Thank you so much for watching! This new whoopie cushion housing item from the newest Variant Dungeon could be so much better! :[
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square enix hates farters confirmed
yeah this made me mad
Typical game companies ignoring the fart community lol. We want our farts to finally be represented! We have been oppressed far too long! When we stand on a whoopie cushion, I want to be giggling and farting along with it! I want to audibly yell 'Whoopie whoopie I just had a tootie!' anytime a fart happens. Its sick how they continue to ignore the community and its very obvious they just want our money. Well not anymore, I'm not giving them a cent until I hear a mud flapper.
We need an emergency patch 😂
Did not realise this was a whoopie cushion. I just liked the item haha
It's so big too, idk what to do with it if it doesn't make sound or small enough to put on chairs…