Level 90 Dancer First Impressions – FFXIV Endwalker

This video has SPOILER footage from endgame Endwalker Dungeons. If you care about the story and don’t want spoilers please click away 🙂 Enjoy!

These are my first impressions as a Dancer main after leveling to 90 and having done the raid content currently available to us.



5 thoughts on “Level 90 Dancer First Impressions – FFXIV Endwalker”

  1. I really don't think dancer was as easy as people always made it out to be, it's easy to get into sure but there is definitely a big difference between someone that has been honing their dancer and someone just doing it casually.
    An example would be improvisation, if you do any hard content it can often be actually hard to even find a time to get use of that since you will have to stop moving and stop attacking to use it, which again you're a dps, so you want to attack as much as possible as our dps is already lower than pretty much all other dps jobs when it comes to single target (because we are more of a support dps)

  2. Two things that you don't mention and are huge for me: the proc duration is longer, so no more stressing over dumping all your procs ASAP if you want to also fit in a dance, do Saber dances and pop your new CDs. Also, Esprit generation is now smoother since our own abilities give a little bit, so it's not just either a flood of esprit or a trickle. These 2 things were major QoL changes and have made dancer a much more fun job, even without taking into consideration the new abilities that are awesome to use.


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