Ihuykatumu Dungeon Sets (FFXIV Patch 7.0)

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My end screen music is from Benjamin Antony James :

0:00 Information
0:10 Fending
0:22 Maiming
0:34 Striking
0:46 Scouting
0:58 Aiming
1:10 Healing
1:22 Casting
1:34 Endscreen

Mary O.
Moldy Cheese
Iris Opranta
Helix Mind

►Buy the Official FFXIV Soundtrack: https://tinyurl.com/buyffxivost
You may use any of my content from my videos as long as you provide credit.
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 – 2020 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.


17 thoughts on “Ihuykatumu Dungeon Sets (FFXIV Patch 7.0)”

  1. Great new vid wolfy. Initially thought it was just a recolor of Paglthan but the headpieces are different. I was wondering, could you dell if the outfits were given the full pass with the graphics update, or just the lighting?

  2. I am going to melt down…
    Paglth'an gear recolor, in the leveling dungeon that makes it infinitely more easier to collect, thanks to guaranteed item drop after clear.
    BUT, it is freaking undyeable. WHY, SQUARE ENIX, WHY? Such unique looking gear, you had perfect opportunity to re-introduce it into the game with tattos being a second dye channel, but, haha, no! Get owned, player, here is another boring recolor with no customization optionsю

  3. It would've been awesome to have these dyeable and have the tattoos still be in there, but they don't 🙁

    They did the same thing with the Ravel Keeper recolor crafted gear for the expac too and I'm madge. No dyes, and no tattoos, and a waste of an amazing gearset just for filling space.


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