MMO Tribalism – The DANGER In Loving a Game Too Much

So you probably heard some drama on the grapevine in the last two weeks, with both a crazy billboard drama in FF14, and a more close to home load of drama surrounding Mike not getting his invite to the alpha. Today Mike wants to tall about tribalism in the MMO space and why a very vocal minority of you just need to calm down…
Twitter: @Preachgaming
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30 thoughts on “MMO Tribalism – The DANGER In Loving a Game Too Much”

  1. Its been a hot minute since we posted some videos, since Preachcon is around the corner. Of course it didnt help that we were deep into a video about the FF side of things when the Alpha drama happened and of course Mike had to re-record. Suffice to say Blizzard has approached us and we had a good discussion about things – and Mike will be taking a look at the Alpha this weekend most likely.

  2. None of my bussiness but…do you plan on going back to ff7 ? I dont mean to press you , but the story is pretty good and is considered as the game that mainly introduced and popularised rpgs on the west market

    happy to watch your content man , have a nice day

  3. My biggest concern with Blizzard's design choices in the next expansion is just finding the content that we'll actually be doing. Grinding wasn't bad when it felt worthwhile and grinding didn't feel worthwhile in BFA and SL. Removing grinding entirely is overcorrecting the opposite direction. Things like Artifact Power weren't entirely horrible but some of the decisions made as part of it were horrible. For example, having to grind for EACH DIFFERENT SPEC felt horrible but overall, if you just focused on one spec, it felt fun and engaging. BFA corrected that part but at the same time just kept making all of that investment feel meaningless by trivializing it completely.

  4. Lol the Aeris/Aerith part was great and just reminded me how much I absolutely hate that part in FF7. So all game long I can rez dead players with a phoenix down, I have plenty on hand when Aerith "dies" but apparently the whole party forgets about it.

  5. Don’t you dare put mmo tribalism at the same level as ff tribalism 😜

    There’s level to tribalism and mmo tribal ain’t even scratching ff tribalism 🤣

    P.S FF tactics best FF ff7 close though fight me tribals also dissidia best fighting game ever 😂

  6. Hey mate, honestly what game would you recommend ATM between WOW and FFXIV. I've had a massive year break from all gaming and looking to come back, however I'm looking into it and wow seems to be falling so much and FFXIV gaining traction (wtf is going on) can you give me your 2 cents while I'm looking into it? Cheers!

  7. Great video. Nobody knows more about tribalism and stoking the fires of it like Preach. He has been consistently doing exactly that since he stopped streaming WoW. I was a little disappointed he didn't own up to his own participation in it and instead offloaded the blame to his audience.

    I imagine when you have such a massive audience of either hardcore fanboys or vitriolic haters it's easy to ignore personal responsibility unless it's slapping you in the face. Which to be fair when it did come slapping, Preach has shown he can own up to at least some of it.

    Would love to see another video where Preach talks about this subject again but covers the videos where he himself participated in the toxic art of Tribalism in video games.

  8. The people who engage on forums and similar (especially in functionally solved games with guides for all content) are always going to be the people who have the most to say, and are often the most passionate / vitriolic. They're really not representative of the playerbases as a whole – most of whom are probably just chilling and not that engaged with the sort of peripheral meta-game discussion.

  9. Yo bro, Refreshing! And about the wow part, my stance is seeing is believing!

    So I'll watch and see where it goes and if dragon flight isn't a 100 gig mobile game and they fixed there internal sh*t where employees are treated like human beings again I will definitely return. And lets be honest they profit enough from wow and then delivering a turd, milking is the only excuse. I'm not a cow, you?

  10. "eyes bobby k and the sexual harassment and how little that seems solved and how their employees is treated ..and eyes the new dragon flight." A shiny candy.. .still made by a dirty nasty factory. Might taste REALLY nice.. just like it did for so many years for ALL of us that played.. but now we know how dirty and nasty the factory is.. no thank you. No more candy from that factory for me.

  11. The FF community is mostly great; but I will say that I always wonder if any stranger I am speaking with will pop off if/when I say something about the game they don't like. WoW community is pretty easy to figure out from the get-go. I guess you just have to choose between someone being an ass or pretending not to be.

  12. I'm noticing that people are sort of "grafting" media onto their personality. It's so Goddamn weird. I don't understand this mentality of identifying personally with gamers or films, etc.

    Also, someone else's displeasure of something you enjoy, DOESN'T TAKE AWAY FROM YOU CONTINUING TO ENJOY IT.

  13. I've been saying for a few years now how Tribalism is humanity's biggest problem. It occurs in sports, politics, technology, clothes, you name it. However, people don't change, they'd sooner not engage brain and be tribal unfortunately.

  14. The title made me think of ff fan boys being incredibly annoying, but then I looked at the thumbnail and I just… I don't get what you get out of stoking the hate for wow. It doesn't make sense to me, when the video itself is quite thoughtful.

    As a person who plays both games I don't get why people get to so tribalist about it. And yeah that includes your thumbnail weirdly enough.

    Just enjoy what you enjoy? Instead of making everything into a competition between the two games. Just stop being so antagonistic. Especially when blizzard did nothing wrong with your alpha access.

  15. You have every right to be pissed about not getting Alpha. It is a personal decision. As a business, you have a huge influence, and if they are confident in their game, sending you an invite is normal. Not sending you an invite is either a monetary decision, which is understandable but you could still be annoyed by it, because you lose out on views about DF, or it is a personal decision, somebody at Blizz blacklisting you over your personal stance, which is petty.

    That said, I know you got in eventually and it was a blast exploring with you.

  16. 5:29 Actually, back in the day when FF7 came out, in the JP version her name is Aeris (エアリス Earisu) and her name was that in Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy Tactics for the PS1. However in later games they changed that to Aerith. So people correcting you… are exactly those you talk about… fanatics. So no you where not wrong to call her Aerith unless you know her as Aeris.

  17. Welcome to 2022, mike. You are not allowed to have a wide array of opinions and thoughts anymore. You only may choose between being angry and pissed and hate it, or a super diehard fan, defending it until the end of time


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