In todays video i talk about the online store and how it influences the game or if it does at all. And also if those optional items are any good.

Hope you like it 😀

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4 thoughts on “Is the FFXIV ONLINE STORE a BAD thing?”

  1. Is the ff14 store good or bad… I dont even have to watch the video to answer this.

    Yes- The prices can feel extremely over price, over bearing and most of all questionable at best when it comes to a mount being 48.00 vs 20.00 or 10.00 or 5.00

    No- If you feel like you want to and you love the game I don't see why not. Yet please buy at a moderation it will be up there. They do not time off items like other games do.

    Maybe- Allot of times it feels like greed coming from SE so you can choose to buy or not.

    Why you should buy from it- If you love fashion, mounts, dyes, and etc. You can find those here. You can also get fashion in game.

    Why you shouldnt buy from it- Like i stated before the prices for each fashion can feel extremely overprice to the point it can be borderline insane.

    Is it Pay to win- No. Many People have tried to push its pay to win. Its pretty much comes to ignorance and being encased in a bubble while living under a rock. Skips are not pay to win in ff14. It can be both a blessing and a curse due to the fact once u skip you lose that sprout if you are tank or healer and you cause team wipes too many times. YES you are to blame. Do not blame other you are the problem. If you have completed the game and learned your role there no reason I dont see why you buy a skip. At the end of the day games not Pay to win, You just need to be patient. If the story is not your cup of tea then buy the skip but learn your class.

    Is it good for the game- Depends on who likes or dont like.

    Is it bad for the game- Some always use this to weaponize against the game so yes/no

    Finally Last thoughts- For me i love the SE store I bought loads of things from the store, its not for everyone and don't let people pressure you into buying from the store. There are tons of unlockables in game. You can get more mounts, outfits, and minions vs what you bought in store.

  2. The main thing to consider is that the money it makes actually goes directly to CBU3 to further fund the game beyond their allocated budget, whereas all of the money made from the sub fees just goes straight back to SE as a whole and is used to fund other projects. So in that regard, it's a wonderful thing. Any further discussion about the topic is an endless debate that will never be settled.

  3. I've never felt pressured to buy anything from the store, I've made each purchase from mounts to job/story skips with a clear conscience
    Whether the store should exist is debatable, as the game is free to a fault and so so much is locked the further into expansions beyond HW we go (if the free trial ever grew to encompass SB, dear god)
    Are there predatory elements, of course, some of the prices are dumb and really should be half what they are, but it's still something I chose to buy at the end of the day, without any coercion unless it was a timed exclusive
    You can even buy past expansion collector editions, how many games do that?


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