Quazii talks about his first Final Fantasy XIV Player Live Letter experience.
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#ffxiv #finalfantasy14 #liveletter
It's a pleasure to be a part of your community mate
Live letters, while not always as hype as seeing a brand new class reveal or the like, do definitely have that tender care when it comes to even the small changes. For example, the stream took several minutes to explain what, how, and why the stat squish is happening, possible issues that they'll keep an eye out for, and the hopes for the effect: a complete through-line of intent that, even if it's mistaken or a poor choice, is at least understood.
Glad to hear you had such a positive experience, and great breakdown. My friends unfortunately have mixed opinions about the live letters. Some were super hyped, and some were already prepared for the worse changes lol. I think the term "clockwork" is a perfect sum of how the dev team operates. If you notice, they are almost never late during maint, and alot of the time the server comes up a couple min early. If there is extended maint, they let us know well ahead of time. Typically on launch of expac if there is emergency maint they will normally hold off until after early access ends. In the past they have extended early access due to unexpected emergency maint.
I've been playing MMO's since the mid 90s, and I can tell you this is the only dev team I've ever experienced that does everything in a logical/clockwork fashion that never misses. I also appreicate the fact they use "data" to make changes to the game, instead of just "pure" player feedback/opinion. Another large reason people are so hyped about live letters, especially pre-expac is because of the vast amount of changes done. Normally they only do vast job changes during a new expac, and only minor changes during patches. For balancing they normally will wait until the first raid tier has finished, to get good data on what they need to adjust. I've seen all of the above patterns since the launch of ARR early access (a large diff from 1.0 lol). Thanks as always for the hard work and interesting videos!
I still love Yoshi-P watching the bunny girl dance
I had logged out of game, made coffee and big bowl of popcorn to watch the live even the from start on Friday Night. I remember seeing over 100k+ people in the live stream at the start. Though I fell asleep about 3hrs in as it was really late the night, I was enjoying it.
Quazii, I have a question. Have you watched FFXIV's Dad of Light on Netflix?
It also comes down to the behavior and attitude of the culture. Wherein unfortunately Western cultures are geared more towards how much money they can make (COUGHactivisionCOUGH) the Eastern culture or at least the people who are working on Final Fantasy XIV they are very humble and Hands-On with their community
I was quite impressed. The fact they took time to explain stuff such as their thought process on where they want to go, their own concerns with aspects/what they're looking out for, some changes…. it just blew my mind coming from other mmo's in the past where you got a blue post at most to pre-selected questions interview. It absolutely shows their passion for what they're creating.
"they explain even tiniest details"… cough… cough… 3 slides for transportation fee changes… cough cough.
As a wise man said: "why do they need to put so many details into this transport fee whereas the whole of our community is about ass-slider". Kudo to the devs team though.
What music you have playing in the background?
The live letter has me wanting to try summoner. Gonna start working on that as soon as I finish my red mage
This team is famous for its communication. They want to make sure to tell people everything, and the detail they go into on even little things like the teleportation changes shows that.
Honestly live letters no matter how big or small, always generate some kind of hype, and its almost throughout the entire community so its always fun imo :p. Honestly these remind me almost of a "Mini-Blizzcon" in terms of hype and excitement. with the 3-4 fan fests being the BIG Blizzcon or E3, Comic Cons, etc.
Im curious what you thought of the memes happening while you were watching them, were you ever like "Oh man thats gonna be a Meme i can see it now XD" like As soon as they were doing the balancing with their hands my first thought was "OMG ITS A CAT! CAT DEVS!" and sure enough that spark took off and now we have "Yoshi-Nyan" and hilarious gifs are floating around, as well as the Rdm knocked off the table, and Scholar walk"
Lastly when it comes to technology and programing, all that, im VERY basic, in knowing almost nothing, but when they do go into the UI to describe settings and changes, it shows me and tells me reasons some things are the way they are in game, and im not yelling at them constantly for changes because i better understand their point of bugs/errors, I also feel like if i was more interested or knowledgeable about these systems it may even help me if i was trying to design my own game, or if my goal was to be a game/program developer one day, and i feel like that knowledge they impart would be beneficial to that as well. Some past live letters have gone into great detail about the inner workings of design and such into the game and UI.
I also feel this gives everyone in the dev team their time to shine, everyone is equal in the team, and they always focus on different aspects with no1 really being ignored or not heard. Its really wholesome.
Live letters are always great times
Glad you enjoyed yours!
Honestly, having this sort of communication cadence encourages the community to view these as a sort of mutually-accepted holiday. I think it's pretty neat, especially considering the LL origins in explaining (and apologizing for) the 1.0 mess.
I also appreciate that they treat us all like adults. Some of us will tune out detail on teleportation fees, but some won't, and it's an effective way to show respect for your players.
I never broke my subscription since launch day of 2013. Although I may not play everyday, I think they deserve it.
Yes these live letters are very infomative on all the things that are coming up, I always see them, these are specials because we have somone that is translating but when they do live letters for patchs they do it just in japanese so in the comunity there is one discord that someone is traslating in real time so we can know what is going on, so it's really good.
Probably in the next live letter we will get the launch trailer for the expantion
I feel like, the WoW players and Wow devs are separate communities. Or more like the WoW devs act like the government and the players are the peasants… In FF14 the players AND the devs are ONE SINGLE community.
You are absolutely right. The dev team obviously isn't perfect, but we always feel their passion through the game and these live letters, and it allows us to be more forgiving and understanding when they stumble. Their earnest commitment to wanting to impress us and their honest, open discussions about issues with the game and moving forward is what brings us so close together. It feels like going even further beyond than just "hey, the devs are listening!" We are actually having back and forth conversations and even memeing together. It's just an amazing feeling and it is probably a big reason why the community is so damn passionate about FFXIV, and perhaps sometimes going a little overboard when others talk down about us; It's not just about defending a game we like, it's about sticking up for the hard work of the devs that we genuinely respect because they deserve it.
This live letter was the first, in a long time, with a full English translator really. That made it soooo much longer than they normally are.
The thing I loved about this live letter was that it was live translated. I believe this was the first LL to do so. Normally community members do on the fly translations in discord. Having it live translated was so nice and it was way easier to stay engaged. I ended up almost watching the whole thing.
I’m excited to see you experience a brand new expansion! Can’t wait until November
Yoshi-p is a legend in the gaming community when he first took over as lead for the game and was given the deadline for when it needed to be finished, the first thing he did was make a schedule of everything that was gonna happen along the way to the point he even incorporated when he would be able to use the bathroom. I'm a firm believer this man is the hardest working person in the gaming industry period. I've been playing ff14 for a year now and before I started playing I was really losing hope for the industry I've never played WOW so I can't speak on that end but over the past several years many gaming companies were simply put disappointing with what most would call including myself unfinished products and charging full price. Ff14 and the devs behind it completely turned that around for me. I used to never play subscription games but I am happy to pay my sub ever month for these people.
watched the live letter with my friends/static and it was really fun.
When you say that the dev team works like a clockwork, you're absolutly right. Before covid (and I think that now it's back to normal) players would guess when the next patch would be released on the day the current patch was released and would be right (or miss the mark by +- 1 week) 90% of the time. The rest 10% of the time the dev team would make an announcement of the delay at least 1 and a half month in advance, so community is always informed on when and what would be shipped so players can program thenselves if they want to sub for that content.
As a long time XIV player, watching newcomers' reaction toward the game and the developer makes me feel a bit ashamed with myself. For the last 7 years, I took all of it for granted. Thinking all of these as common and even the norm for mmorpgs but now I realized how meaningful all these live letters, updates and communication from dev team are…
Over all it was great, as a person who mainly plays Warrior and Scholar. It didn't feel awesome in that regard, but seeing things like Sage and reaper was dope. Also with a SCH I have a SMN of course, so at least having that at 80 will let me play the new summoner class. I might finally move away from Warrior and SCH for something better hopefully.
Unfortunately I don't watch the Live Letters live since it's in Japanese, and while they do put their slides in English, you miss out on all the banter. The Yoko Taro one in particular hurt since he's always hilarious. I should really just try to learn the language, I've been saying this since the 90s, oh lordy I'm old.
this was probably one of the BIGGER LL for sure though. Lots of interest from the influx on new players and old. Glad you enjoyed yourself, Im always tuning into to your vids for your thoughts on the game, its great!
This was one of the bigger live letters leading upto the next expansion rather than just the next patch, so yea they are normally like this to, just with the hype turned up to 11 this time.