Liquid Eiya: Loving WoW and FFXIV for different reasons

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Quazii chats with Eiya about the WoW Race to World First behind the scenes, FFXIV vs WoW.

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00:00 Episode Highlight
2:12 Who is Eiya and how did she get into WoW
9:15 How did Eiya become one of the most famous talents in WoW
11:45 Thoughts on Plunderstorm and future of WoW
18:18 WoW Housing and inspirations from FFXIV
21:17 What is it about WoW – People complain yet play it
22:24 Eiya’s Wishlist for The War Within
25:17 WoW vs FFXIV
27:37 WoW vs FFXIV Toxicity
29:51 MMO Tribalism
33:14 MSQs in FFXIV vs WoW – Also on ARR and HW
36:18 Eiya on Stormblood MSQs
38:40 Streaming the FFXIV MSQs – Possible Pitfalls
43:07 Advice on Streaming and the mental game
49:46 Advice on starting out as a content creator and streamer
54:15 Shoutouts and fun Eiya Trivia


31 thoughts on “Liquid Eiya: Loving WoW and FFXIV for different reasons”

  1. Eiya bringing up the little sprout you get on your head in 14 to let people know you are a new player or returning made me really think, there is no indication to know in wow if a player is new or returning. Might be part of why we just assume they should know whats going on? just a thought but i think it would help if we had some way to indicate if the players are new or returning after a long break.

  2. I'm so happy that plunderstorm isn't free because I've always said that I'd never go back to wow no matter what, but I'd almost definitely reinstall it to try plunderstorm and maybe get sucked back in to wow. blizzard is doing us a massive favor by giving us no reason to care about it

  3. I think Plunderstorm opened doors for WoW. Hopefully they have seen the success of FFXIV's story and do something like a Storymode. You can open a new game mode where you can transition through the story in an easier way to follow. They can include the history of the WoW universe in this new game mode and let people who want to discover the lore to find it.

    I would never want to promote Blizzard monetization but why aren't the novels advertised somewhere near the launcher? Why hasn't Blizzard made a digital version of the books? People would be so interested. If we can't get an anime, a movie, then an in game representation should be the answer.

  4. I don't mind WoW toxicity. You always know what it is for and it is usually about being bad or making mistakes. You always know why someone is mad. I don't play FFXIV so I don't understand people making mistakes in a game constantly and everyone being okay with it. That mindset made me avoid the game. It is like they care less about winning which would annoy me. I also would want people to correct me and tell me when I'm being bad.
    All my FFXIV opinions are second hand so plz don't take them as an informed opinion. Just my perception. Also, in all cases the toxicity in all things is usually the minority of any population. The conversation is just loud.

  5. I really liked this interview! It was a lot easier to follow discussion topics as interruptions were minimal and it was so nice getting to hear both of your thoughts on playing both WoW and FFXIV. Great video and anticipating more!

  6. I think housing would be sick, but id hope they could figure out a way to have neighborhoods like FF while also not making housing finite. Idk how theyd do this but i think having neighborhood communities somewhat circumnavigates the issue of the game feeling dead if you arent in a clique cuz everyone is chillin in their house w friends and no one is in cities or open world

  7. Great interview of great youtubers. i realy like both of you. The Thing with streaming is – that you can get this golden Ox thing at the right time and you gonna have Millions and millions of views. Look at creators of like Bodybuilding contents they go massivly up and down with the Mr. Olympia 1 time in a year.
    Gaming is more consistant but the average is maybe much lower. The lower side should be your line. If it goes up by a lot – bam you have what everyone likes to watch, like BG3 the best game ever^^. But having an MMO that is at least o.k. you never gonna lose your baseline – something others do not have. Stay that way and be interesting in some way gives you your baseline – Go all in if something new, like a new expansion comes up and try to give the Internet what it want's to see. It's gonna fall of but don't miss it. If just 2 of 1000 gonna watch your later baseline Videos, you have wone. My english is bad i hope you got it.^^

  8. I love FF14>WoW but i will admit. in my 3yrs of ff14 ive dealt with way more drama than in my 13yrs of wow. i think it has alot to do with how social it is

  9. It doesn't help when FF Andy's go to WoW youtube videos and other forums to chirp about their game. Normal people don't do that. How annoying and obnoxious they are is the biggest reason I would never want to play FF. Don't want to even be associated with them. There's also the fact that FF Andy's come across as "fake nice". They love to act all nice and everything is gumdrops and lollipops… until you criticize aspects of their game. Then they get really defensive and toxic like you just attacked their cult.

  10. It’s kind of funny with Bellular as he has/had a channel called Bellular Gaming that majorly had FFXIV videos. However once Dragonflight released, Bellular went straight back to WoW and abandoned the channel.

    I mean, Bellular knows that FFXIV is an amazing game and all, but when WoW supposedly got β€œbetter” he is harping on it like it’s amazing. I look at FFXIV that offers near limitless fun with all these evergreen features, amazing story, and great community. Then I see WoW with it’s goofy and immature characters and goofy lore (the more recent stuff is just cringe-worthy), non-evergreen system and nonsensical story, and I’m like β€œhow can Bellular like a goofy Saturday morning cartoon than FFXIV?” WoW has nothing but endgame raiding. That’s it.

  11. Great conversation, really enjoyed it especially Eiya calling out tribalism particularly in stream chats. I find the 'Wow refugees' to be the main contributor of this from the XIV side, incredibly bitter about their old game and it feels like many of them are still living in 2021 when FFXIV was riding high and WoW was in the dumps.

  12. Fxiv is a nice change of pace and once you actually finally get through the MSQ (took me 2 years on and off) and doesn't really require much time commitment at endgame. I can just hop on after every patch and consume the content pretty easily while maining WoW.

  13. Quazii you are a fantastic interviewer. You let the guests have more than enough time to answer questions at their own pace, don't talk over them, do your homework and ask interesting questions. Loved the conversation with Eiya, looking forward to more of these!

  14. I've really enjoyed your interviews. Though I played WoW for many years before getting into FFXIV, I had never watched you, and was only vaguely familiar with Preach. (I'm a filthy casual.) I started watching both of you during your initial FF journeys, but have stuck around for the fun and interesting content you both create on a variety topics. Thank you for doing what you do.


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