Mike tries to understand FFXIV Bosses

Mike attempts to figure out what is going on in FFXIV boss fights, just by looking.
Video Credits:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLoko-TILLk – Sfia Pirion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JtpYxsTA7c Vappies

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48 thoughts on “Mike tries to understand FFXIV Bosses”

  1. The 3 ultimate fights have a lot of crap happening at the same time (having other players' attack visuals turned on doesn't help either). Might be able to catch more if you watch savage (one difficulty tier below). I can show you my group's clears of the current savage tier. Still a lot of dancing, though, lol.

  2. For that Unending Coils of Bahamut weapon, there's only a few thousand people in the world who have cleared it. It's not ultra rare anymore, but it's still very much something that's coveted.

  3. Spell effects of other players can be turned off (or set to limited). The UI in game has customization options. Cast bars will be in different places on the screen depending on where the player wants them. Spellbars can be hidden completely, all the spell damage numbers can be hidden, as well as most else you don't want to look at. It is possible to play with very minimal on-screen clutter if that is the player's preference and this is all possible without add-ons, just with the normal UI. I do find some of the boss-effects over flashy however as I am prone to migraines.

  4. Should have asked the guy whos pov you checked out. Sfia is a good dude that loves helping people trying to figure out whats happening. Also keep up these videos!

  5. "Its only a skin". The way Ultimate works is that when it first comes out it rewards the best weapon in the game for each Class. However it's only marginally better than the second best. The instant new raids come out after it though those weapons lose their status as "the best" and become trophies.

  6. Just come and play XIV with us, Mike. It's dumping on wow from such a great height at this point. Don't worry about it being dance fights. Sure there's often a dance, but there's randomness or puzzle elements underneath most of them that mean you're making decisions, based on yours, others or bosses buffs, debuffs, animations or a wealth of other interesting and inventive fight gimmicks. Just watching the first few minutes of this, there's layers going on that you're not seeing and will only see through either going through prog or having someone explain it. The fights are more complex than wow. The classes are more complex than wow. Don't get me wrong, I play and raid in both and wish wow was in a better state – but hop over the fence, I reckon you'd have a great time.

  7. A very very small portion of FFXIV players even get the privilege of stepping into TEA. Most TEA players dont want to teach a bunch of newbs the fight since it is so mind-numbingly hard to get the dance down.
    Ultimates are basically static-only comms since they require too much coordination. probably maybe around 0.00001% of players? it is incredibly elitist and the worst part of the ffxiv community.

    Still, this is a much better guide than any TEA/UCob/UwU guide I've seen.

  8. Why hasn't any1 told him yet that spell particle effects can all be super easily lowered in settings. Its very easy (so my brother tells me), to turn the 'flashiness' down if wanted.

  9. I don't like people using the thingy to call out what to do for you personally. I think it really detracts from the achievement. I put in the effort to remember every little mechanic and how to perform to as close to 100% efficiency as possible. Stuff like that is just a crutch.

  10. I thought I was watching just Living Liquid and suddenly Cruise Chaser came in and I was like "Whoa, what is happening" and then Brute Justice showed up and something finally clicked that it was Ultimate we were watching XD

  11. The guy you're watching do the fight has a breakdown of the strategy they used to do this fight, though the strategies used now are very different. My group got 2nd fastest time for one of the patches if you had any questions though. There's honestly about 1 mechanic every 4 seconds

  12. As someone who just got recommended this video. It’s nice to know that other WoW streamers are giving FFXIV a chance and analyzing the bosses and stuff and not outright dismiss it because it looks anime or something like that

  13. After starting ff14 and farming the the very first raid for the event tokens I immediately started searching where I can reduce the visual clutter – disabled the party/other abilities to the minimum and also disabled the dmg text from party members etc. completely. So much cleaner and less visual clutter.

    Did watch some videos and am kinda amazed that that this is not done by so many raiders especially the ones doing the harder raids. Is there a reason for that to not disable those things later on?

  14. Almost no one plays with all those spell effects on, or even the flying text on, seems like gameplay from a person that plays on default settings imo, which is the worst because you can't see squat.

  15. I mean he want to understand the mechanic, by using one of the hardest content as a refrence. If people want to understand the general mechanic shouldn't they start with content that at medium level or at least NOT the hardest one?

  16. I agree the raid marrkers are wonderful… I do fondly remember SHEEP MOON! though.
    And yes, unfortunately a lot, even most I'd say, of the fights are dance fights. Once you learn the steps you're good to go. There are some exceptions to catch you out though.
    It's also good to see a veteran WoW player doing this and not going all rabid about it.

  17. I feel like he's really underplaying a lot of mechanics. Like "Oh you just dodge an AoE? That's simple!" is the equivalent of saying "Playing games is just pressing buttons? That's easy!". He's missing so much context and nuance he's just boiling things down to the core of AoE = Dodge. I mean I understand he doesn't play the game, but he should realise there's more to each AoE dodge than just dodging it. While much of the fights are predictable and the AoEs have general "rules" of appearance, the actual pattern of AoEs per pull in ultimate fights are often random and players have to determine the safe spot very quickly. The difficulty of ultimates in FFXIV lies in executing mechanics flawlessly for a 15-18 min fight, while also performing your rotation well.

  18. This right here is why I watch Mike's content even after I quit WoW all those years ago. The man doesn't go around acting like a butt hurt WoW player who wants to shit on every other game that is not WoW, keep it up my man!

  19. The main draw comparing FFXIV and WoW is the way classes work. I don’t want to start from the beginning every time I want to change classes so having them all on one character is just really nice for quality of life

  20. This man is gonna do well. Not just because of what he's watching but because of his actions. Questions, compliments, paying attention, respect being paid to the home team. I wish you luck and good fortune when you come to FF

  21. imagine saying "using addons ruins the whole experience" as a fuckin wow raider who hasn't raided without DBM or some equivalent in over a FUCKING DECADE LOLOLOLOLOL i seriously hope that was sarcasm. because DBM saying "you will die" everytime you need to move it ANY different how?

  22. I'm always entertained and informed by outside perspectives of a game I've played for years, it lets me appreciate more the things that I've more or less accepted as being "how it is" for a long time. Great video!

    I understand you've said FF14 doesn't look like your type of game, and I super respect that. I don't think every game needs to be for everyone. But if for whatever reason you do give the game a shot, I hope you find a community that greets you with open arms. Cheers!


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