After achieving the outstanding, thrilling, and monumental feat of successfully getting pushed in a cart, we shortly find ourselves encountering a familiar, yet wholly unwelcome, face. After a mere short trek along the newly revitalized Trolley, we find standing in our way none other than Ran’jit himself. Though he stands in a very precarious position for any normal man, he remains unphased by the oncoming railed transport. In fact, it would appear to be an entirely intentional tactic as he delivers a swift kick to the front of the Trolley and sends it flying off the rails, along with the Talos pushing it (somehow).
In the midst of us recovering from the impact, Ran’jit proclaims his intent of “dispatching the villains”, in which Minfilia openly protests against. In the heat of the moment, she makes her own proclamation of how strongly her feelings are towards her friends, and that she would even go so far as to die before leaving without us. Infuriated by these words, Ran’jit retorts with a threat followed shortly by a lunge towards her direction. Yet, just as infuriated as Ran’jit was by her words, Thancred was just as equally enthused and quickly intercepts Ran’jit’s attack and sends a fair ways away in the process, though Ran’jit keeps his balance despite this. During the short recovery period after this counterattack, Thancred apologizes to Minfilia for all the words he had left unspoken, and quickly urges both Minfilia and us to hurry along while he holds off Ran’jit on his own. Though she adamantly rejects the idea, time was against us, and she realized that it would render both sides’ points moot if she spent any longer on deciding what to do. With this, we took Minfilia in our company and hurried along to our destination without Thancred.
It was a grueling fight. Ran’jit held nothing back, and even revealed his trump card in the process in the form of a scythe-wielding state after fusing with his dragon companion. Thancred as well used everything in his arsenal to take down his opponent, utilizing all of his remaining cartridges enchanted by Minfilia, including the first practice cartridge he had given her, which became a hypercharged cartridge as she had continuously added more energy to it over a longer period of time. Though, this was not the furthest extent he would go in this fight. He even used tricks to render himself invisible by restricting the flow of aether in his body, and even went as far as fully severing the flow in the final vestiges of the fight.
In the end, Ran’jit was forced to retreat, and Thancred was declared the victor. Though, it was at a cost most dear to him…
He lost the chance to say goodbye to Minfilia in person, one last time.
When we return to him, we find the other Scions have arrived as well and were in the midst of nurturing his nigh-fatal wounds. Though we were all glad to see him still alive and kicking, there was one who was still deathly afraid to approach him. From behind a cart, approached a familiar young girl. She had the same garb as before, the same stature, and the same personality as before, but this time, in her hair fulled a full, natural orange, and her eyes were now filled with pupils rather than a bright, blue glow. We previously knew her as “Minfilia”. Though, it was seen more as a title representing the Minfilia we know from our own past. But… she’s gone now. She had done all in her power to maintain peace and save worlds. Yet, despite that, in the end, she gave her life for the sake of a single girl to live a free life. This selfsame girl now stands before us, now infused with Minfilia’s blessing and soul.
Her name is Ryne.
Introduction – 0:00
Playthrough – 2:01
Malikah’s Well – 13:14
First Boss – 19:40
Exploring and Mobs – 24:40
Second Boss – 28:45
Exploring and Mobs – 35:23
Final Boss – 39:16
Post-Duty – 48:21
Outro – 55:26
Twitter-that-I’m-bad-at-using –
Patreon-that-I’m-bad-at-using –
oh my god the intros theyre getting me too emotional. I really wanna see a full shadowbringers video like this after youve experienced everything
to be fair, there is a noticeable difference between lightwarden day and natural day. the primordial everlasting light is incredibly bright and piercing, but the natural sunlight is softer and warmer, and you can see the blue sky and clouds when before you could only see bright white and yellow light.
Man another great intro. I didn't want to go and tell F'lhaminn about Minfillia. Never liked this dungeon mostly due to the gear. That and I seem to have a thing against dungeons set in wells.
I have to say that the intro was really good just the oh minfilia 10/10
If you'd take some advice for me, I'd say save your Sharpcast to the only Fire cast you need to use in your Astral Fire phase (Fire IV x3, Sharpcast, Fire, Fire IV x3). Maybe some high level player will say I'm wrong, but disregarding Thunder procs and forcing a Fire proc for when things get messy and you need to refresh your Astral Fire and/or move works wonders for me.
I know people use Triplecast for extra damage, but I still save it from time to time for extra movement if I feel things are gonna get messy or I don't know the fight too well.
Your Fire phase is the most prone to mess your Enochian, so as long as you ignore everything else and keep your rotation you should be fine. Any adjustments like Thunder procs and Foul/Xenoglossy are better saved for the Ice phase for the most part. I'm not sure if it's optimal, but it sure as hell made the job much easier to play and understand for me.
Seeing Mailkah's Wel….seeing Blackmage…oh we go 😀
Come for the amazing intro (as usual), stay for the BLM struggles.
No desert until you finish all your light wardens!
"it might be killing me" fades to black
eagerly awaits Black Mage minion giving Lucia a black mage training montage
seeing your videos shows me that a good gpu does matter (got a 970), when i get a new gpu ill definitely do every dungoun again and see what I missed.
Really really nice done intro but that Oh Minfilia “I love your” mouth movement part was blacked out, it’s kinda shame.
"Yo, is it disco night already? lol, nope" XD I fekking died, lol. The details man, they always get to me. And that intro, and outro, was amazing. You're incredible at what you do, Lucron, and I hope you know that!
Man when I actually play the game I'm like this isn't that bad I guess but whenever I see a video it's like ahhh this game sucks….
That intro was touching, and as someone who only really began to appreciate the underlying themes of Thancred and Minfilia's relationship upon reflection, your write-up got the nuances even further through my thick skull. I can only assume I missed so much of it because of the pace at which I played, and I hope that the way you're engaging with the story allows you to cherish it half as much as I relish seeing your perspective. It's been inspiring to see you exploring new tones and honing your craft video, after video; improvement after improvement.
And, of course, this was all so masterfully juxtaposed with the core of the video! You captured the spirit of the internal struggle of a typical player, an Everyman, judging their own inability to juggle the social pressures of both entertaining and meaningfully contributing to a group so ignorant of them, so focused on following their own routines that, without our own empathy, they often times appear to be little more than AI. By playing BLM, we challenge ourselves to grow somewhere new, despite the comfortable security of our favored job. By losing Enochian to dodge a bucket or armadillo, so too do we often lose our good habits in the face of life's curve-balls. By forgetting Despair, so too do we forget some of our troubles and manage the day: maybe not the best way, but OUR way. Your doubtful, self-critical commentary only served to highlight the slow, inexorable pace at which you reached your goal!
Speaking of pace, I was wondering where you were in the story, like, what MSQ quest-name. As with previous expansions, there will (probably) be a point at which you'll do a trial at 80, and owing to the nature of MMORPGs with gear and power levels constantly on the rise, you may have found previous ones to lack the gravitas in the actual encounter promised by the story leading up to it.
I've found this to be unfortunate for players that enjoy the battles, and for this reason, whenever I have a friend of mine playing the game for the first time, I do my best to preform a party so we can use the "minimum item level, no echo" (MiNe) duty finder options for major story beats. This option restricts player stats to the value the developers designed the encounter with in mind. This isn't to make the game 'hard' so much as it is to make it so they don't crumple over in 30 seconds like poor Cape Westwind.
I'm sure you'll be able to enjoy the experience either way, but I recall from one of your earliest FFXIV videos that you really loved the trials. If you wanted to, I'm sure you could field a full 8-player group when the time comes to record to meet the MiNe requirements. I'd love to try and be there to help, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, even in this comment section.
As always, I'm looking forward to seeing more!
14:54 "BEGONE !"
Urianger moment
Also, Dadcred 😍😻❤️
"what the Frick it's Gurren Lagann"
I see you're a man of culture.
Don't you have umbra soul at this lvl
ill never complain about more black mage love
Just stopping by to comment that I'm LOVING this series and I absolutely adore both the meme worthy and feels filled intros – hyped for the compilation!
you know on blm AOE fase you can use freeze > Enochian > Flare > Flare > Manafont > Flare > Freeze and repeat
the ice heart make flare consume 70% of your mana so you can use 2 flares at the same time…also in the passing time you can stack some Foul to for AOes
Fun fact: storge is one of the 4 types of love, love of family.
Immaculate intro as usual, by the twelve. And Jesus I did not remember that dungeon at all, who would put an armadillo there!? Maddening. And agree on the Lyna thing, we need a spin-off! And oof that ending, here we freaking go.
couple black mage tips:
-You ideally want to use Despair at the end of every fire cycle, it's effectively your big finisher attack
-your AoE rotation (which is actually super strong and worth using) is v simple, you Always Cast Flare. Ideally you start with frost, cast flare twice, then repeat. If there are only a couple enemies you throw a single fire III in there before starting the flares. also: Convert is your friend, lets you get an extra flare in.
You're so going to love the new raids 🙂 If you like Ryne, you'll like these.
Also, that outro was freaking spooky o.O