I'm Becoming Very Immersed In The World Of Final Fantasy XIV – FFXIV Day 2

Broadcast Date:
March 4th 2024

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5 thoughts on “I'm Becoming Very Immersed In The World Of Final Fantasy XIV – FFXIV Day 2”

  1. these clips make me excited for your journey through the game, i hope you'll see it to the very end and not just in a month's time. i promise you the story is worth it (and la hee is all the way in shadowbringers. i want to watch you play the otamatone)

  2. People when talking about the devs behind ffxiv tend to praise Koji for the localization,but i think its also important to give credit to Kate Cwynar who took over the role of the lead localizer starting with shadowbringers (Koji was Busy working on ff16) and will probably keep doing that role now,shes also typically the one doing the stream live translation now.
    I do also personally prefer Kate as the one giving direction,as some of the …weirder.. localization choices in the english translation happened under Koji (the old Moenbryda minion description among other things)

  3. oh no, he fell into another rabbit hole

    Ps.: It's important to note that this game has animation locks just like fighting games. Even if we call Abilities "off global cooldown" they are not off the animation queue like in WoW, so they never "cancel" and if you press them in a bad time, you will technically be losing DPS. (not that it matters until you start doing the real hard stuff, really)


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