MMO Tribalism: FFXIV Billboard & Dragonflight Drama | Quazii Reacts

Quazii reaction to Preach’s “MMO Tribalism – The DANGER In Loving a Game Too Much”. Original video link below.

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Link to Preach’s Video:


19 thoughts on “MMO Tribalism: FFXIV Billboard & Dragonflight Drama | Quazii Reacts”

  1. Love you analogy at the beginning with the ice cream. So apt for this. People need to settle down regarding your choices on what you want to play at any given time. Oi. Keep on being awesome, dude.

  2. Very minor thing. When trying to rationalize the billboard, people usually forget “just for fun” is often the only reason for gimmicks like this. A stupid fun thing do to, as many fun things are, but it doesn’t have to be maximizing profits or turn out at all

  3. Honestly, it’s baffling to me (but not surprising) that WoW community was so up in arms over this Preach incident regarding the Dragonflight Alpha. I thought his intentions about WoW were pretty clear. I think it’s great he has found a home with FFXIV, but I know he continues to play WoW with his friends. I don’t personally feel like he’s betraying the FFXIV brand by continuing to play WoW, or even by even being given Alpha access now. This team sport thing is weird. Yes, I have considered FFXIV a superior game for years and will continue to think so. This community incident has added to my opinion on that matter, but it’s not about team sports. I just think FFXIV has better development and the team that Yoshi-P has created has a better methodology for engagement than Blizzard does now. End of story. I know it can and probably will change as time goes on, but that’s how I feel. It’s about consumerism, not brand loyalty.

  4. People tend to forget that Streamers are also a gamer first, and a Streamer second
    What game they want to play is basically their own decision, they are after all a GAMER

  5. Fu***ng hell man….

    People seem to go off tangent and forgot the fact that, you are all S- T- R- A- N- G- E- R- S

    His viewers are not even a speck of air mattered to his decision. You mean to tell me, you won’t quit your job;
    when clearly you don’t like it and you got beaten up at work, and comes back the next day, only to eat those beating and eating the literal manure they feed you, and still smile about it, and still evangelise your job? You are high in copium on the level of world calamity.

  6. Famous WOW youtuber commented on preache's video in Asmondgold sub reddit "Top tier conditioning. Welcome back Mike. This is where you belong." – Towelliee. This type of behavior is a sickness.

  7. I like how most of the vocal minority don't know that they are being the vocal minority, trying to bring bad PR towards someone, but also bringing traction to said someone that they dislike, and then having a fit all over again because that person is back in the game or whatever it is that they are obsessed with. It's like they imploded on themselves lmao.

  8. Preach was really clear during his vid where he announced he was done with making content for WoW. WoW community is just a bit salty about it. Frustrations being vented at the wrong persons.

    You can disagree with something, but no one dictates how another should live his/her life.

    FYI, this comes from a vanilla WoW player who also ditched WoW after clearing the last raid of shadowlands. Loving every minute spend in Eorzia, that can’t be said about Azeroth at it’s current state.

    Great content as always 👍🏻

  9. They can call it tribalism all they want, but at the end of the day FFXIV is providing avenues of gameplay that WoW will never be able to with that dated engine. You can't have night clubs, murder mysteries or stage plays with props in WoW. At the end of the day, all you can do in WoW is raid or pvp and nothing they do short of developing WoW2 will ever change that.

  10. The billboard was funny, but the "scandal" around just showed how big a Karen problem ffxiv really suffers from, and why we'll likely get less funny glamours, because these outrage andies will always try dictate, what can be in the game, regardless the validity of their claims.
    Whenever a company starts asserting weird 'policies', you know the game is at its end.

  11. Gamers being protective over "their" game and trying to control his other people play is the thing that ruins the game that they're trying to protect

  12. They didn't even need to have a law firm tell them to put the logo there, Square Enix themselves asks to do so on their "Materials Usage License" agreement. The whole thing was blown way out of proportions. Also that billboard was the only thing being discussed in the FF community for like a week straight, so saying that it's a bad way to advertise an in game event is demonstrably wrong at this point lol

  13. it doesnt seem like creators and audience beef about wether he can eat ice cream strawberry or not.
    It feels like he likes strawberry icecream and pissed when he didnt get in as alpha-taster.

    see what i did there? no?
    I'll show myself out 🙁

  14. I think the billboard thing was just for fun as silly as it sounds, I dont find it that hard to believe that some people got together and had a laugh about how funny it would be to see a FF14 RP billboard and just chose to act on it not thinking of the consequences as things came together, in the US it is not that hard to get a billboard on some road off the beaten path if youre willing to pay. I dont think they deserve any negativity on them for the billboard itself or their intentions, just that they didnt think of the impact it might have

  15. To be honest, one of the things that annoys me about humans and the gaming community is when someone feels that have the F**king nerves to tell someone what they can and cannot do. Preach is a grown ass man. Now how you going to tell a grown ass man who is married with kids what he can and cannot play….Ummmm ok.

    I think every gaming community has some sort of toxicness in it. Lately WoW has been displaying theirs by trying to tell others when and if they can play WoW. To be honest that is not so representative of the "Love and Care" that they claim to have. Just play and have fun with what you want. To hell with all the loyalty of playing one game and no other.

    EDIT….whoever says WoW displays "Love and Care" has some massive stockholm syndrome.


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