Jesse Reacts: FINAL FANTASY XIV DAWNTRAIL Launch Trailer

Leave it to me to take make a 4 minute Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail trailer into a 30 minute video…. but I said it during fan fest, I said it during past live letters:

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Having defeated the despair of the Final Days, the Warrior of Light and their comrades had resumed walking their respective paths. Yet fate would see them reunited for a mission unto another reflection, and now an unexpected petition has arrived beckoning them west─to the faraway continent of Tural.

Answer the call, seek new horizons, and embark upon an adventure the likes of which you have never experienced! Dawntrail sees the stage of adventure shift to the western continent of Tural. In this land whence the legend of the golden city originates, the rite of succession will soon take place, and your involvement may well determine who next rules the diverse peoples of the nation of Tuliyollal…

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Founder/Executive Producer: Jesse Cox
Production Team: Alejandro Rios, Alex Del Campo, Kendra Matthews
Editors: Mari Locsin, Kristina Hays
Animation: Daniel Tan

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#ffxiv #dawntrail #finalfantasyxiv

00:00 – Some Sort of Intro
01:24 – First Time Watching Launch Trailer
05:10 – Initial Reaction


40 thoughts on “Jesse Reacts: FINAL FANTASY XIV DAWNTRAIL Launch Trailer”

  1. My guess on the blue Mamool Ja guy with the feathered headress is that he is the 'humanoid' form of Valigarmanda and works as a protector.
    In the live letter they said Vali had another form and quickly moved away from the fight to not show it.

  2. They say never ageing, never dyeing. It is very possible that we might link back to The Fountain of Youth or Solution Nine is AI stuff. Which could link us to going east to find the fountain of youth or where ever the chalice came from. I also think the mysterious girl might be related to one of the Metione sisters, because they sound so much alike. I don't remember how many there was, but wasn't there at least nine of them? Solution Nine? Could it have been the Ninth Solution of what to live for? Maybe because she seems to be so interested in the WoL, it is because we had some sort of special connection with Metione via dynamis.

  3. Same call as in January: the campaign for the new dawn serpent is actually a day to keep the big bad at bay and will require a sacrifice every x time = new leader is elected and thus the knowledge of it is passed on. However something will go wrong because the two final sides have 2 different ways to dealing with the situation in golden city. Tuliyolal vs Solution 9 people, cowboys vs indians. But in the end they will have to work together agaisnt the big bad.

  4. If i learned something from the past Launch Trailers its that Square loves to place so many Red Herrings in their Trailers. The Endwalker trailer for example… so many thought Alphinaud was about to be sacrificed. Or that one Scion has to die. (Thancred was the obvious call…)

  5. Y'shtola has been in the CG trailer as on the island, so there's something going on with her that the devs are wanting to keep mega secret for some reason. My assumption is she's going to be on the Urianger/Thancred crew but has some other interest in mind. She also shows up in the montage at the end so she's part of the story somewhere.

    edit: Oh and Y'shtola is there at the yellow gate with everyone
    edit: There you go lol

  6. The "Enigmatic Maiden" has Pashtarot's sigil on her waist. Her quote at the end of the trailer is also similar enough to Pashtarot's convocation crystal quote that I don't think it's a coincidence.

    Considering we also got Azeyma's earrings, which yes, Azeyma, goddess of the sun, representing Dawn, but also Azeyma is the goddess that oversees law and order… as does Pashtarot

    yeah Pashtarot was a guy in 2.3 but given they never actually appeared in person to us, that can be safely considered either retconnable or she hopped to a feminine body. Or she transed her gender. We know that Mitron is at the very least somewhat trans coded, using she/her pronouns but being in a guy's body in Eden. It's not unheard of.

  7. My going prediction is that the techno people are remnants of the shard rejoined by the Second Umbral Calamity. A technologically advanced culture that digitized themselves with Solution 9, named as their ninth and final attempt at surviving the coming apocalypse. From that point, they were integrated into the Source and pulling the strings of the Tural royalty, finally making their move now that all super-advanced competition (Garlemald, Allag, Ascians, etc) are all gone.

  8. I loved the theory about the lightning calamity, but wasn't that the haze of the final days around the second lalafel that ran through the portal? Possibly a pre-sundering relic that insulated them from time?

  9. that voice acting at 3:41… i’m actually so hype for this expansion. i wasn’t expecting much from dawntrail at first but god damn the preview to solution 9 in this trailer is so amazing

  10. One of the S9 related dungeons had a Graha trust you can barely see him 24:15, so it's safe to assume he makes it halfway in the MSQ. Think the city of gold will be the pandora's box and causes the invasion, which we would need to stop.

  11. Based on the letter that the dad team gets, aren't they running with the catboy because he's essentially their university batchmate? I'm gonna presume that Y'shtola will be part of their team as well since they were the trio eating and drinking in EW.


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