Lahabread Is A Hot Mess | FFXIV Pandaemonium Raid | Endwalker Livestream

Lahabrea is a father and has a few screw loose with his logic to solve emotional damage and his poor son has to deal with the drama. Lets help with wacky family with adorable Themis at the helm of this chaotic raid.
Themis is such an adorable boy! Game why do you make me have feelings for Elidibus now? I feel awful for killing this pure child. This has going to be the saddest raid content ever. Hug me I’m going to cry I know it.
Pandæmonium is a facility in Final Fantasy XIV that forms the basis for the high-end Raid Raid series added with the expansion Endwalker. Pandæmonium was a facility far beneath Elpis that contained and researched monsters created through the ancients’ creation magicks.
Pandæmonium is the level 90, 8-player raid of Endwalker (6.0). It is available in both Normal (story mode) and Savage (challenge mode) difficulties. Pandæmonium (Savage) is the main high-end raid of Endwalker
Pandæmonium: Asphodelos
With despair silenced and hope restored, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn step back into the shadows, their star’s hero to don the mantle of simple adventurer once more. Eager heart never idle, ’tis not long before the Warrior of Light hearkens unto journey’s call…

I hang out in Crystal Brynhildr if you want to join the fun!

#FF14 #FFXIV #FF #finalfantasy #vtuber #livestream #videogame #FFIV #endwalker #golbez
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3 thoughts on “Lahabread Is A Hot Mess | FFXIV Pandaemonium Raid | Endwalker Livestream”

  1. Well, glad you got through that part of the story. Also Athena's wings are how you know They have rings appear on them.

    Hopefully soon you'll get to see the Alliance raid for Endwalker story parts.

    But for a head phone regretting quest I'd recommend One in Radz-At-Han called, — Shadowed Pasts — Its a secondary quest so just a gold icon


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