Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker. Improving Utility Usage & Analysing Logs To Become A Better Player and Raider
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#ffxiv #endwalker
I know when you took the footage. Just seen my own chat.
Also I like that you did a followup to the parse video… And it reminded me that I should probably greed a bit more, I tend to be to much on the safe side I think.
I don’t know why the devs don’t just put it in the game officially for savage and ultimate content. People already gatekeep for parsing so it no loss at all. Just make it so only you can see
[average malding comment]
Can you parse when you play on console?
Do not barse in a farm party… make your own party… and do not compare yourself to others on fflogs cause there are plenty of videos now on youtube that show how people can cheat the numbers and make their dmg look better. Just compare yourself to yourself and see where you can develop.
press "F" to throw Kaishi: Higanbana in the bin
My fc lead needs to hear "don't parse in a farm" I can't count how many damn times he's caused a wipe on second ps3 tank buster, It's so frustrating especially that early in the fight when your trying to pump some easy DMG on phonix pre-mechanics, alot of people go to balance and see the "opener" and don't realize that sometime you need to adjust your buffs/truenorth. Sorry for my mini rant that sentence just resonated to much lol.
Thanks. I've been so hesitant because even though I know class but at the moment I panic and mess. I don't want to be that person in savage… I guess I gotta find an FC that's willing to do practice
Have you thought about making a video on cooperative positioning and other things which don't necessarily reflect in the logs at all? For example, making the spread on Nael Divebombs easy for the Number 1 and 2 when they return to the middle vs. kinda fucking them over.
Some days I can get out of the way of markered attacks, some days as soon as the attack starts it's already too late to dodge. Any tips?
Thanks for yet another informational and good laidout video Azu!
You guys need to understand that he is a hardcore raider. Which means he expends four or more hours a day raiding. To a player such as him, ensuring the players around him are as determined as he becomes crucial.
It's perfectly ok to do this research if that is the kind of team you want. I am a casual raider with an informal group, and we don't bother with these things; we usually get clears 1 or 2 weeks after a reliable, clear guide is released, and we are happy with it.
Take the video for what it is, a tool to find the team or be part of a team that accommodates your needs. Do not be offended by it.
Fun Fact: Kaeshi: Higanbana is good in TEA living liquid! SUPER niche, but it has at least one use!
some of them parse purple/orange in savage yet grey in ultimate. Hilarious
Love these videos!! If I can show 1 video to all raiders it will be this.
Some groups refused to give me a chance in DSR. So I went on a rant and people hated me on the forums for saying give people a chance, and that there are other factors that make you a good player despite logs.
The lovely people on the XIV forums said that I am not qualified to do Ultimates and sent all kinds of hate and snarky comments my way. So it only motivated me more.
I cleared UWU and then joined a DSR group. As it happens we had to do 1 session of savage reclears to gear one of our members, which boosted my parse on P4S from grey to 84%. I still don't know how, as I did nothing different. Guess the team comp was good and we also had low deaths with a good kill time.
So to end this long boring comment we eventually made it to Nidhogg in DSR and the very first time I saw him we got him down to 50%. This is where I am now in my journey and we will continue with Nidstinien on Thursday.
I def think Xivanalysis is a better tool than the parse number and color when trying to figure out how you're doing. Esp true if it's later in the tier and you just don't have the gear people are running to get the big numbers.
One thing I would recommend on top of what Xivanalysis will tell you about your own rotation and uses is to identify either a friend or someone with a top parse for the job you are playing and look at their Xivanalysis, specifically the part that shows every gcd they used during the fight and compare it to yours. It can show you what you can do to optimize outside your burst windows how to handle mechanics where you need to disengage, etc and so on.
Don't be afraid to look at a bunch of different people who seem to be getting good results from the job and copying them until it feels natural for you.