I owe a big part of the Final Fantasy 14 community an apology for some things I said. I didn’t realize my way until I experienced it myself. Please forgive me you
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My bad healers I had no idea 😭😭 can yall ever forgive me!
While this was an absolutely big mistake on your part, I think that over time your continued service to the FFXIV community will right these wrongs. Stay strong! 👊🏼
Bro, I haven't seen a lot of your stuff yet, but it's really not a big deal in my book. Good on you for realising it's not as easy as you thought it was, but you're already miles ahead of all the people that don't learn and just keep assuming.
Either way I don't think any healer should take it personally when someone assumes. Keep doing your thing whatever!
Coming from someone who has played every role. I love melee, tank, healer, dabbled in a bit of ranged. They are all unique in the way they challenge you (or don't, looking at you SAM and RPR).
I have dabbled in healing, got my white mage to 80 during ShB and I have never had to concentrate more than any other role in the game. But as much as I am stressing out and my eyes are darting around the screen between my character, the party list, to the enemies cast bar. to my hotbars I get a massive dopamine rush when I get everyone through a fight alive. I can see why people like healing.
I'm not a healer so I can't comment. I'm just here show love.
Bruh You run away from healer this tier lmao
OMG my fam, I am tanking through P5S with my group right now and I straight up want to doordash a 5th of vodka and the best steak on the menu for my healers.
I occasionally dabble in White Mage, though I main Monk. That said, I actually had a healer apologize during a dungeon run for healing themself, and I took a moment to reply "Healer, heal thyself first!"
So, a round of applause for all the "medics" out there!
healing is..ok i guess…but SCH is very hard to lvl xD its the most under played heals …
Just tell the healers to adjust its ez 4head
After leveling WHM, I just had to stop and have a moment of reflection> Thought about all the times I ate AOEs and saying "healer got me". Hats off to all the healers out there and I'm sorry.
I started on whm … and after trying tank and dps healers are def working the hardest lmao. I love it though every run is a surprise lol!!
When that swift cast isn’t back up yet i be like “Bruh I don’t know what to tell you” 🤷🏽♀️
This is why I don't heal in ffxiv. I know the personal struggles.
Healing is as easy or as hard as your team makes it, personally I find it to be the most relaxing role. Then again if a black mage doesn't do mechanics a black mage doesn't get ressed. Machinist doesn't want to be on healing range cause he is afraid of mechanics, too bad boy, the boss will hit you even if you log out of the game. I try and teach new players how to do things but if they are deft then I guess I'm blind too! So I let em learn from their mistakes! Does that make me a bad healer? Nah! I believe everyone should carry their weight, in savage maybe extreme and ultimates, dps can't deal damage? We can's meet the enrage. Healer doesn't heal, we all die, tank fail agro we all die. In the end when you gain more experience you learn how much you need to heal and to get through things, otherwise you keep up your dot and press your one button all day long.
FF14 don't have healer, only have green dps who can heal
and some hard blue dps
Lol as a SCH main, I found so much satisfaction with this. It's like having a retail or customer service job IRL, everyone needs to experience it at least once so they understand how stressful it can be and they take that with them and then they know how to act lol.
This is why I'm Rdm main. It's stressful being a healer, that is…until all healers are dead and it's up to me to save the day.
The most stress. You're the healer, mana is low, and there's only you and a tank left alive, with no mitigation. 5% of the final bar to LB3…….
…… do you make it, or wipe. no pressure.
Healers that let people lie on the ground for too long, aren't that great. Only excuse for this, is if its mad crazy..
I don't let anyone stay on the ground I will even heal and raise the other parties and keep an eye on them in case their healers die, if they do they are back up before anyone says anything.
I mained SCH, but now SGE.. Healers with shield AOE… Always keep your shield up on the party it keeps dmg low, especially if someone does an oopsie. WHM/AST should keep regen on.
Doing dps is great.. But too many healers get locked into that, and then panick when things get wild 🤣 🤣 🤣
Healing, at base, is like working a retail job.
"Just put the coats on the rack, wtf man"
then you start dealing with the karens and realize, the work ain't hard… the idiots are.
Haha, I enjoyed this video! I've played WHM (and now all healers but SCH) from the start so I have always been the crazy one getting all my DPS ducks in a row while managing the tank's health. I love it and find it even more fun when everything is falling apart in a battle and I manage to bring the party back from a wipe. I will say though that it is very satisfying to hear healers' hard work is being appreciated!
While maintaining good dps
🤣 I'm a healer main. Thanks for taking the time to try out the healing role. I hope you have fun with it.
In PURELY END-GAME RAIDING (Savage and Ultimate ONLY… NOT casual content).
It's called breadth/wide responsibility… playing DPS is focused primarily on maximizing their DPS output, they are self-performance oriented and have to only think about their individual performance on these 2 things:
1. executing their damage
2. mechanics
A Healer has to think about
1. Contributing Damage and managing resource
2. Mechanics.
3. keep an eye on EVERYONE's HP and Debuffs.
4. Fight Planning for Mitigation (like literally spreadsheet planning of a fight's timeline on when to use certain mitigation skills)
(roughly 4 things).
One additional pressure on Healers also comes from the fact that any mistake that you do is VERY obvious to the raid group and easily pointed out and blamed.. not many people are built to enjoy that level of multi-attention-oriented responsibility + are exposed to scrutiny/judgment very easily.
Also, Healers, Tanks have an extra step in raid planning — which is that they plan out the mitigation for the entire fight together – DPS do not really need to "coordinate" at that level.
So If you're in a raid group with a healer that is lacking in skill/experience – it is very obvious
Neither role is more important. They are just different and for different types of people.
Again this is purely on end-game raiding (savage, ultimate)
Enjoy your time being the judge, jury, and executioner of the party's destiny