Is Dawntrail the WORST FFXIV Story??

This is not a good look for FFXIV…

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ffxiv, Final fantasy xiv, final fantasy x, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, ff14, sprout, 2.0, impressions, review, hot take, Dawntrail, Muk Lamat


35 thoughts on “Is Dawntrail the WORST FFXIV Story??”

  1. would not say bad but, definitely subpar. lets see if it improves from here. Worst part might have been Wuk Lamat's english VA and some overdrama at times or overdoing a dialouge subject

  2. It may be bad but that doesnt matter since there soooooo much to do for me from previous expansions , that i can sink my teeth into, mount farming , housing , crafting , alt gearing , unique items and more

  3. The hat update for Hrothgars (and Vieras) hasn't dropped. My disappointment is immeasurable and the update is ruined.

    If it truly was a "clipping issue" then I wonder why I can wear headwear, where my beard clips through everything and looks stupid. Another reason for why this is absolute and utter BS: Have you ever seen Au Ra wearing anything? Hrothgars and Vieras are just like blue mages, limited.

  4. I'm wondering if you even actually thought about the story at all… Like you say the characters didn't change, but they did. Wuk and Koana themselves changed. Koana was on his own and wanted to do things his way, and Wuk Lamat was the same, part of it was them realizing that it was better to rely on each other. You keep saying one dimensional but I don't think you actually paid attention then. The theme through the entire expansion was family and Koana had to learn it wasn't just him on his own.
    The expansion isn't as good story wise as ShB and EW, but its above HW and Stormblood is actually terrible.
    I don't care for Wuk Lamat, I find her happy go lucky attitude kind of annoying, but that doesn't mean that its bad. Also while they'll be around the expansion by making the two the rulers they clearly won't be heavily involved outside of things in that area.
    Also if you can't figure out what caused Bakool Ja Ja to stop being evil maybe take more time to read the story instead of skimming.

  5. >Talk to Wuk Lamat

    >Follow Wuk Lamat

    >Help Wuk Lamat

    >Walk with Wuk Lamat

    >Ask about Wuk Lamat

    >Carry items for Wuk Lamat

    >Give your favorable opinion about Wuk Lamat

    >Cheer on Wuk Lamat

    >Do chores for Wuk Lamat

    >Advise Wuk Lamat

    >Get saved by Wuk Lamat

    >Dance for Wuk Lamat

    >Grovel before Wuk Lamat

    >Die for Wuk Lamat

  6. i love ffxiv soooooooo effing much but this was pretty painful, i still love ffxiv dont get me wrong but usually the story is so incredible minus stormblood imo. this story was really dumb, i didnt love the areas, i didnt really love the music either….the dungeons and stuff were pretty awesome tho but i hope they learn from this and make something good….i wish they could take this back and re do it hahaha im pretty surprised its this bad?

  7. absolutely the worst expansion ive seen in a game in a long time. coming from someone whos played about 700 hours of ff14. i loved the game. this is so awful. First time in a game expansion where im struggling to want to stay logged in. Already unsubbed. its fuckin awful

  8. I just fought the big bird, Valigarmanda. So I’m still pretty early into it (30-35%? Idk) And the expansion overall has a lot of pluses, but focusing on the MSQ story specifically? I’m finding it enjoyable but it for sure hasn’t HOOKED ME. Literally every MSQ since ARR I have been enthralled by and loved almost every minute of every one. Definitely not feeling that with 7.0 thus far. I agree so far it’s tracking to be the worse story, but I don’t agree it’s god awful.

    Anyway, I’ll for sure be back to give this a listen once I finish things up.

  9. It's a case of inexperienced writers who aren't cut out for large scale long-term stories who are way in over their heads. The current writing room lacks basic understanding of pacing and characterization. They reduced the scions to either background fanservice cardboard cutouts or mouthpieces for a bad agenda (poor G'raha!). Wuk Lamat is a one-note shounen protagonist that's fun to follow through the first half of the story and then just regurgitates and preaches at you throughout the last two zones.
    It's heavy-handed, obnoxious and the writers are way too obsessed with their shiny new OCs that have 0 depth. They try to push an ethically questionable agenda with emotional blackmail and clumsy manipulation on the back of half-baked nostalgia bait for a divisive older FF title.
    Over all, the writing at times feels like a bad Ao3 OC-insert fanfiction, written by a novice. That entails every major writing sin in the book, including constant repetition and insulting your audience's intelligence.

    The only thing that saves the expansion from being awful are the fun dungeons and trials, and the music, albeit, Soken has one major miss in the mix

  10. I am enjoying it so far I look at it as the perspective of becoming a respected hero and helping guide someone to be the hero who started as we did as nothing.

  11. I did not have a "bad" time per se, I still enjoyed it. But Wuk Lamat was too much focus on. I argue she's worse than Lyse.

    Anyway, hopefully they bring back Ishikawa for post-dawntrail or atleast for the next full expansion… She's the goat.

  12. It feels like Stormblood 2.0, just this time we get the 'meh' story of launch story for the first half, then the far better and more interesting story bits of patch content from the 2nd half. Any flaws of the story for me though matters little with the content otherwise being just top tier with dungeons and trials. If I had to rate it, the first half of the story to me is a 4/10 (the very start I'd rate even lower) with the end being a good solid 7.5/10.

  13. I try to keep in mind that this is the beginning of a new saga. I expected it to be slow, the point was to feel like we're on vacation. This was meant to be a slow burn, and will ramp up as expansions come out. I think they should have been forthcoming about that.

  14. for me the slow bits were the GOOD bits. I WANTED a chill summer vacation arc. The last 2 areas were so damn stupid I became the worst.. a cutscene skipper.
    Im done, Im checked out, i didnt want "Oh boy another reality ender".

    As far as enjoying story/the msq experience I'm leaning

    only reason DT is above stb is because stb pacing issues were even worse and um… raubauhn extreme.. and above ARR just because ARR as it is now is just a product of old outdated ideas.
    DT is the worst narrative though

  15. every expansion has been bad why am i the god damn warrior of light killing primals and gods picking up box’s for random people and doing mindless chores at least in dt it makes sense bc your not the mc 😂

  16. People do realize that this is the first time that the fate of the star isn't at risk right? With that in mind Dawntrail does a good job at getting that across. It was obvious when they said that it was going to be a more light hearted story.

  17. It honestly feels like the expansion completely went over the heads of these two. Just finished it and loved it. Its no Endwalker or Shadowbringers, but I'd put it above Heavensward.

  18. The weird naming of people and places is a wrong move. You need a gamer to at least remember them for a better impression. More than half of the characters and places in this game , tbh I still have a hard time remembering them. Currently in the 92-23 range of MSQ and has been generic thus far.

  19. I edited my comment to many times. You got most the shit wrong even if you don't like the story. You have to be the worst at either understanding lore. Having a good memory and skipping over massive story bits. Either you do this on purpose or maybe you need to have a better story teller. First half was ok, I liked the 2nd half. It's going to be milkwarm for many. Not the worst and not the best. The first cringe thing you was saying it was a Island just no. 2nd cringe moment was not understanding a cast member or why certain people were still allowed to run. You also forgot why the Hero could not interject.

  20. To be fair, you really do leave out a lot of details that would help make many a situation make more sense but yeah, in general it is constant 'I love cultures, I love people' for half the Story and it got annoying fast. The fact that Bakool Ja Ja gets everything forgiven from one moment to the next was really ridiculous too. Then again, we have been simping for genocidal Ascians for years now, so maybe we're just too used to it now

  21. I agree it's not the best story, but your description of the story makes it sound like you mentally checked out very early on because you ignore basically all of the nuance that is actually there.
    Bakool Ja Ja's worldview, which was hammered into his heads by his society, is that the blessed siblings are superior and are the only legitimate rulers. He believes he is invincible. He believes this so desperately because he has to believe that what his people sacrificed to create him was worth it.
    Being beaten in single combat by Wuk Lamat completely broke him. He realized that he wasn't actually special, and that all of the atrocities his people committed for the blessed was for nothing.
    Honestly my issue with that whole arc wasn't his complete 180, that was actually understandable to me. The stupid part was how easy it was to resolve the Mamool Ja's entire underlying issue. Like apparently the only reason they resorted to conquest was that the forest sucked, and all they needed was more variety in their diet. What…?

  22. By far the worst expac story…. "but its another storytelling since the beginning and whatever.."

    Yes, man. I was so prepared for slow things since the the annoucement of EW, but I wasnt expecting that would be so bad… and one of the things that drives me crazy its the super cliche anime shounen friendship power, peace and love.

    Plus the quests are super annoying like its same thing in past expacs:

    – Speak with Alphinaud
    – Speak with Alphinaud
    Cs cs cs
    – Speak with Alphinaud
    – Speak with Alphinaud
    Cs cs cs
    – Speak with Wuk Lamat
    – Speak with Wuk Lamat

    At least the dungeons and boss fights are fun.

  23. I don't like Wuk Lamat, but come on, saying she didn't grow is just ignorant. she learned that she couldn't rule on her own and needed her brother's help.

    Konan also realized that he wasn't the right person to lead and he should follow Wuk because she cared about her people and he had a disconnect and he realized it. Bakuul Ja Ja I absolutely hated, but I understood his reasonings, definitely didn't warrant what he did. Zaruul Ja was straight up a dumb bad character.

    The story wasn't bad, They are trying to lay the groundwork for the next 10 years or so. This is ARR 2.0. It's so hard to keep getting bigger Villans when you literally killed god. The biggest issue with the story is the voice acting, not the writing.

    These takes are from someone who didn't pay attention to the story OR came into the story expecting it to be endwalker 2.0 when it isn't. It's designed to grow into something bigger. not an epic conclusion, it's the beginning.

    I did not enjoy the first half of the story because it was all fetch quests. but after the succession it gets much better. from the 97 dungeon till the end of the last trial, is just keeping you wanting to know what happens.

    Good video just try to look at it from a writer's perspective, how do you make something on par with killing literal gods to something new and keep people engaged.

  24. It's disheartening to hear how bad the story is. But I can also view it similar to another live service game Fate Grand/Order (a gacha game). Where the story is the main draw but you spend so little time in comparison that as long as the dungeons and aesthics are on point can kind of overlook it.

  25. The story boils down to the weight of expectations and what people are willing to do to meet them.

    Misunderstanding why the 2 headed guy was in his hole crying after just explaining what that hole was for. He bears the weight of thousands of dead babies. How would you feel having failed them?
    It was a facade. He pushed himself to do these things because of expectation. His own father also treated him as such.

    Lamatyi changed when she accepted Koana’s help in ruling, accepting her shortcomings as well that her other brother needed to die for his crimes and promise of future crimes. She went from a “I can do anything! 😊” to a “I don’t understand my people and their needs as much as I thought I did and I need my brother to be my second head”

    Pay attention man. It’s not the best xiv story but it’s not the worst. There’s so much nuance.


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