Longevity of FFXIV – And How It Can Still Learn From WoW

What do you think guys? Are we left in a sea of copium forever?
Or will Final Fantasy take the right path,
to avoid the mistakes of Retail: WoW?

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#FFXIV #Endwalker #CopiumLands


14 thoughts on “Longevity of FFXIV – And How It Can Still Learn From WoW”

  1. I mean it's true that FF14 copies a lot of things at WoW but I cannot recall ANY MMO that has good PvP mechanics.

    Even WoW is still low bar for PvP standard since it's still gear based over skills. And don't tell me that it's not when it's still rampant with boosters.

  2. First of all, the comparison makes no sense at all. Wow is a game designed to keep you farming and doing raids and mythic+ (🤮🤮🤮) over and OVER and OVER AGAIN. FFXIV is designed so that you do and enjoy the content while it lasts. Once you are done, you go play other games.
    Regarding PvP, in WoW you can play 4 or 5 classes with ONE talent tree AT MOST. The rest suck big time. In FFXIV you can play almost any job. Speaking of gearing in PvP: that is exactly why most people hate it, because people with better gear than you play in the same league as you and can one shot you easily. PvP Leveling on the other side is great! we all have shitty gear, and that's why FFXIV is way better, because gearing DOES NOT matter.
    So, going back to my 1st point, no, I don't want FFXIV to follow WoW in ANY way, I've been already there, and I don't want to come back.

  3. EverQuest (1999) thrives still with some of the worse PvP ever in a video game. In some ways how bad it is makes it appealing lol. But most don't participate in PvP at all. Nostalgia is a huge motivator. Hook an audience once, and they keep returning. WoW practices this and is surviving. Speaking highly of WoW Classic and not so much of Live. Live is a shadow of its self.

  4. How to learn from wow.
    1: Be great
    2: Release 3 back-to-back crap expansion
    3: Release expansion with crap game play mechanics to force players into unnecessary, but necessary grinds to force them to play
    4: Overtune dungeons and raids to the point people need 3rd party add-ons to be able to raid and then build future dungeons and raids around people using 3rd party add-ons
    5: Have a scandal involving your company and your developers that make the development of your game into a hostile environment
    6: Add the Eorzea Coin so people can buy money to combat the predatory rmt bots that the gms cannot bother with.
    7: When 5 occurs, turn Y'shtola into a bowl of fruit to let the player base know that we are making a conscious effort to fixing the player behavior.
    8: Complain about things only for the developers to "hear us" at the end of the expansion's life cycle when they finally fix said thing.
    9: Have long term story telling without actually telling a story.

    I think I covered all bases, right?

  5. It would be great if they tightened up their gameplay and moved a server to my side of the continent, but that won't make or break whether or not I play the game. Its all about the story that was so good, it produced genuine emotional reactions from me. PvP isn't even a blip on my radar.

  6. Disagree, 14 shouldn’t emulate WoW’s PvP. If there’s one thing 14’s devs should take from WoW it is kit interactivity and responsiveness. Every ability in WoW, at least on the classes I’ve played, clearly fits into its place in that class’s toolkit and has effects on other skills be it procs or buffs or passives. 14 has a shitload of skills that you just press on cooldown bc they deal damage and don’t consume resources. Shadowbringer, contra sixte, flèche, drill, living shadow, circle of scorn, sonic break, the list goes on. You hit them bc it’s a loss not to and I find that boring. The other thing is responsiveness. 14’s 500ms delay on action inputs SUCKS. 14’s weird snapshots SUCK. And I say this as someone whose first mmo was ffxiv. I know they’re hard technical issues to fix but if fixing those meant getting less content in 7.X I’d gladly take it.

  7. I don’t know why FFXIV players are so opposed to PvP. I love FFXIV and haven’t gone back to WoW at all since I started playing it 2 years ago but the lack lustre PvP has always had me looking for other games to fill the void. The only time I’ve even been tempted to go back to WoW is just for the PvP.

    PvP communities in MMOs are huge as well. In its current state FFXIV isn’t really bringing in any players who are interested in it. Improving the PvP will only make the game better and bring in more people.


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