Koe Reacts To The Final Fantasy 14 A Realm Reborn Cinematic

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29 thoughts on “Koe Reacts To The Final Fantasy 14 A Realm Reborn Cinematic”

  1. it's a very slow burn, ARR crawls so the other expansions walk, run and marathon… if/when you take the plunge, take your sweet time, smell the roses and enjoy the shenanigans

    hope to see you in Eorzea, Koe!

  2. Bahamut in ff16 looks like a wyvern instead of an actual dragon. dragons are always better than wyverns this is a fact I am right and anyone who disagrees is just wrong :D. anyways fact jokes aside (they are tho) dragons are usually just overall an upgrade to what a wyvern is. 4 legs and 2 wings instead of 2 legs and 2 wings which would be in place of the arms. dragons would have a fuck you amount of defense hit way harder are way faster when flying and are usually much bigger in size.

  3. "Well, hello there, traveler. Haven't seen the likes of you around here! Mind, we see some many adventurers passing through, you'd think they were a flock of chocobos, the way they run around from location to location. With so much fervor, I often wonder what is they seek…

    Actually, now that the topic comes to mind, what are you seeking? Power? Fame? Fortune? Perhaps…something more personal?

    …Do you not have the mind to tell me? Or maybe your the strong, silent type? I hope you don't mind my asking; I am curious by nature, you see.

    …Still no? Well, alright then. If you have the mind to keep your secrets, then I shall abstain from prodding further. Whether you are bound for Uldah, Limsa Lominsa, or Gridania, I'm sure someone such as yourself will have no troubles making your way. No matter where you go, there will be no shortage of helping hands willing to guide you to whatever it is you need. And if you are of the mind to reciprocate in turn, I hear an able group called the Scions of the Seventh Dawn are always looking for capable individuals to aid in their cause to heal and stabilize the realms.

    …Well, whatever you plan to do, I at least hope you have fun doing it. The way the realms of have been these days since the fall of Dalamud, there's been no shortage of strife and suffering. As a matter of fact, I keep hearing rumors that the Garlean Empire has been mobilizing their forces as of late. What it is they intend to do, I haven't the foggiest, but given they've been silent these past five years, since the start of the Seventh Umbral Era, as a matter of fact, it likely will not be to the benefit of the realms. After all, rumor has it these invaders were the ones responsible for dropping Dalamud and freeing that blasted dragon, Bahamut, allowing him to lay waste to everything in the first place!

    Ah, but but I digress. I believe we have arrived at your destination. If you have the mind to, you might want to consider visiting the Adventurer's Guild first and foremost, if only to get yourself situated. Oh, and sir?

    Welcome to Eorzea. :)"

  4. First off, Koe…welcome to Eorzea. Enjoy your stay while you're here, and do take the time to absorb what story elements you can during your time here. If you choose to continue, they will come up again when you least expect it.

    I don't know if this is ever brought up to you (as I am writing this before fully seeing the video), but concerning the End of an Era cinematic you saw: from the start of the video up until the old elf looks up into the light is the exact same cinematic players who were playing during 1.0 saw just before those servers shut down. Final Fantasy XIV has had a long and sometimes difficult story behind its development, and what you saw is a big part of it. If you are ever interested, there is a great set of documentaries done by noclip on the subject of 1.0's failure, and the risks they took even delivering A Realm Reborn to the playerbase.

  5. Answers hits so different after Endwalker, it hits so incredibly more with the context of the story…
    Thou must Live, Die and Know – God that hits so hard at the end!

    Can't wait to see More Koe's adventure into Eorzea!
    (Wish i could watch live but Aussie timezone means streams start at 2am)

  6. If no one has said yet, the story with bahamut continues in the level 50 8 man raid coils of bahamut. There is a additional cinematic within the last tier that really brings it home.

    That said welcome to Eorzea!

  7. As someone who was there at the End of 1.0 and fought Nael van Darnus seeing the cinematic again always gives me shivers. Pretty sure everyone else is feeling the same. Like many others I spent my last days before server shutdown fishing 🤣


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