; very handy for aetherytes you know you'll be coming back to like the one in Limsa

  6. A few tips regarding combat:
    You can move roughly ~half a second before a spellcast ends,its called "slidecasting" usually,it takes some practice to get the timing down.
    For enemy aoes,as someone else in the comments mentioned,the orange circle is NOT the indicator as to when the aoe goes off,pay attention to the enemies cast bar,if THAT is full,and you are still in the aoe at that time,you will still get hit,this is especially useful later on when this becomes a lot more prevalent and especially useful for more melee oriented classes,as it allows moving back in on bosses especially as the attack animation for the boss is going off,but because the enemy cast already finished,you dont get hit anymore.(there is enemy abilities with no casting at all that just show up as aoe markers,for those…you just haul ass out of the aoe range)

  7. If you keep making these, I'll keep watching them! Really enjoying the pace and appreciation of the small stuff. Thanks to you my burn out from the game has subsided a bit, and i've just resubbed!

  8. Albsterz, allow me to begin by telling you that I am THOROUGHLY enjoying your first-time experience in a game I've come to love and consider one of my favorites! Your enthusiasm is genuine and infectious and I find myself eagerly waiting for your next installment. Thank you for helping me fill my free time. Because you've scratched my back (by helping me fill my free time) I figured, in true FFXIV fashion, I should scratch yours; with a little advice. (I am by no means an expert in this game! Although, I have learned a few things along the way. I apologize if you have already heard some of these notes. Hopefully you gain something from this read.)

    First thing I noticed was that you are a tad bit slow dodging the AOEs (yellow ground markers), therefore you take a huge hit and/or status effects. At your current level you should always be dodging these indicators, even if that means interrupting your current spell. It did look like you were getting better towards the end of this video, so maybe you already noticed this delay. **If you continue on as a Scholar (instead of Summoner) you'll get shield spells that allow you to take AOEs to the face (but status effects can still suck, beware).

    You can sort your "Hunting Log" by "Incomplete" only by using the dropdown menu at the top. As you complete the hunts sometimes it's nice to only focus/see the enemies you have left. I hate a messy list! :p

    I think you may be aware of this (because we've seen you use it from time to time), but there are often multiple pages to each tip that pops up. Sometimes you exit the pop up after reading page one, when there are still 3 or 4 pages left unread :(. Of course, you are the master to your own destiny/education, so feel free to ignore this advice. I just couldn't forgive myself if didn't bring that to your attention.

    Finally, PLEASE go ahead and sell your extra items, crafting materials, gear, etc. to almost ANY merchant or vendor. This will give you the gil you'll need to teleport and buy gear. When you interact with a NPC you can sell to, your inventory will pop-up on your screen (upper right I believe). Most things (besides special gearsets) can be reacquired at a later time, but I don't think I have to tell you that, once it's gone, it's gone. I believe if you exit the sales encounter, you can't buyback the items you have sold (hopefully someone will correct me if I am wrong…).

    I want to end this "back scratch" advice session with a bundle of encouragement! You are doing a fantastic job and seem to be enjoying the game along the way! That is what Final Fantasy XIV is all about! You should never be doing anything because you feel forced to do so (unless it's the Main Story Quest at times early on lol, but it always gets better). You must embrace the wonder of everything the game has to offer! Once again, THANK YOU for allowing us to journey with you, witnessing your fears, excitements, tears and laughter. I believe by now you already know this, but you are not doing this alone. The FFXIV community is VERY supportive and we genuinely want you to fall in love with the game like we have. I hope you cannot get enough of FFXIV, but if you don't, that's fine too. Just have a good time. Enjoy!

  9. I so so so hope you make it to Heavensward! 😀 Tho I think you'll take a whiiile since you're going through everything haha
    I think you might want to go back to the Options and make it so you'll always see the names just the Enemies/Mobs at least so you can tell what they are at a glance ^^'

  10. One of my first memories of playing XIV was looking at those stars outside of Summerford Farms & being in the same awe as you. It’s stuck with me all these years & never gets old 🙂 So glad to see you enjoying yourself!

  11. The game gets exponentially better once you begin the 1st dlc, Heavensward. If you ever have any questions feel free to ask in game. 97% of players are friendly and will be more than happy to assist if not otherwise occupied

  12. You only have to "refresh" the DoT's (Damage over Time) abilities which are Skills 2 and 3 on your hot bar called (Bio and Miasma) once every 30 seconds, they have DoT timers that show up under the targets health bar on your HUD. While those are ticking down you just use Ruin (Skill 1) repeatedly.

  13. Yish-Tola (If that helps to know Y'shtolas name.) Also I could be here for awhile if I was to make one for every name or word but im not going to do that. Learning characters youll see a lot of name's is probably enough. 😛

  14. Can't wait to see your reaction to how deep the rabbit hole actually goes. Some chest gear like robes give extra stats and take up head slots and leg gear take up boot slots for tanks in a realm reborn. And something to get used to in this game is when the aoe markers hit the ground the dmg from the enemy goes out about half a second or more before the marker goes away. They addressed this years ago and would have to re code the core of the game to fix it if I recall

  15. just to let you know monsters with the blue icon next to there name are passive (friendly) and monsters with the red symbol next to there names are aggressive (will attack you as soon as they see you)


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