Like the fourth pull on our splits reclears!
Definitely some sloppyness, but I think BLM is pretty easy going in this fight!
Like the fourth pull on our splits reclears!
Definitely some sloppyness, but I think BLM is pretty easy going in this fight!
Let’s goooo
NGL, it would've been funny if the person you warped to adjusted at the last second before the snapshot so that you could warp with the buster on the way.
I agree, even in the normal mode i was dominating on blm while everyone dies around me. I need Se to give flare star an automatic crit direct hit or something though, every other job gets it.
Omg the enochian skill on the left 😂
8:56 We saw that Eksu. We all saw that.
I cleared both M1 and M2 only as Black Mage. I'd say they're about the same in terms of difficulty for BLM. They do a really good job at spacing out your heavy movement moments, I almost always have just enough to make it through Pheromones 1 or Beat 3 for example. Those are really the most movement you need here. I usually like to have three hearts for Beat 1 so I don't have to play touhou in the stack marker.