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#reaction #ff14 #ffxiv #endwalker #krimsonkb
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#reaction #ff14 #ffxiv #endwalker #krimsonkb
this was some serious Survivor game mode in this story instance.
Everyone when they got to this part “Zenos this is flattering but this is really not the time!”
Kb literally disconnected himself as well and just pondered about immortality of crabs 🙂
Lol poor him, so much to take in lol
So, which was more 'OH HELL NO!' for you?
1) Varis's corpse being used to form Anima?
2) Being body-swapped into some generic Garlean body?
3) Zenos body-swapping into yours?
Or, my personal pick…
4) All of the above?
I know that feeling man, I was completely shocked of what I have witnessed
A other funny cliffhanger.
Also, KB.EXE has stop responding.
Damn, that's cold. Yeah he gotta die for sure. No cap asap
need some bleach i have some buckets left after my inner and outer cleaning xD
I remember when I got to this part, as soon as I saw what Fandango had done my response was "YOU SICK LITTLE MONKEY!!!"
Of course later I had to make the comment. "I hope you enjoyed this Zenos, it's the deepest you'll EVER be inside of me."
"I'm not into you!"
That was my answer to him too. I will not date you, Zenos! Leave me alone!
Has somebody that plays a female character in a very cute one at that this creeped me out so bad that I'm like I hope you're not f**** touching yourself while you're me or I'm going to really kick your ass LOL
I know I said I wanted Zenos to be inside me, but not like this!!! D:
I'm sorry for the obvious and probably overly used joke xD
god this moment. i felt so damn violated after this! i felt like i had to take a bath, and my fear for the Scions just…..ugh godsdamnit that fear was genuine Dx i'm so happy G'raha knows us so well he noticed it wasn't us. But the fact that him and Alisaie rushed out to see 'us', and Y'shtola thought something was wrong but was second guessing herself (odds are because of what happened in Rak'tiqa) just….i am still recovering D8