I'VE ASKED FOR THIS FOR AGES! – FFXIV Patch 6.4 Patch Notes (Prelim) Overview

Source: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/610bb0f8ca3bc8cc07c4b37c76618e0020875afa

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34 thoughts on “I'VE ASKED FOR THIS FOR AGES! – FFXIV Patch 6.4 Patch Notes (Prelim) Overview”

  1. I might be wrong, didn't tank stances still reduce damage taken when Eureka was launched? If so, it makes sense they might be buffing the platebearer to make up for not having that mitigation in the current setup

  2. I'm concerned that they still haven't acknowledged past pvp series rewards. I could've sworn they mentioned something about not wanting to introduce FOMO with their series tracks.

  3. Someone on Reddit did the math on the Logos action changes, and they're actually pretty similar to what they were before. The main thing is the damage reduction seems to be more normalized across all armor types, with a few (like maiming) getting a slight nerf and others getting a slight buff

  4. 17:58 I've seen a few people express confusion about this, specifically wrt things that once cost astronomy will now cost causality and it has me wondering:

    Why do we change the tomestones at all? Why not just have two currencies, one capped and one uncapped? The change is illusory.

  5. Does the cross world party stuff really matter, tho? Not like you'll be seeing the people that aren't on your world anyways and as soon as you queue into something, you're no longer a cross-world-party…

  6. Tey should really raise Poetics cap to 4k. You cant buy full set with 2000 cap and its kind of pointless slowdown for players that might just want level up another character. You dont need poetics gear(or full set at least), true, but then what are poetics good for.

  7. You got the PVP changes wrong in terms of nerfs and buffs.
    DRK and WAR deal 10% LESS damage now
    Tank and Melee dps take 10% INCREASED damage (60% down to 50% damage reduction)
    Phys/Mag Ranged and Healer take 5% INCREASED damage (30% down to 25% damage reduction)
    DNC and RDM take 5% DECREASED damage (30% increased to 35% damage reduction)

    Edit: Nevermind you figured it out lmao

  8. It’s funny in Frontline I see people get “limp” while mounted and die after being attacked and stuck in a floating mounted position with the most awkward faces before respawn. Lol


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