My First Party Finder Raiding Experience (I'm Never Doing This Again) | FFXIV

Plot twist: After recording this video I cleared M2S with my old static and it seems they don’t mind flexing to fit me in so maybe I’ll just keep going with them xD

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34 thoughts on “My First Party Finder Raiding Experience (I'm Never Doing This Again) | FFXIV”

  1. your pf experiance is describing my static, they can not execute any mechanic clean. we had 4 raid-days and we never saw enrage in m1s, meanwhile on my alt i cleared m4s week one in pf and recleared it this week. i never go static again.
    dunno whats going on in US-pf but EU feels like mostly chill

  2. PF has been pretty chill so far. Fresh prog to clear on m1s in a few hours. Got to poison sting on my third pull of the bee and killed her before lockout in my second party.

    Honestly, whether you yourself are capable or not; PF is an endurance marathon. Not a race. If a few idiots who aren't consistent are all it takes to mental boom, PF isn't for you.

  3. You gotta keep in mind that PF does not ONLY contain people that suck at the game, but people who are having issues like you do right now, time and commitment problem. There are a lot of people who are better than half of static clearers out there in PF. You don't cling in PF, you gotta have that mindset. 3 times pulling and not reaching the said mechanic? Whoops, out of here. Duty completion objective seen 3 enrages? Get out.

    Never settle for a group, keep hopping, and eventually you'll find a group that'll clear. That's what savage in PF is all about, savage raiding but bite-sized. Today you learn for 40 minutes, next day 3 hours, day after that only 20 minutes. Also, even though gear check is low, you will still find people who come to enrage. They're the people who keep triggering enrage with 30% hp left in previous expansions, so don't feel too bad that you've drawn the short straw. As you progressed in M2 M3 M4, you'll have less and less people who do that, especially if they start to get gears. Some people cleared turn 4 in like 3 months-4 months, though I know they're usually the worse pack, but they usually cleared, and start trapping the loot party (yes you'll have those M1 clearers who'll be punted off the platform in mouser 1, or worse, breaking the platform you're standing on or make last second changes that yeeted everyone)

  4. 11:24, they changed it over to the braindead MTTT strat that only requires the groups to bait for the first 2 and then have the tanks invuln the last two while baiting the in and out stacks… they still mess it up b/c they keep flip flopping which stack party is in and out confusing everyone and never stop to correct it. then they cannot adjust to other strats b/c it's not the strat they used.

  5. M2 got me to the point of not wanting to raid like nothing has before. With my static we did over 120 pulls week one, and at one point we got to 0.1% hp. But of course, week two comes along and we clear on pull two. M3 was such a refreshing breath of fresh air and much more fun, but maybe thats because it hasnt traumatized me yet.

  6. My experience with EX trials in PF has been terrible enough, I dare not try savage. I literally had to pay 7 other people to help me clear Zeromus EX because I got tired of meteor memes. Just hours and hours and hours of random idiots wiping the party. After I got my clear and went into farm parties it got so much better. It's such an easy fight, just goes to show that a significant percentage of PF warriors share a single braincell.

  7. The rule of NA PF is that the groups are always labeled as being (at least) one prog point further than they are.
    Mouser 2 prog? That's clones prog.
    Clear party? That's Mouser 2 prog.
    Reclear party? That's somehow still just a Clear party.

  8. i have cleared every tier since Asphodelos in PF and my advice is the earlier you prog the quality of PF will be better, like i cleared both 1s and 2s this tier on day 1 with relative ease, while my friend who progged on Saturday was stuck in m2s for 15 hours because people could not stay alive/not pressing their buttons, its just the reality of things. Other than that it's really more of an endurance test and a huge time investment, PF is basically just rolling the dice for either a good party or a bad event happening, and a static just minimize the chance of that bad event happening.

  9. I swear the average pf raider has to be on some level of physical or mental disability because playing a stack/spread simulator isn’t hard. People are choking on legit simple mechs that only need you check safe spots and move. Like you HAVE to be mentally disabled or slow in the head to not grasp that mech 100% of the time. 😂

  10. I feel like you got so unlucky. I scraped together a bunch of bored ERPers and some rando signups on Balmung at like 3AM and we pretty much got through it all without any sort of like discord or callouts. I dunno if they were secret hardcore players or something, I dont log or check people's logs, but we just bought some gear and stuff and loaded in and it wasnt that bad. This has kinda been my PF experience in general, so I don't know how some people are magnets for people who can't play the game.

  11. A tale as old as time! I've been using PF for savage raids since Stormblood and I share your feelings and everything you said about PF. With time I simply got used to it and now I go into it knowing it's gonna require a looooot of patience.

  12. I've been in PF hell all week… not to mention having people who die to every mechanic try to tell me how to play my class. My opener changes based on the first mechanic of the fight to maximize damage.

  13. HAH PF hasn't been the same since Shadowbringers. Don't get me wrong there were still those certain characters you didn't want to see and people that refused to learn to play the game. But I have been miserable every raid tier since Shadowbringers. I honestly think it is the sudden boom of players since Shadowbringers. If anyone has the chance just forget about PF and try and form a static. Make friends have a hopefully more peaceful raiding experience. PF is for the absolutely insane or if you are insanely lucky. I constantly have to ask friends in statics to join just for a chance to clear.

  14. I spent 3 weeks for p3s because my static could not clear and pf was bad on end sun-monday. I spent 3 lockouts in pf and cleared M3S from fresh to a2c lol. If you want to clear this tier, you need to push to clear during reset. This tier is super easy in damage checks so you lose experienced people later in the week. Honestly if the party keep dying to mechanic, repf already and blacklist the people who keep messing up.

  15. I don't know if you're sticking on crystal for your pf experience. If so, that could be some of the problem. I promised myself I never raid on Crystal again after "yolo cachexia" 🤣

    Aether is still bad too. But you can blame aether at least 🤣


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