So I tried my first ever Extreme Trial in FFXIV, more specifically The Howling Eye Extreme. It was rough. I will improve!!!
Thanks for watching.
Hello from DEnmark
Woah the camera angle
Don’t know anything about FF14 but I’ll watch Lewis do literally anything
Hey, something that helps me to visually understand what's going on in the fight more easily is turning off other players' battle effects. It helps a lot with visual clarity, especially in later fights where you often need to look for "tells" (the boss holding up a sword on one side, certain colours, etc) to know what to do. You can change this in character config, control settings, character, "battle effects settings". You probably will want to set party to "show limited" so you can still see healer aoes etc. Hope this helps 🙂
you should try them blind then research it if you fail.
Hey man just wanted to say I like your vids and it was fun watching you do garuda extreme and I would like to see you do the other extremes in ARR as well. I would however recommend using party finder PF for short if you want to try/clear extreme trials , binding coils of bahamut and savage raids. All the content I just listed is pretty difficult and not a lot of people will use the duty finder for that type of content. The reason why people use party finder is because you keep playing with the same party and can reset the timer whenever you need to. That means you are not bound by the 1 hour timer in extreme trials and you don't need to teach new players again if you did not clear the fight in the time limit. For ARR extreme trials the que times are not that long but the que times really start to become long (a couple hours) in stormblood and onwards. Looking forward to the other extreme trials!
I would recommend Titan EX next, very fun fight to learn with the shrinking arena.
Watch better call Saul Lewis
You did great! Glad you have fun maybe I join in after 5 July when data center travel will be implemented
I don’t know why but I really like when Lewis plays ff14, he’s just so chill to watch
I love EX trials… it’s the perfect difficulty for just jumping in and playing for fun, without the stress of hectic puzzle mechanics and damage downs that are handed out like candy on Savage. Garuda is a fun one, but some favorites EX trials for the “fun factor” when playing them synced… ARR: Ultima Weapon (it’s the current Unreal and one of my favorites), Titan, Shiva – HW: Ravana, Thordan, Sophia, Zurvan – STB: Shinryu, Byakko, Suzaku, Seiryu – SHB: Titania, Hades, Ruby Weapon, Seat of Sacrifice, Emerald Weapon, Diamond Weapon – Endwalker: All of the 3 story ones so far on Extreme are a lot of fun they really upped the fun factor/insanity on mechanics
I just done suffering from Endwalker's EX trials couple days ago.. Stressful yes